I agree to an extent. His dogs game showed “IT”. I think talent wise and ability he is up there with the highly talented at the club. Just needs to find an edge and a want to play, do well, get the ball and a desire to be the man. He needs to not overthink and play on instinct, let the game unfold as it is going to.Ward is simply too passive while playing currently.
He’s clearly a very talented individual and that ability has carried him through his junior career and even at VFL level.
Problem is at AFL level you have to get the ball by either winning the hardball or getting free and demanding the ball on the outside. He finds himself not doing either.
He still gets the ball when it comes to him but he isn’t going out of his way to get it. Which is why he has very quiet days.
Some players just have “it” that bit extra to put their stamp on the game. Ward hasn’t shown any of that so far.