Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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Is calling out a particularly racist race racist? Or can you only call out your own race?

Calling out your own race as racist, would be yes racist - even if there are elements within ones own race that actually are racist. Certainly there are a lot of posters on these boards who passionately claim Australians as racist and would therefore be racist. Blinded ideology.

Labelling a whole culture / nation / race as racist is very simplistic and ignorant, as it is not possible that every single person in a nation / race / culture is actually racist. Certainly not by intent anyway.

The whole problem with 'racism' is when one uses definitions to identify 'race'. What annoys me is when a definition is regarded as 'racist' when that is not the intent, i:e the 'race' card, what's worse some will use this even though they know the identifier is not intending discrimination, and that's when the arguments start.

I'm not suggesting intended discrimination does not exist, of course it does, but labelling a whole group as, yeah nah, doesn't fly imo.
Calling out your own race as racist, would be yes racist - even if there are elements within ones own race that actually are racist. Certainly there are a lot of posters on these boards who passionately claim Australians as racist and would therefore be racist. Blinded ideology.

Labelling a whole culture / nation / race as racist is very simplistic and ignorant, as it is not possible that every single person in a nation / race / culture is actually racist. Certainly not by intent anyway.

The whole problem with 'racism' is when one uses definitions to identify 'race'. What annoys me is when a definition is regarded as 'racist' when that is not the intent, i:e the 'race' card, what's worse some will use this even though they know the identifier is not intending discrimination, and that's when the arguments start.

I'm not suggesting intended discrimination does not exist, of course it does, but labelling a whole group as, yeah nah, doesn't fly imo.
A culture isnt a people. Its behaviours. And behaviours can definately be racist. A law banning a certain race of people from entering a store is for instance, a law of a racist culture.

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A culture isnt a people. Its behaviours. And behaviours can definately be racist. A law banning a certain race of people from entering a store is for instance, a law of a racist culture.
What about a law banning traditional practices that we view as abhorrent, such as female circumcision?
A culture isnt a people. Its behaviours. And behaviours can definately be racist. A law banning a certain race of people from entering a store is for instance, a law of a racist culture.

Ok I probably worded that incorrectly, culture is of course a behaviour, however cultures are used as identifiers of people - rightly or wrongly. That happens.

For example if I were to say indigenous footballers are seemingly more dexterous than anglo footballers. That's not intended racism, that's identifying that indigenous footballers are more dexterous. And there's good argument for that, it's not discrimination or praise - it's just an observation.

The problem with this is, some would use that and label that observation as an attack because some would see that as racism. You mentioned earlier how you view 'woke leftists' as racist because they put races into a hierarchy. And I believe there are people who view these observations as a guise to enable one to be racist even when that is not the intent. Sure, there are some that do and just as surely there are some that are merely making observations.

Sometimes the 'racist' card is misused and sometimes that misuse is intended.
And there's not much we can do about that, remember, some would view that cultural behaviour as their right to practice such things.

And if you were to call that out, rightly or wrongly you might be labelled a racist.
I wouldn’t give a sh!t, tbh. Those “some” I would regard as far-left nut jobs only worth ignoring.


That is some cognitive dissonance. rather then address the question you just post incoherant gibberish and respond to points that havent been made. no one is saying woke lefts are racist, let alone more racist, just cost they talk about racism. No one has made that point and its been clearly pointed out to you already that is not the argument being made but you are stuck in a cognitiive dissonance loop unable to break your mind free of it because the real reason people say the woke left is racist is too hard for you to confront. So you dont.

I think you're applying the "leftists are the most racist, because they're the ones always talking about race" view.​
Is your position that we already have equality, so the real racism/sexism is the people who talk about it?​
Do you believe that 'woke' people are arguing for equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity?​

I think you'd struggle with a CAPTCHA at the moment...
I wouldn’t give a sh!t, tbh. Those “some” I would regard as far-left nut jobs only worth ignoring.

Oh I don't disagree with your sentiment, those 'some' are favoured in noisy echo chambers unfortunately but in reality the noiseless centred majority find such practices abhorrent but are tolerant of the 'some'.

In part because it's 2021 and in part because we're a liberal democratic society & we're not into voicing disapproval less the reprisal of 'racism'. Even though that disapproval is justified as far this liberal democratic society is concerned.

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Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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