Well done Crows!!

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Congrats to the boys for the win :thumbsu:, i have never seen the boys play like that before was edge of the seat stuff.

Petrenko, Walker and Cook all showed what they are capable of i think as hard as it is Thompson and Johncock will struggle to get a game next week (if Johncock is ready that is) :D
Yes but normally the 'could've gone either way's' always go the other way. Maybe, hopefully, that will balance out this year.
We shoulda had it in the bag, so we let them in and gave them a chance, hence 'could've gone either way'. Fingers crossed we can hold off if similar situations arise.
went to game today fantastic

excellent intensity by the new guys. petrenko, cook, otten dangerfield all excellent, right behind walker for his goal classy.

anyone know when a replay of the game might be shown on foxtel?
I'm so pumped.

I've lost my voice from yelling "**** you Robert Wall, Mike Sheahan etc etc etc" after the game.

So impressed with our ability to deal with the pies coming back, rally and not get intimidated by the lcrowd or scared of making mistakes.

To have such a young team (by our standards at least) it was fantastic.

Dangerfield was rallying the troops in the 3rd, watching him around the ground was amazing. He'll be a leader for sure.

Tex was good early, faded a touch but this will provide a great experience for him.

Just very happy with all the youngsters and all the old fellas too.
Funny, you wait 6 long months for the footy season to come around & then you forget just what effect on your a ticker a thriller can produce, two seasons in a row round 1 games decided by less than a kick. Welcome back football.

Well done AFC, still remember the class act you guys showed after round 1 last year & it's always nice for Collingwood to lose a close one. :thumbsu:

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Re: 8 Point game.................

A massive win by the boys, a genuine 8 point game.............

Good to see such a determined effort to help erase Rd1 last year. Looking forward to seeing the new breed transform our club. The mix of old & new is exciting :)
Good win there. 3 Votes.

Don't know far you will go but Craig does turn out professional game plans & a professional approach to the game. Adl remind me a lot of the Germans, no nonsense, bland, but get results.
Re: 8 Point game.................

As did I, the careful art of moving the hand to the mouth to then blow the whistle. Very nervous stuff.
Enjoy your ban Asguardian!
Funny, you wait 6 long months for the footy season to come around & then you forget just what effect on your a ticker a thriller can produce, two seasons in a row round 1 games decided by less than a kick. Welcome back football.

Well done AFC, still remember the class act you guys showed after round 1 last year & it's always nice for Collingwood to lose a close one. :thumbsu:

I tell you what, I just rewatched the match (parents had it on tape and hadn't seen it yet so I watched it with them, they didn't know the result yet) and even knowing what was going to happen I was still getting worked up. Damn, it's great to have footy back :thumbsu:

I remember last year's match was so heartbreaking. Johnson was a machine in that match.
Close wins against Collingwood, it doesn't get much better than that, the sheer amount of tears would break the drought if they weren't so salty.
Great game to travel to Melbourne for.
Most pleasing is the way we fought back into the game after being about three goals down, especially with such a young group. Top effort.
Crows fans get plenty of stick for being quiet when the team is behind but there were an awful lot of quiet Collingwood fans up until half time.
I tell you what, I just rewatched the match (parents had it on tape and hadn't seen it yet so I watched it with them, they didn't know the result yet) and even knowing what was going to happen I was still getting worked up. Damn, it's great to have footy back :thumbsu:

I remember last year's match was so heartbreaking. Johnson was a machine in that match.
I was on TV....you can play where's WALL-e
I am spewing that I had to leave during the third quarter to go to work. It's awesome to see us be on the right side of a close game for once though! Maybe I should leave games more often when the tide starts to turn. :p

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