Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

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Feb 5, 2009
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
West Coast (AFLW)

We now know what happened and we'd rather we didn't.

It's fair to say it's been a rough few weeks for all things West Coast Eagle. Murders on the ground, Murders at sea, and Murders in space, plus a particularly brutal Murder on the Gold Coast.

Thankfully there's some light at the end of the tunnel. The newly refurbished Mineral Resources Park is ready after that definitely planned controlled demolition a few weeks back, and Trevor Nisbettt (Definitely not a clone) has unveiled a new state of the art Holodeck with full state of the art safety protocols where groups of past and present Eagles or lucky fans can experience anything from playing at a full house MCG to visiting a 1930's SpeakEasy during prohibition to walking on the moon. After passing Quality Assurance it is now time for the first customer testing. Unfortunately a couple of Freagles may have weaseled their way into the first test group, and the safety protocols may have been deactivated.
Freagles - Every night, the Freagles choose a player to murder. They are allowed to murder each-other if they really want to.

Seer - One of the Eagle players is incredibly good at noticing fine details and is pretending to be a psychic as that's easier to explain. Once per night the seer may ask if another player is a Freagle, and receives a yes/no answer.

Doctor - One of the Eagle players is a master in the art of preventative medicine. Every night, the doctor chooses a player who will definitely not be murdered. If that player is murdered during the night, they recover by morning. The doctor may use their ability on themselves. The village only finds out who the doctor protected if that person is murdered during the night. The doctor can save players from the vigilante.

Vigilante - One of the Eagle players has had enough and is going to take out some Freagle trash. Once every two nights, starting on night two, the Vigilante has to choose a player to murder.

Eagle - Everyone without one of the above roles is a vanilla Eagle.

Sequence of play:

Day/Night 1:

Day - Eagles introduce their characters.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Morning - Murder is announced. If the murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murder is successful, the victims role is announced.

Day/Night 2/4/6/8 etc:

Day - Eagles vote to murder one of the players on suspicion of being a Freagle.
7pm - Voting closes. Votes at or after 7 will not be accepted unless they're splitting a tie.
Evening - Role of murder victim is announced. The doctor cannot save someone murdered by Eagles.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Night - The vigilante chooses a target to murder.
Morning - Murders are announced. If one murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murders are successful, the victims roles are announced. It is possible for the Vigilante to murder a Freagle, and for the Freagles to murder the vigilante in the same night.

Day/Night 3/5/7 etc:

Day - Eagles vote to murder one of the players on suspicion of being a Freagle.
7pm - Voting closes. Votes at or after 7 will not be accepted unless they're splitting a tie.
Evening - Role of murder victim is announced. The doctor cannot save someone murdered by Eagles.
Night - Freagles choose their first murder target.
Night - Seer chooses a target
Night - Doctor chooses a target
Morning - Murder is announced. If the murder is prevented, you find out who was murdered but not their role. If the murder is successful, the victims role is announced.

End of the game:

The game ends when the last Freagle is murdered, or the number of Freagles is equal to the number of Eagles.

Choose a past or present Eagles player or someone associated with the club and sign up for the game.


wing itMichael Braun
CM9000Tom Hickey
ashley12Ashton Hams
MrKKLewis Jetta
Smeg HeadPaul Peos

The Deceased

BarrybranBen Johnson
gueroCraig Turley (FREAGLE)
DoashueyTony Evans (Doctor)
OMGFridgeTyson Stenglein
RookiePickJack Redden (Vigilante)
squashfaceBrant Colledge (Seer)
MWPPCourtney Darling
Dazzler10David Hynes

As with the previous few games, PM's between players are disallowed. There will be a heaven chat for the dead/game observers.
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You said you didn't vote because you were expecting to be whacked.

And that’s why I didn’t, because I knew that it would be better to put myself at the mercy of the village, as they’re the ones who ultimately decide my fate, rather than doing what I usually do, which just confuses everyone (and looks as though I’m putting myself above the village, which I’m not trying to do).

By ”whacked“, I meant lynched.
And that’s why I didn’t, because I knew that it would be better to put myself at the mercy of the village, as they’re the ones who ultimately decide my fate, rather than doing what I usually do, which just confuses everyone (and looks as though I’m putting myself above the village, which I’m not trying to do).

By ”whacked“, I meant lynched.
But letting yourself be lynched would have been detrimental to the village. If you're a villager.
I didn’t vote yesterday just to show you I was innocent, as voting for my own self preservation hasn’t done anyone any favours. I could’ve done so to potentially save myself, but I didn’t, and luckily wing it decided to save me.

I don’t know what else I have to do to prove my innocence.
You could let us know who you think it is, for starters. I don't think you've contributed any strategy at all so far.

I know when I was a Freagle I found the hardest part was coming up with reasons to accuse people I knew were innocent, to keep up my villager appearance. Perhaps you're also struggling with this?

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Braun is of interest to me thanks
It ain't me. Check my posting history, particularly at the start of the game when I pushed the seer plan.

If it isn't Hickey tonight, I don't think it is you either. Which will leave us with one other option.
It ain't me. Check my posting history, particularly at the start of the game when I pushed the seer plan.

If it isn't Hickey tonight, I don't think it is you either. Which will leave us with one other option.
Noone seems to want to jump off hickey which is interesting in and of itself.
But letting yourself be lynched would have been detrimental to the village. If you're a villager.

But you don’t know whether I’m a villager or not, just like how I can’t tell whether you’re innocent, and that fact has gotten me killed. I can say I’m a villager every day of the week, which I have done in the previous games, and yet I’ve been lynched each time.

I know I’m innocent, but when I tried everything in my power to convince people last time, and used that approach, it just ended up with me getting killed. I just can’t be bothered gluing my eyes to my screen trying to convince people for hours on end, so I’m just going to put myself at the mercy of the village, and hope with every fibre of my being that I’m not killed for not being active enough.

You could let us know who you think it is, for starters. I don't think you've contributed any strategy at all so far.

I know when I was a Freagle I found the hardest part was coming up with reasons to accuse people I knew were innocent, to keep up my villager appearance. Perhaps you're also struggling with this?

Not at all, I’ve just been busy, so I haven’t been as invested as I should.

All right, we can eliminate you from the equation, as you’re a confirmed villager.

I don’t remember if ashley12 has been confirmed as a villager. If not, then it’s 50/50 with them as to whether they’re innocent.

Could Smeg Head be a Freagle? I don’t know - right now, he seems to be going against the grain and potentially drawing attention to himself.

Why do you think I’m a Freagle?
But you don’t know whether I’m a villager or not, just like how I can’t tell whether you’re innocent, and that fact has gotten me killed. I can say I’m a villager every day of the week, which I have done in the previous games, and yet I’ve been lynched each time.

I know I’m innocent, but when I tried everything in my power to convince people last time, and used that approach, it just ended up with me getting killed. I just can’t be bothered gluing my eyes to my screen trying to convince people for hours on end, so I’m just going to put myself at the mercy of the village, and hope with every fibre of my being that I’m not killed for not being active enough.

Not at all, I’ve just been busy, so I haven’t been as invested as I should.

All right, we can eliminate you from the equation, as you’re a confirmed villager.

I don’t remember if ashley12 has been confirmed as a villager. If not, then it’s 50/50 with them as to whether they’re innocent.

Could Smeg Head be a Freagle? I don’t know - right now, he seems to be going against the grain and potentially drawing attention to himself.

Why do you think I’m a Freagle?
Why do I think you're a Freagle? A very questionable process of elimination.
Two explanations for why Dazzler was killed instead of me.

1. Dazzler's last act was a preemptive vote for Hickey and he's been consistent in sticking hard to his vote targets throughout these games. Freagle Hickey didn't want to start the day with a guaranteed vote against him, since 3 votes will see him lose the game, maybe less with split votes and abstaining.

2. Someone else is playing a level above and concocted this to frame Hickey. If they have then well done, you've totally owned me and deserve your win. It will be up to Peos to work out who you are tomorrow.

I'm done with overthinking this game so I'm sticking with the simpler explanation. Hickey.

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Eviction 4 - Wait, what?

Tom Hickey
towered over the centre of the group a folorn figure. He'd tried everything to prove his innocence. Sulking? Check. Pretending not to care? Check. Saying he was busy? Check. Waiting for the Eagles to do something really stupid? Check. And yet still the fingers pointed at him. Sometimes life just wasn't fair.

Still. He had something he'd been saving for this moment. He put his hands in his pocket and went to press the button on the Holodeck remote for Flying Laser Sharks.

The was a loud noise that sounded like a giant machine powering down, and the Cockburn ARC disappeared to be replaced by blank walls. A door behind them opened and Trevor Nisbettt (definitely not a clone) marched through flanked by security.

"Thank god some of you are still ok!" he exclaimed, smiling. "It took far too long to take back the controls and get you out. You all must be starving."

"Not so fast Tom." he said, as Hickey started to slink towards the exit. "We saw the tail end of your little murder spree, and if we didn't need experienced rucks in the squad so badly the boys here would have shot you full of holes as soon as these doors opened."

"Also, it turns out mind-wiping is vastly cheaper than cloning, and things are a little stretched right now. Take him away boys."

Hickey was led off by security as Nisbettt surveyed the rest of the group.

"So, apart from all that Freagle unpleasantness, how did you like the new OWWWW!" he cut off as Lewis Jetta punched him in the face and stormed off. The rest of the group shrugged and followed. Surely there was something to eat out here.

Tom Hickey was the Final Freagle and blow me down if the Eagles haven't finally broken their duck. Well played all.
The main consolation prize for logging on late last night and discovering that I had been added to the heaven chat (and thereby lynched) was that I knew Hickey would follow me based on the events of last night :p
Time for the afterparty village :)
Well that was all a bit anticlimactic.
CM9000 you did a fair job with your "why is everyone so mean to me" schtick, I was starting to feel sorry for you! I'm glad you weren't a villager because your constant non-contributing was giving me the shits. Obviously it makes sense now.
The main consolation prize for logging on late last night and discovering that I had been added to the heaven chat (and thereby lynched) was that I knew Hickey would follow me based on the events of last night :p
Time for the afterparty village :)
Yeah, sorry about that, but it was mainly Braun's fault. At least it wedged Hickey into a corner he couldn't escape from.

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Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

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