Western Region Football League Team (Part 2)

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The Western Region Football League (WRFL) was appalled by the incident that occurred amongst spectators at the conclusion of the Division One Grand Final on 6 September 2008. Until this point, a magnificent finals series of Community Football had been enjoyed by the WRFL Clubs, their supporters and the Community across the Western Region over the past 8 weeks.
Violence of any kind on or off the field is not acceptable. The WRFL will not tolerate the safety of players, officials and the general public being put at risk by persons who chose to act in an unlawful manner at its events. There is also an expectation that members of the public who attend these events will comply with the terms and conditions of entry and conduct themselves according to law.
A significant amount of planning, preparation and risk management is put into every game by the WRFL and its Clubs on a voluntary basis. This hard work and dedication can be completely undermined by the actions of a small minority.
In response to this incident, the WRFL has immediately commenced an investigation which will thoroughly review the actions of those involved. The WRFL will co-operate fully with any directions or requests made by Victoria Police. Any person who is believed to have acted in contravention of the WRFL Competition Rules & Regulations will be dealt with under these provisions.
The incident which occurred is not just a football issue, but is reflective of the type of antisocial behaviour that has become common in public places, at community events, on our roads and appears on the news everyday.
In response, the WRFL will be taking strong and affirmative action. The WRFL will be meeting with its Clubs and relevant stakeholders to implement plans to deal with and eradicate all antisocial behaviour at its events. In addition, a campaign to enforce the spectator, player and official code of conduct will be again rolled out and the penalties imposed for any breaches will be severe.
The WRFL is a not-for-profit Community based organisation which has a proudly served the Western Region of Melbourne for over 77 years. Due to the incident of 6 September 2008 currently being the subject of investigation and potential judicial consideration, the WRFL is precluded from making any further comment.
not for profit?? who you trying to kid??
I would just like to say to the Colts thanks for another ripper Grand Final i hope we can lock horns in the big one next year!!!

To every1 out there who got stuck in2 my club ( Spotswood Back 2 Back Premiers 07-08) and my players i would just like to say thanks 4 all your kind words! we're Dogs, we're weak as piss, we're this we're that, well you know where you can stick all those comments!!!!:thumbsu: Go Woodsmen!

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Was told from a pretty reliable source today that it is true.

Your source would appear to be on the money. As far as I have been able to gather, Eames is a certainty.

Aaron Freeland was in deep discussion tonight with an interested suitor over coffee in Creme Cafe in Pier St, Altona. Looked like footy talk, with the other party doing most of the talking.

Could be looking for greener pastures?

Again, you appear to be correct, but if what I am led to believe is true, Freeland was infact talking to Eames.

aaron freeland won't find a greener paddock than grant res. 'freeze won't be going anywhere, and will be working with anthony eames to take the club forward.

Can't judge that yet. Will have to wait and see.

The Western Region Football League (WRFL) was appalled by the incident that occurred amongst spectators at the conclusion of the Division One Grand Final on 6 September 2008. Until this point, a magnificent finals series of Community Football had been enjoyed by the WRFL Clubs, their supporters and the Community across the Western Region over the past 8 weeks.
Violence of any kind on or off the field is not acceptable. The WRFL will not tolerate the safety of players, officials and the general public being put at risk by persons who chose to act in an unlawful manner at its events. There is also an expectation that members of the public who attend these events will comply with the terms and conditions of entry and conduct themselves according to law.
A significant amount of planning, preparation and risk management is put into every game by the WRFL and its Clubs on a voluntary basis. This hard work and dedication can be completely undermined by the actions of a small minority.
In response to this incident, the WRFL has immediately commenced an investigation which will thoroughly review the actions of those involved. The WRFL will co-operate fully with any directions or requests made by Victoria Police. Any person who is believed to have acted in contravention of the WRFL Competition Rules & Regulations will be dealt with under these provisions.
The incident which occurred is not just a football issue, but is reflective of the type of antisocial behaviour that has become common in public places, at community events, on our roads and appears on the news everyday.
In response, the WRFL will be taking strong and affirmative action. The WRFL will be meeting with its Clubs and relevant stakeholders to implement plans to deal with and eradicate all antisocial behaviour at its events. In addition, a campaign to enforce the spectator, player and official code of conduct will be again rolled out and the penalties imposed for any breaches will be severe.
The WRFL is a not-for-profit Community based organisation which has a proudly served the Western Region of Melbourne for over 77 years. Due to the incident of 6 September 2008 currently being the subject of investigation and potential judicial consideration, the WRFL is precluded from making any further comment.

I agree that clubs are responsible for their supporters,by that l mean the ones you know because there the ones who follow and support you through the season. Come grand final day people come out of the woodwork,not just past players and supporters you have not seen in years, but people from 2nd division and other leagues .
The clubs competing do not have the finances to provide security,nor should they have to.If the league is serious about ground security they should dig into their deep pockets and pay for proper security staff and not the woeful dads army l saw cruising around.And don't tell me they haven't got the money, or will they pass the buck and screw the clubs for more fees?:rolleyes:
Well there have been more posts on here in the last 3 days than there had been the previous 3 weeks.
What a great display of guts by the woodsman was just as excited and pumped watching from the sidelines as i was playing last year.
I think the league need to have a hard look at themselves. The last time these 2 teams played there was problems after the game. There have been numerous incidents this year of violence and what has the league done about it? It is time the league steps up to the plate and gets serious on all manners other leagues are watching and laughing at the state of the WRFL. As the top teams pull further away from the weak, soon it will be a 3 team comp. A greater police present is required and the 65kg 5'5 blokes doing security are get to rest a beer on.

All spectators of the WRFL need to take note, if your not there to enjoy the footy stay home. Some of the things that have been said to players including myself over the years is disgracful, supporters often cross the line so i can understand how things get out of control. Again the WRFL have allowed this environment to blossom. Its time to step up to the plate and be accounted for!!!!!
davinci some of your points are true,having played this great game in this shit league you have to expect this shit from supporters take it like a man and laugh at there shit,also played in eastern league yes its a better comp but u still cop shit from the supporters its a part of footy if some blokes arent man enough to laugh at it maybe they shouldnt be playing,punch ons in the crowd have been goin since this game started no i dont condone it but players need to look back and laugh not get involved thats what brings this game into a mockery(our league more like it)
I would just like to say to the Colts thanks for another ripper Grand Final i hope we can lock horns in the big one next year!!!

To every1 out there who got stuck in2 my club ( Spotswood Back 2 Back Premiers 07-08) and my players i would just like to say thanks 4 all your kind words! we're Dogs, we're weak as piss, we're this we're that, well you know where you can stick all those comments!!!!:thumbsu: Go Woodsmen!

Well done Ray and the Spotswood F.C. on a hard fought win. Port had plenty of chances to close Spotty out of the game but didn't take them. By games end l think the colts just ran out of legs. On another note l think field umpire Andrew Fregonese is a disgrace, to stand over a goal umpire (Paul Battaglia l think it was) like he did showed know respect to Paul. :thumbsdown:
Your source would appear to be on the money. As far as I have been able to gather, Eames is a certainty.

Again, you appear to be correct, but if what I am led to believe is true, Freeland was infact talking to Eames.

Can't judge that yet. Will have to wait and see.

Eames was watching Altona Under 18s on Saturday and was seen in conversation with Freezer who was runner for the day. They may not have been impressed with what they saw in the GF but they have had a good year and that group along with those at the Jets may form a good young nucleus in the future. I am sure that Eames will attract some of the boys who played for him at Willy. Just a matter of whether the Senior Club have got he money or they may need to "borrow" some from the Junior Section as they did when they brought the "Dream Team" a few yesrs back !!
I would just like to say to the Colts thanks for another ripper Grand Final i hope we can lock horns in the big one next year!!!

To every1 out there who got stuck in2 my club ( Spotswood Back 2 Back Premiers 07-08) and my players i would just like to say thanks 4 all your kind words! we're Dogs, we're weak as piss, we're this we're that, well you know where you can stick all those comments!!!!:thumbsu: Go Woodsmen!

Scathing attack on Spotty detractors.

Well done on the Premiership. The Heights boys loved the personalised boots too.
Wel well well, hasn't everyone's imaginations gone wild.
Now to what happened after the game, and believe me i have heard at least 25 different versions, Kevin Hiller reads this so i'm sure he will back it up.
Absolutely shattered after losing and seeing my wife crying i seen the umpires and silly i went towards them and abused one of them, i have been reported and will get punished and probably deserve it, but i was gutted and wish i didn't say a word.
Then walking back to my wife a spotswood supporter yelled to me that colts are choking dogs, angrily i ran towards him, jumped up on the fence, but still inside the ground , he backed off and said have a crack, i didn't even through one single punch. My wife grabbed me and said to stop as it was upsetting her and my son. We all walked away and back towards hiller. I then made my way graciously and shoock all the spotty players hands.
Back to the bloke in the crowd he was involved in a scuffle obviously with so called colts supporters, i don't know what happened, although come grand finals there are alot of hanger ons and not all are so called full on port colts people.
I feel i have a good relation ship with all the umpires so in a way i regret the words i used but wish i had of said things differntly.

Well done spotswood on winning the 2008 premiership!!!!

From what i saw the above is an extremely accurate overview of the events i witnessed on the weekend. No mention of kicking the beejesus out of the goal post though, i hope the foot pulled up ok after that one. (!!)

Colts were certainly unlucky however full credit to spotty for fighting it out the way they did and securing the 2008 flag.

For mine, the WRFL are a rock (pardon the pun) in a hard place. If they were to do nothing about the weekend's events, people would be jumping all over them. The minute they release some information on their website about the investigation they cop a bit of a pasting too...??..??

On another note, well done to Sunshine on taking out the reserves grand final. Many people thought that they would not get within coowee of the spotty reserves however the boys put in a massive effort to take the chocolates. Its been a big couple of days for the boys.

Enjoy the off season and get on the hawks.

Eames was watching Altona Under 18s on Saturday and was seen in conversation with Freezer who was runner for the day. They may not have been impressed with what they saw in the GF but they have had a good year and that group along with those at the Jets may form a good young nucleus in the future. I am sure that Eames will attract some of the boys who played for him at Willy. Just a matter of whether the Senior Club have got he money or they may need to "borrow" some from the Junior Section as they did when they brought the "Dream Team" a few yesrs back !!

Mark my words, there will be no financial assistance from the Junior section. Absolutely none. It is not needed, nor do we as a senior club want to take money away that could be used to further develop a thriving junior program.

And in anycase. That ("The Dream Team" as you referred to it) was some 12 or 13 years ago. Alot of things have changed since then.
davinci some of your points are true,having played this great game in this shit league you have to expect this shit from supporters take it like a man and laugh at there shit,also played in eastern league yes its a better comp but u still cop shit from the supporters its a part of footy if some blokes arent man enough to laugh at it maybe they shouldnt be playing,punch ons in the crowd have been goin since this game started no i dont condone it but players need to look back and laugh not get involved thats what brings this game into a mockery(our league more like it)

Astro5 the supercoach

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Rock07 can you please explain why colts have logged a protest and asked for the GF to be replayed? Is this because you can't face the fact that you lost another GF.
From where I was standing OKeefe was taken from the ground right beside their coaches bench.
Rock07 can you please explain why colts have logged a protest and asked for the GF to be replayed? Is this because you can't face the fact that you lost another GF.
From where I was standing O'Keefe was taken from the ground right beside their coaches bench.

Rock , nor myself for that matter handle the admin side of things, seeing as you must be in the loop, you would also know that Spotswood also have the same protest lodged.

Whilst on Spotswood, congratulations to them on a great win.

As you must also know the interchange area is in the front of the coach's box, so I look forward to you being called as a credible witness seeing you have written "right besides the coaches box", keep up the good work, we look forward to getting your details from the moderator and look forward to hearing your eyewitness account of the events-lol
Rock , nor myself for that matter handle the admin side of things, seeing as you must be in the loop, you would also know that Spotswood also have the same protest lodged.

Whilst on Spotswood, congratulations to them on a great win.

As you must also know the interchange area is in the front of the coach's box, so I look forward to you being called as a credible witness seeing you have written "right besides the coaches box", keep up the good work, we look forward to getting your details from the moderator and look forward to hearing your eyewitness account of the events-lol

Obe what result would colts want from lodging the protest? It is just another distraction from a great game of footy?
Rock07 can you please explain why colts have logged a protest and asked for the GF to be replayed? Is this because you can't face the fact that you lost another GF.
From where I was standing OKeefe was taken from the ground right beside their coaches bench.

I'm dissapointed there has been a protest lodge, as i said in previous post i had a beer with o'keefe sunday nite and he himself said he went off in the wrong part of the ground. I personaly think it's a silly rule anyway and definately don't want spotty to loose or have to have a replay because of it. When the siren rang spotty were in front and won the game end of story.
I'm dissapointed there has been a protest lodge, as i said in previous post i had a beer with o'keefe sunday nite and he himself said he went off in the wrong part of the ground. I personaly think it's a silly rule anyway and definately don't want spotty to loose or have to have a replay because of it. When the siren rang spotty were in front and won the game end of story.

Mick Hargraves has stated this protest in the newspaper and wants the game replayed.
There wouldn't be a ground available to be able play a game of footy anyway,cricket pitches are being prepared all over the place.
Maybe as a curtain raiser to the AFL GF?
Rock07 can you please explain why colts have logged a protest and asked for the GF to be replayed? Is this because you can't face the fact that you lost another GF.
From where I was standing OKeefe was taken from the ground right beside their coaches bench.

What is this crap ??

In my humble opinion this is no different to the 30 or 40 times a game that the interchange player runs onto the ground prior to the replaced player being over the line. It is the same as any other rule infringement that is not seen by the umpires. The game goes on !! It went on !! It was won and lost !! Either get in the nets or get down the beach. The weather is great.
Mick Hargraves has stated this protest in the newspaper and wants the game replayed.
There wouldn't be a ground available to be able play a game of footy anyway,cricket pitches are being prepared all over the place.
Maybe as a curtain raiser to the AFL GF?

will take weeks for the boys to sober up
I was at the game on sat if i played for spotty i wouldnt be too proud hanging that medal around my neck, 2 big game changing decisions with 5 min to go didn't deserve the win but thats footy. Need to rotate umps from different leagues for finals, to many umps with memories anyway that my opinion and for the so called brawl nothing in it couple of scratches, should learn to shut your mouth if you dont want trouble.
I was at the game on sat if i played for spotty i wouldnt be too proud hanging that medal around my neck, 2 big game changing decisions with 5 min to go didn't deserve the win but thats footy. Need to rotate umps from different leagues for finals, to many umps with memories anyway that my opinion and for the so called brawl nothing in it couple of scratches, should learn to shut your mouth if you dont want trouble.

good idea this but wont happen, as for the rest yeh thats footy plenty of shit decisions all day.
I was at the game on sat if i played for spotty i wouldnt be too proud hanging that medal around my neck, 2 big game changing decisions with 5 min to go didn't deserve the win but thats footy. Need to rotate umps from different leagues for finals, to many umps with memories anyway that my opinion and for the so called brawl nothing in it couple of scratches, should learn to shut your mouth if you dont want trouble.

To say 2 decisions changed the game is crap the umpiring was bad all day costing goals both ways. The boys are very proud and should be after beating a team that has been in the last 5 grand finals back to back. A few postional changes and a little extra fitness in the last quarter got them over the line nothing else. On the the big decision the goal/point, wrong or right colts where still up by 2 kicks but seemed to drop there heads after that decision. Instead of taking chances like that had all day they looked like they tried to save the game and hold on which never works.

great win boys wish i had been there
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