Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

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Feb 5, 2009
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
West Coast (AFLW)

We now know what happened and we'd rather we didn't.

It's fair to say it's been a rough few weeks for all things West Coast Eagle. Murders on the ground, Murders at sea, and Murders in space, plus a particularly brutal Murder on the Gold Coast.

Thankfully there's some light at the end of the tunnel. The newly refurbished Mineral Resources Park is ready after that definitely planned controlled demolition a few weeks back, and Trevor Nisbettt (Definitely not a clone) has unveiled a new state of the art Holodeck with full state of the art safety protocols where groups of past and present Eagles or lucky fans can experience anything from playing at a full house MCG to visiting a 1930's SpeakEasy during prohibition to walking on the moon. After passing Quality Assurance it is now time for the first customer testing. Unfortunately a couple of Freagles may have weaseled their way into the first test group, and the safety protocols may have been deactivated.
Freagles - Every night, the Freagles choose a player to murder. They are allowed to murder each-other if they really want to.

Seer - One of the Eagle players is incredibly good at noticing fine details and is pretending to be a psychic as that's easier to explain. Once per night the seer may ask if another player is a Freagle, and receives a yes/no answer.

Doctor - One of the Eagle players is a master in the art of preventative medicine. Every night, the doctor chooses a player who will definitely not be murdered. If that player is murdered during the night, they recover by morning. The doctor may use their ability on themselves. The village only finds out who the doctor protected if that person is murdered during the night. The doctor can save players from the vigilante.

Vigilante - One of the Eagle players has had enough and is going to take out some Freagle trash. Once every two nights, starting on night two, the Vigilante has to choose a player to murder.

Eagle - Everyone without one of the above roles is a vanilla Eagle.

Sequence of play:

Day/Night 1:

Day - Eagles introduce their characters.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Morning - Murder is announced. If the murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murder is successful, the victims role is announced.

Day/Night 2/4/6/8 etc:

Day - Eagles vote to murder one of the players on suspicion of being a Freagle.
7pm - Voting closes. Votes at or after 7 will not be accepted unless they're splitting a tie.
Evening - Role of murder victim is announced. The doctor cannot save someone murdered by Eagles.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Night - The vigilante chooses a target to murder.
Morning - Murders are announced. If one murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murders are successful, the victims roles are announced. It is possible for the Vigilante to murder a Freagle, and for the Freagles to murder the vigilante in the same night.

Day/Night 3/5/7 etc:

Day - Eagles vote to murder one of the players on suspicion of being a Freagle.
7pm - Voting closes. Votes at or after 7 will not be accepted unless they're splitting a tie.
Evening - Role of murder victim is announced. The doctor cannot save someone murdered by Eagles.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Morning - Murder is announced. If the murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murder is successful, the victims role is announced.

End of the game:

The game ends when the last Freagle is murdered, or the number of Freagles is equal to the number of Eagles.

Choose a past or present Eagles player or someone associated with the club and sign up for the game.


wing itMichael Braun
CM9000Tom Hickey
ashley12Ashton Hams
MrKKLewis Jetta
Smeg HeadPaul Peos

The Deceased

BarrybranBen Johnson
gueroCraig Turley (FREAGLE)
DoashueyTony Evans (Doctor)
OMGFridgeTyson Stenglein
RookiePickJack Redden (Vigilante)
squashfaceBrant Colledge (Seer)
MWPPCourtney Darling
Dazzler10David Hynes

As with the previous few games, PM's between players are disallowed. There will be a heaven chat for the dead/game observers.
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Turls was shocked. When he was told Ben Johnson had been murdered he’d expected to see an older black bloke, not this skinny young white fella. He looked around at his fellow prisoners...well, one of them anyway. Courtney looked distraught. She might need comforting later, he thought. He wandered off, humming to himself.
Or perhaps not as shocked as he would have had us believe!

vote:Craig Turley

Still in a reasonable position if the vig whiffs it tonight, as long as they don't pot the doc.

Whoever the doc is should keep their head down and keep saving our seer.
I’d be ok with lynching the vig
Because over the course of the game more villagers will die at the hands of them than evil
It’s lynching the doc which would be disastrous as it would seal squash’s fate
Look if the doc is around and paying attention squash will be around tomorrow and ideally beyond that too
I posted before Squashface's reveal that we're better off without the vigilante IMO and they should sacrifice themselves for the good of the village. Too much risk of hitting the doctor (who doesn't even have the chance to reveal themselves as a last resort).
I didn't really understand either.
Reference to me being the first to jump on
And what I’d have called out as too much interaction in the thread to the point of appearing like staging if it involved anyone but me
Also my attempt at a joke and belatedly getting into character
Or perhaps not as shocked as he would have had us believe!

I had an itchy trigger finger on posting the fan fic, which I wrote last night. I pretty much had to take a walk around the block before hitting the post button this morning. Such quality prose would obviously take some time to compose, so I needed to be cognizant of timing. :p
I vote for guero.

This is going to be a messy game.
I don't think so. We've almost certainly nailed a freagle straight up. As long as the doctor saves Squashy each night (or the Freagles don't bother voting Squashy because they think the doc will save him), we're a decent chance.

The main sticking point now is how best to mitigate the self-inflicted damage from the village vote-off and the vigilante kills. i.e. they have to be steered away from the doc somehow
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I don't think so. We've almost certainly nailed a freagle straight up. As long as the doctor saves Squashy each night (or the Freagles don't bother voting Squashy), we're a decent chance.

The main sticking point now is how best to mitigate the self-inflicted damage from the village vote-off and the vigilante kills. i.e. they have to be steered away from the doc somehow

I mean with all the moving parts. The addition of a vigilante, with the amount of people being killed quadrupling, just adds even more to the mix.

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Can the doctor keep saving me or is it one and done?

I think I won’t post confirmed villagers because that will make it too easy for the Freagle to have targets with nothing to read from it
Every night.

Which makes things real interesting for the Freagles AND the Doc. Do the Freagles target you, knowing they are probably wasting their kill each night? Or do they hunt for the doctor, and if so, does the doctor protect him/herself each night instead of you?
I think I won’t post confirmed villagers because that will make it too easy for the Freagle to have targets with nothing to read from it
This is a good idea, however once the Doctor is killed, I suggest posting everything that you know at that point.

Also, if the village is about to lynch someone that you know is a non-Freagle, maybe make us aware of that.
Turls was pretty bummed out. Not only had he been outed as one of the freagles by some unknown stooge with intangible powers, the group had smashed his thruster. So harsh, man. I mean, sure, he’d killed some young bloke...but to smash a dude’s board? That’s just cold. He looked around at the group. Courtney was staring right at him, triumphantly. He averted his gaze and started hummed the Dees theme song, something he always did when he was nervous.

He waited for his fate, uncomfortably.
Every night.

Which makes things real interesting for the Freagles AND the Doc. Do the Freagles target you, knowing they are probably wasting their kill each night? Or do they hunt for the doctor, and if so, does the doctor protect him/herself each night instead of you?
Classic game of bluff and double bluff between Doctor and Freagles. If it was me I would apply KISS principle and just protect the Seer, playing the odds that the Freagles won't hit the doctor.

I probably wouldn't have outed myself as the Seer straight away with that info UNLESS it looked like I would have been lynched by the group. Obv there is some chance the Seer gets got by the freagles, but that is a risk I would take to buy a few more lucky chances to win the game.

Real question now is if Turley is a freagle, following the game we basically only get one more shot with the Seer before he is off'ed. So we need to figure out who we want to have "seen" before he dies.

I probably wouldn't have outed myself as the Seer straight away with that info UNLESS it looked like I would have been lynched by the group. Obv there is some chance the Seer gets got by the freagles, but that is a risk I would take to buy a few more lucky chances to win the game.

Real question now is if Turley is a freagle, following the game we basically only get one more shot with the Seer before he is off'ed. So we need to figure out who we want to have "seen" before he dies.
Errr, have you been reading the thread properly Ash? If not, and you are the doctor, can you please familiarise yourself with the gameplan? Cheers.

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Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

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