Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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The recent shootings in Atlanta have highlighted the peculiar tension between Asian-Americans and African-Americans.

Some folks are calling for solidarity between racial minorities allied against white supremacy. But others, presumably sympathetic to the cause of BLM, aren't having it, arguing instead that Asians are just as racist against black folks as the white supremacists and therefore haven't earned solidarity or support.

Check out the replies to this tweet...

BLM is as racist as anything I've seen and is 100% about claiming victimhood, not helping to uplift black people. Hasn't everyone learned this by now?

BTW did anyone hear about this black life?

I doubt it.

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Just to give a little perspective on how much we are all being gaslit by the media, which of these names do you recognise -

George Zimmerman

Darius Sessoms
Off the top of my head (without cheating), was Darius the black dude who shot and killed the 5 year old white boy?
Off the top of my head (without cheating), was Darius the black dude who shot and killed the 5 year old white boy?

Shot the neighbours 5 year old white son in cold blood while he played out the front of his house with his sisters aged 7 and 8.

Now, for double points, what was the boys name?

Why are ‘victims’ like Mike Brown, George Floyd, Philando Castile household names while this poor kid is forgotten.
Why is it?
Because the media is now unashamedly pushing an anti-white agenda.

Violence against white people is forgotten, while those proportionally small number of incidents perpetrated by whites is amplified.

If I say ‘mass shooter’, how many people on here think of a white person?

Here are your mass shooters from 2019-
George Zimmerman

Why are ‘victims’ like Mike Brown, George Floyd, Philando Castile household names while this poor kid is forgotten.

C’mon, there’s a difference. You know the cases that attracted more attention because the shooters were law enforcement (or quasi law enforcement in Zimmerman’s case) and there were concerns with police brutality, unjustified use of force and some perceived differences in how police treat citizens of colour vs whites. The Hinnant shooting was neighbour vs neighbour.

To further illustrate this point, I raise you Justine Damond. White person killed by a black police officer. That certainly attracted a massive amount of attention despite this so called “anti white agenda” you claim exists. It gained attention because it was an unjustified use of force by an officer.
To further illustrate this point, I raise you Justine Damond. White person killed by a black police officer. That certainly attracted a massive amount of attention despite this so called “anti white agenda” you claim exists. It gained attention because it was an unjustified use of force by an officer.

She tapped on the window of a cop car looking for help and was shot point blank by Mohamed Noor. Yet, find me one mainstream media article talking about the black on white racial aspect of the attack. In fact, we got the opposite, they claimed the system was racist for convicting him of 3rd degree murder!!!!

More whites are killed by police than blacks are. You’ve name Justine Damond, name another?

You know why the media has to focus on black deaths during interactions with police? Because the only other people killing blacks are fellow blacks and that doesn’t fit the anti-white narrative.

If white civilians were randomly shooting 5 year old black kids or pushing them off the top floors of the Mall of America, what angle would the media take?
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She tapped on the window of a cop car looking for help and was shot point blank by Mohamed Noor. Yet, find me one mainstream media article talking about the black on white racial aspect of the attack. In fact, we got the opposite, they claimed the system was racist for convicting him of 3rd degree murder!!!!

But you then post a link from a civil rights lobby group and a police union, not “mainstream media”. And maybe they have a point, he’s been sent to prison whereas almost every white cop gets away with it. That cop was the only cop in Minnesota to that time to have been convicted of illegally killing someone.

If white civilians were randomly shooting 5 year old black kids or pushing them off the top floors of the Mall of America, what angle would the media take?

Depends on the motive. Like with the Hinnant shooting. You failed to mention that both the mother and father of the victim came out and said they believe there was no racial motivation in their son’s death, contradicting every right winger desperately trying to make it a racial issue.
But you then post a link from a civil rights lobby group and a police union, not “mainstream media”. And maybe they have a point, he’s been sent to prison whereas almost every white cop gets away with it. That cop was the only cop in Minnesota to that time to have been convicted of illegally killing someone.

Depends on the motive. Like with the Hinnant shooting. You failed to mention that both the mother and father of the victim came out and said they believe there was no racial motivation in their son’s death, contradicting every right winger desperately trying to make it a racial issue.

In the current climate, why on earth would a white family claim their child was kiled due to racism perpetrated by blacks? What good would it do them? They would have their lives made a living hell.

See, this is how it works.

When the victim is white and perpetrator black, there is literally no way the crime can be motivated by race.

When the perpetrator is white and the victim is black, it is always race based.

Why the double standard?

Where was the racism in George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose?
In the current climate, why on earth would a white family claim their child was kiled due to racism perpetrated by blacks? What good would it do them? They would have their lives made a living hell.

Or they could just be telling the truth instead of this white victim narrative you are pushing.

Where was the racism in George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose?

"Just an overdose". Yeah nothing to do with cops applying weight on his neck for 9 minutes. I know about the procedures and training given to law enforcement and associated agencies regarding the lawful use of restraints and physical force applied to the body in Australia. Putting any force against the neck for any period of time is 100% banned.

If you watch the body cam footage at one point an officer check's Floyd's pulse and state "I can't find one" in relation to Floyd's pulse. But the cops continue to apply force to the neck to restrain him for a further 3 minutes. I've also had first aid training, as these cops also would have. ANY lack of a pulse means immediate commencement of CPR or other resuscitation measures.

The mostly highly trained medical professional on the scene was an off duty Emergency Medical Technician. She repeatedly pleaded to the police officers that in her professional judgment the force they were applying to Floyd was unsafe and causing medical distress and she demanded to be allowed to assess his medical status. They disallowed her.

There's clear professional negligence on the behalf of these officers that is clear criminal behaviour. Third Degree murder. They may not have wanted to specifically kill Floyd, but their actions were so negligent and so likely to cause death and they were fully aware that those actions would likely result in death.

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when it tortures your soul.. when you fight against yourself.. when you feel ultimately that someone or various people don't
believe you.. struggling because I haven't had to face racism in and of itself...
The mostly highly trained medical professional on the scene was an off duty Emergency Medical Technician. She repeatedly pleaded to the police officers that in her professional judgment the force they were applying to Floyd was unsafe and causing medical distress and she demanded to be allowed to assess his medical status. They disallowed her.
Please don't lie.

That lady is not an EMT. She wasn't in an sort of uniform at the time and all she was shouting was "check his pulse", while a dozen other people were gathered around shouting aggresively at the officers. I think you can understand why they wouldn't want her anywhere near them.
Please don't lie.

That lady is not an EMT. She wasn't in an sort of uniform at the time and all she was shouting was "check his pulse", while a dozen other people were gathered around shouting aggresively at the officers. I think you can understand why they wouldn't want her anywhere near them.

Nope. You're the liar. here's the evidence:

First off at 9:00 she identifies herself as a firefighter. Now before you start with the "But a Firefighter isn't trained in medicine" rubbish, in the United States EMT services are provided by Fire Departments. All EMTs go through training in things like the injection of drugs, assessment of consciousness and assessment of cardiovascular function to a far higher standard than Police Officers are. A Police Officer in the United States is fully aware that a firefighter/EMT is higher trained in medical assessment than they are.

Ans she was definitely EMT trained as testified in court.

But it is her training that is the real evidence. As an trained EMT she can assess that Floyd was in a state of medical distress. She also knows that his pulse is an issue (as stated also by officers). So she knows as the highest trained medical expert on scene that the officers were not applying the correct procedures. Like she told them to check his pulse, and they refused. She knows they should have at least (which they did but ignored). It's direct witness evidence of criminal behaviour.

There was absolutely nothing stopping the police to allow her to check his pulse, check his airway, check his spinal cord whilst still applying appropriate restraints on the suspect.

No, truth is the cops saw him as just another black guy so they didn't care if he died.

Also cops in the US are power hungry, and a lot of the time dislike other agencies interfering in what they see as their turf. So I can fully believe that these cops knew that she was a firefighter/EMT but still thought "this is our turf, this firefighter can f**k off if she thinks she's going to tell us what to do".

She wasn't in an sort of uniform at the time

Wow, so from now on all off duty doctors, nurses, paramedics, trained first responders are banned from applying first aid because they can't be identified. Hope your loved one hasn't been choked off from a knee on his neck and the only person around is a paramedic out of uniform.....

all she was shouting was "check his pulse"

"All she was shouting"??? A pulse is one of the most, if not the most important vital sign. Not doing so is criminal negligence.
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Wow, so from now on all off duty doctors, nurses, paramedics, trained first responders are banned from applying first aid because they can't be identified. Hope your loved one hasn't been choked off from a knee on his neck and the only person around is a paramedic out of uniform.....
Yes. Exactly right.

If you are apprehending a 6ft 200 pound dangerous felon, you do not let some random attend to him just because they claim they are some off duty firefighter.
Did the autopsy find any evidence of someone dying of asphyxiation? Yes or No
Did they find fentanyl and meth in his system? Yes or No
Did he have hypertension? Yes or No
Did he have cardiac disease? Yes or No
Did he have COVID? Yes or No

I wonder why the media is not highlighting any of this.
C’mon, there’s a difference. You know the cases that attracted more attention because the shooters were law enforcement (or quasi law enforcement in Zimmerman’s case) and there were concerns with police brutality, unjustified use of force and some perceived differences in how police treat citizens of colour vs whites. The Hinnant shooting was neighbour vs neighbour.

To further illustrate this point, I raise you Justine Damond. White person killed by a black police officer. That certainly attracted a massive amount of attention despite this so called “anti white agenda” you claim exists. It gained attention because it was an unjustified use of force by an officer.
The Justine damond case wasnt nearly as big as this. Her name is known in Australia because she was an Australian. The George Floyd incident garnered worldwide protests and even got entire governments to simply set aside restrictions on gatherings at the height of the pandemic to enable the protests.
Did the autopsy find any evidence of someone dying of asphyxiation? Yes or No


Did they find fentanyl and meth in his system?

Multiple autopsies stated the presence of some of those drugs in his system did not contribute to his death.

Did he have hypertension?
Did he have cardiac disease?

Those same autopsies stated those conditions were not the primary cause of death, that was a homicide caused by cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression

Did he have COVID? Yes or No

Yes, but as the autopsy concluded it wasn't a factor in his death.

I wonder why the media is not highlighting any of this.

As all those links I've posted prove they have, so again your "mainstream media are lying to us" conspiracy theory is exposed as a lie.
Did the autopsy find any evidence of someone dying of asphyxiation? Yes or No
Did they find fentanyl and meth in his system? Yes or No
Did he have hypertension? Yes or No
Did he have cardiac disease? Yes or No
Did he have COVID? Yes or No

I wonder why the media is not highlighting any of this.
Because it doesn't matter.

They knelt on a guy's neck for 9 minutes. There's zero reason that's necessary or ok. No attempt to de-escalate and sit him up once cuffed etc. It's negligence. No amount of hand-wringing will change that. There's no defending it and I don't understand why anyone would try. It's pretty gross.

Multiple autopsies stated the presence of some of those drugs in his system did not contribute to his death.

Those same autopsies stated those conditions were not the primary cause of death, that was a homicide caused by cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression

Yes, but as the autopsy concluded it wasn't a factor in his death.

As all those links I've posted prove they have, so again your "mainstream media are lying to us" conspiracy theory is exposed as a lie.

Is it considered prone to bias when the family commissions an autopsy, as opposed to having it done by the state?

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Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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