Western Region Football League Team (Part 2)

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funnily enough, i can say 100% our league bases itself on being a tight ass, money leeching organisation, not sure about the other tho, why wouldnt they put their heads together with the edfl, charge $10 admission, and offer the winner say $10-20k , winner takes all , and settle the score every year, sure the year has finished, mad mondays, injuries, etc etc, but both teams will suffer, what club wudnt like to pick up that sort of money, players play for free, it should be their recognition to their clubs for their efforts, throw in maybe the magoos and 18s, and u prob got 5000 people min, so maybe if batty and co got off their lazy ass's and actually looked into it, it cud actually be a possibility?

Come on Choofa, these are the same blokes that got all excited about a night final and almost hailed it as a miracle. Next they'll be recommending the genius who proposed it for sainthood.
I hear ya mate but don't hold your breath. I admit that running a league is a difficult job but I also agree with a number of your comments. Less penny pinching and more initiative is needed.
Long time reader, first time poster.

Not sure how much posted on here is true but here's my take on the last week and a half's events.

From my vantage point, ball looked almost out on the full but I was up the other end and the wind was blowing. A few people have said ball swung late. Either way, decision stands whether right or wrong.

Yes, some decisions during the day that didn't go the way players/ spectators expected. Doesn't this happen every game?? Apart from the odd decision, most decisions were either correct or you could at least see where they were coming from (some of you I'm sure would beg to differ). Holding the balls were hot at times though.

Rock, you keep saying once the siren went, the result was gone and nothing is going to change that. So why continue on the 1 umpire 'cheating'? I get your point, in your opinion, and many others, the decision making process and possibly the final decision were incorrect. From others, it was the correct call just incorrect process. I don't think you've let it go though. Not getting stuck into you here as you're a respected player in the WRFL. Also haven't been in your position before so don't know how hard it is let those things go.

You mite be right about letting it go....guess i never will, and i'm still waiting to go the tribunal for it.
Also wondering why someone that give the umpires a much more sever spray at half time was not even reported and i know all the umpires heard that, it was also much much worse than the one i give....but it seemed to wrok so well done to the spotty coaching staff there.

As for the league being able to recruit players because of a the incident on gf day or the spotty and glenorden incident i believe that is rubbish
The league is very clean and fair and all games are played in very good spirit in my opinion and i think it has got better every year and i have played since 94.
Just look at the players that came into the league this year, murphy,jacobs,o'keefe.mcghie,hoath back from edfl.
All leagues have issues from country leagues to the EFL[best metro comp]
Aussie rules at any level is very competitive and physical so at times things may go over the top a bit but i don't think any incident has gone to far.
The incident that happened gf day when the police used capsicum spray was not as bad as the one that happened 10 mins later on the ground,it's just that there were alot of people around and then the police used a spray so it got blown out of proportion. Not for 1 minute am i condoning violence but i think people are going a little over the top and that is not because i have been reported either, to be honest i think i should get a few weeks for the abuse of umpires but other than i should be cleared.
The same with spotty/glenorden incident i think it should just be left alone no investagation needed just a warning to both clubs of fines in the future and if another incident occurs fine both clubs, this way it puts the responsability on clubs to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Long time reader, first time poster.

Not sure how much posted on here is true but here's my take on the last week and a half's events.

From my vantage point, ball looked almost out on the full but I was up the other end and the wind was blowing. A few people have said ball swung late. Either way, decision stands whether right or wrong.

Yes, some decisions during the day that didn't go the way players/ spectators expected. Doesn't this happen every game?? Apart from the odd decision, most decisions were either correct or you could at least see where they were coming from (some of you I'm sure would beg to differ). Holding the balls were hot at times though.

Rock, you keep saying once the siren went, the result was gone and nothing is going to change that. So why continue on the 1 umpire 'cheating'? I get your point, in your opinion, and many others, the decision making process and possibly the final decision were incorrect. From others, it was the correct call just incorrect process. I don't think you've let it go though. Not getting stuck into you here as you're a respected player in the WRFL. Also haven't been in your position before so don't know how hard it is let those things go.

You mite be right about letting it go....guess i never will, and i'm still waiting to go the tribunal for it.
Also wondering why someone that give the umpires a much more sever spray at half time was not even reported and i know all the umpires heard that, it was also much much worse than the one i give....but it seemed to wrok so well done to the spotty coaching staff there.

As for the league being able to recruit players because of a the incident on gf day or the spotty and glenorden incident i believe that is rubbish
The league is very clean and fair and all games are played in very good spirit in my opinion and i think it has got better every year and i have played since 94.
Just look at the players that came into the league this year, murphy,jacobs,o'keefe.mcghie,hoath back from edfl.
All leagues have issues from country leagues to the EFL[best metro comp]
Aussie rules at any level is very competitive and physical so at times things may go over the top a bit but i don't think any incident has gone to far.
The incident that happened gf day when the police used capsicum spray was not as bad as the one that happened 10 mins later on the ground,it's just that there were alot of people around and then the police used a spray so it got blown out of proportion. Not for 1 minute am i condoning violence but i think people are going a little over the top and that is not because i have been reported either, to be honest i think i should get a few weeks for the abuse of umpires but other than i should be cleared.
The same with spotty/glenorden incident i think it should just be left alone no investagation needed just a warning to both clubs of fines in the future and if another incident occurs fine both clubs, this way it puts the responsability on clubs to make sure it doesn't happen again.

From what I heard Rock, they'd be mad to leave it alone. The same sh!t will happen again and again until there is no going back.
Putting it back on the clubs and using the threat of a fine is not going to get the club officials to help discourage violent behavior. If any club is put on notice and their membership threatened, then you'll really see the clubs try to do something about it. I hope it doesn't come to that but can't see any other way. 'These things happen' is no longer an excuse. The league has had one of those years where things have got out of hand too often. A tough stand must be taken or we'll end up really being the basket case that people think we are.

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rock,dont no who strongbow and fisjam are but people are on here to talk shit dont take it to heart,so as for people naming there names dont think it required..we wouldnt wont anyone to go and do something silly now would we..

thanks for your support Astro
Come on Choofa, these are the same blokes that got all excited about a night final and almost hailed it as a miracle. Next they'll be recommending the genius who proposed it for sainthood.
I hear ya mate but don't hold your breath. I admit that running a league is a difficult job but I also agree with a number of your comments. Less penny pinching and more initiative is needed.
no smart man in business in their right mind would even contemplate having a night final, im not 100% but heard it only happened due to a double booking of chirnside park, i dont think the decision was a *brains trust* one, these people work for *us* 12 months of the year, ive heard, cant say for fact that certain people get commissions for bringing in new sponsors, to which the clubs hands are usually forced to use their products, and numerous other issues which are only hear say but off reliable sources, there i go having another crack at them, oh while im at it :), lets look into being able to charge admission to get into games , we r behind the times, ok anyway, the isssue of wrfl and edfl has been around for as long as i can remember being in this league, prior to mine being involved, it was the fdl and wsfl, something can actually be done, they have 6 months on their hands to do it, it fails it fails, so be it, but it all comes down to money, why not take a chance and let the dollars talk, bottom line, TOO MUCH HARD WORK!!!!!!!!
no smart man in business in their right mind would even contemplate having a night final, im not 100% but heard it only happened due to a double booking of chirnside park, i dont think the decision was a *brains trust* one, these people work for *us* 12 months of the year, ive heard, cant say for fact that certain people get commissions for bringing in new sponsors, to which the clubs hands are usually forced to use their products, and numerous other issues which are only hear say but off reliable sources, there i go having another crack at them, oh while im at it :), lets look into being able to charge admission to get into games , we r behind the times, ok anyway, the isssue of wrfl and edfl has been around for as long as i can remember being in this league, prior to mine being involved, it was the fdl and wsfl, something can actually be done, they have 6 months on their hands to do it, it fails it fails, so be it, but it all comes down to money, why not take a chance and let the dollars talk, bottom line, TOO MUCH HARD WORK!!!!!!!!

very easy to have a crack at the league re addmission fees to games but its the clubs that have the power to change this.
and its the clubs who have always voted against it when it has been brought up in the past.
i think you will find it is very hard to do.
councils own the grounds and they pull down fences around open spaces not put them up.

cannot see how we can have a gate at our games without gates
St Albans B + F results.
1st- B Hollow
2nd- D Scott
3rd- S Arena

Hopefully Tuppens is a chance for the rookie of the year had a big year and played on some big names and was given the responsibilty of playing on Crackers in the prelim which he did a fair job on.
McKerracher is clearly the most talented out of the nominated but not a full year might cost him.

Who was invited from each club to the league B + F.
We were surprised that Jenkins was our highest vote getting and has been invited.
St Albans B + F results.
1st- B Hollow
2nd- D Scott
3rd- S Arena

Hopefully Tuppens is a chance for the rookie of the year had a big year and played on some big names and was given the responsibility of playing on Crackers in the prelim which he did a fair job on.
McKerracher is clearly the most talented out of the nominated but not a full year might cost him.

As much as I have my money on Perkins, I think Tuppen may pip him for the rookie of the year. He shows great maturity for a young bloke and stands up well under pressure. That is to be expected though, I'm sure he has had plenty of tutiledge from he's family in that regard.
Any news on recruits as yet, plenty of names being thrown around,

Have heard Hoppers have signed former Bulldog Mark West. Also heard that Lara have approached one of spotty's top recruits for their vacant coaching position.
Any news on recruits as yet, plenty of names being thrown around,

Have heard Hoppers have signed former Bulldog Mark West. Also heard that Lara have approached one of spotty's top recruits for their vacant coaching position.

Do you know who the Spotty bloke is but your not saying?
surely rock07 has been to the tribunal by now?
everyone will be sitting at the computer to see whats the outcome?


Thursday, i go to tribunal for abusing the umps, i will plead guilty, will get a few weeks and i deserve it.

Then i got up for an Independant Hearing, for misconduct, still unsure how running to a fence is misconduct but that's the charge will plead not guilty and if found guilty will follow every means possible until i'm cleared.
I believe if i get a fair hearing i should be cleared no way possible could i be in control of drunken crowd behaviour, especially when i left the scene before the fight broke out.
No doubt i'm still alittle nervous about the outcome, as we never know how these things will go, but in my heart if the truth is listned to i should be OK.

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Thursday, i go to tribunal for abusing the umps, i will plead guilty, will get a few weeks and i deserve it.

This is the best thing to do. I personally know one of the members of the Tribunal and honesty will go a long way. Yes you probably will get a suspension for the abusing the umps but you will greatly reduce any penalty you may receive...

I hope you get off the other charge as the league should show some compassion to the situation, and also recognise your contribution to this league.
You didnt hit anyone so as far as Im concerned you did nothing wrong.

All the Best
i dont know rocks past report record but if he gets 12 weeks and he has been rubbed out say 6 weeks in his whole career to date does that mean he's gonski lose of playing permit for getting rubbed out for more than 16 weeks
i dont know rocks past report record but if he gets 12 weeks and he has been rubbed out say 6 weeks in his whole career to date does that mean he's gonski lose of playing permit for getting rubbed out for more than 16 weeks

Has anyone ever lost their permit for the 16 weeks? I know that McCarthy? (or a similar name) from StKilda City recently lost his and got it back on appeal. Another Toothless Tiger?

As for Rock. I don't know that he has done any weeks previously. I am sure he will let us know.

By the way, I asked a few days back for a background on "Bull" Perkins. Does no one know ?
Thursday, i go to tribunal for abusing the umps, i will plead guilty, will get a few weeks and i deserve it.

Then i got up for an Independant Hearing, for misconduct, still unsure how running to a fence is misconduct but that's the charge will plead not guilty and if found guilty will follow every means possible until i'm cleared.
I believe if i get a fair hearing i should be cleared no way possible could i be in control of drunken crowd behaviour, especially when i left the scene before the fight broke out.
No doubt i'm still alittle nervous about the outcome, as we never know how these things will go, but in my heart if the truth is listned to i should be OK.

Seeing as the hearing is at Football Victoria Headquarters (MCG) will the Tribunal and IHC still be made up of WRFL members ? why the venue switch ?
St Albans B + F results.
1st- B Hollow
2nd- D Scott
3rd- S Arena

Hopefully Tuppens is a chance for the rookie of the year had a big year and played on some big names and was given the responsibility of playing on Crackers in the prelim which he did a fair job on.
McKerracher is clearly the most talented out of the nominated but not a full year might cost him.

As much as I have my money on Perkins, I think Tuppen may pip him for the rookie of the year. He shows great maturity for a young bloke and stands up well under pressure. That is to be expected though, I'm sure he has had plenty of tutiledge from he's family in that regard.

Well Obe i know you are a good judge and a smart man .....................

I disagree, i think Jase Perkins will and SHOULD win this award clearly. He has played 18 Senior games this year for 30 goals and several ripping games, including a good Grand Final. Also 2 games in the 2s in early April for returns of 13 and 5 goals. It is obviously difficult for the judges (whoever they are) to vote for this award as they would only see the kids in the radio games. All the players nominated have talent but Jase Perkins as had a much greater impact on the season than the other boys.

As for the League B&F!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well lets not kid ourselves.....If Danny Jacobs doesnt win the medal it would be an absaloute disgrace. I have seen footy in this comp for a couple of years and he has dominated this year like only one other player in the past. Danny is a super player and this year has had no Peer!!!!!!!!!! Brad Julier to finish 2nd a few votes behind D.J. Justin Dorewood for a smokey.
i dont know rocks past report record but if he gets 12 weeks and he has been rubbed out say 6 weeks in his whole career to date does that mean he's gonski lose of playing permit for getting rubbed out for more than 16 weeks

I have only been suspended for 3 weeks, that was about 7 or 8 years ago, if i get more than 4wks for this it would be an absolute disgrace.
Surely i will get weeks for the abuse and i said deservedly so, umps are a very important part of the game, we need them involved so abuse must be discouraged. The other charges are a joke running to a fence and having a brief arguement with an opposition supporter is not misconduct, it will be very interesting to see how the tribunal judges it, spoke with a QC last nite and he thinks it should be thrown out.

Well Obe i know you are a good judge and a smart man .....................

I disagree, i think Jase Perkins will and SHOULD win this award clearly. He has played 18 Senior games this year for 30 goals and several ripping games, including a good Grand Final. Also 2 games in the 2s in early April for returns of 13 and 5 goals. It is obviously difficult for the judges (whoever they are) to vote for this award as they would only see the kids in the radio games. All the players nominated have talent but Jase Perkins as had a much greater impact on the season than the other boys.

As for the League B&F!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well lets not kid ourselves.....If Danny Jacobs doesnt win the medal it would be an absaloute disgrace. I have seen footy in this comp for a couple of years and he has dominated this year like only one other player in the past. Danny is a super player and this year has had no Peer!!!!!!!!!! Brad Julier to finish 2nd a few votes behind D.J. Justin Dorewood for a smokey.

AGREE Perkins should win this easily, biased opinion though
The other charges are a joke running to a fence and having a brief arguement with an opposition supporter is not misconduct, it will be very interesting to see how the tribunal judges it, spoke with a QC last nite and he thinks it should be thrown out.

Sounds like you are talking it down a little with run over to the fence and had a brief argument. I think that they may look at it as you could have started a riot. Do you realise as you sprinted back to the fence 4 or 5 of your teammates headed over your way too along with many Port supporters. Lets be serious it wouldn't have taken much for the whole situation to escalate into a brawl. Nothing did escalate and i hope you do well at the tribunal but thats just how i think they may look at it.
Sounds like you are talking it down a little with run over to the fence and had a brief argument. I think that they may look at it as you could have started a riot. Do you realise as you sprinted back to the fence 4 or 5 of your teammates headed over your way too along with many Port supporters. Lets be serious it wouldn't have taken much for the whole situation to escalate into a brawl. Nothing did escalate and i hope you do well at the tribunal but thats just how i think they may look at it.

Well your wrong about my team mates following me over, we have looked at the dvd, then after i left the scene with my four year old son a fight broke out, I'm not responsable of others action, especially when they were drunk, the league did have bundeburg rum girls around encouraging the alcohol use, are they responsable for others actions?????? What about the person that abused me???? no one could see what was going to happen, the people that fought are responsable.
I'm not trying to talk this down, i believe if i get a fair trail and the league and tribunal are not in cahoots together i will be cleared, but as i said previously we never know how these things go especially when i have heard that a tribunal member told a friend the league wants to deregister me, if they do then give me 13 weeks for abusing the umps but in no way should i be found guilty of the misconduct charge. I never left the arena, never through a punch or was involved in any violence.
Well your wrong about my team mates following me over, we have looked at the dvd, then after i left the scene with my four year old son a fight broke out, I'm not responsable of others action, especially when they were drunk, the league did have bundeburg rum girls around encouraging the alcohol use, are they responsable for others actions?????? What about the person that abused me???? no one could see what was going to happen, the people that fought are responsable.
I'm not trying to talk this down, i believe if i get a fair trail and the league and tribunal are not in cahoots together i will be cleared, but as i said previously we never know how these things go especially when i have heard that a tribunal member told a friend the league wants to deregister me, if they do then give me 13 weeks for abusing the umps but in no way should i be found guilty of the misconduct charge. I never left the arena, never through a punch or was involved in any violence.

I watched 4 or 5 of your teammates start jogging your way whether they got close enough for the dvd or not.

These people who up the abuse when they get a gut full of alcohol personally make me sick. Hear bugger all from them then six cans later they are the biggest heroes in the world.

Depends what they consider misconduct. The dictionary says unacceptable or improper behaviour. The term has a pretty broad definition. Sprinting towards a spectator angry like you were in the middle of hundreds of 1. Upset Port fans, 2. Spotty people who may back the loud mouth up, I would say going by the dictionary you will be guilty, as i said before with what possibly might have eventuated.

The tribunal can come up with some funny decisions. I hope with your good record and what you have done for footy in this league you walk out pleasantly surprised.
Well your wrong about my team mates following me over, we have looked at the dvd, then after i left the scene with my four year old son a fight broke out, I'm not responsable of others action, especially when they were drunk, the league did have bundeburg rum girls around encouraging the alcohol use, are they responsable for others actions?????? What about the person that abused me???? no one could see what was going to happen, the people that fought are responsable.
I'm not trying to talk this down, i believe if i get a fair trail and the league and tribunal are not in cahoots together i will be cleared, but as i said previously we never know how these things go especially when i have heard that a tribunal member told a friend the league wants to deregister me, if they do then give me 13 weeks for abusing the umps but in no way should i be found guilty of the misconduct charge. I never left the arena, never through a punch or was involved in any violence.
just go in there, make your plea, tell them you are retiring, and to give u games will only be a slur on your football record, not a penalty, ask them for a compatible penalty umpiring reserve games, throw the ball back in their court :)
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