Roast Why did Christine Zeitz quit Koch’s board the day after Tredders’ ‘untenable’ comment?

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Why did Christine Zeitz quit Koch’s board the day after Tredders’ ‘untenable’ comment?

Christine Zeitz was too good for the Alberton board room. She was too smart, had too many other mind-stretching things to do than to accumulate hours idling in the same room as David Koch, whom she obviously didn’t think much of, hence her exit. Sit both of them down facing each other for a few minutes, listen to them talk, and it won’t take any longer to decide which was the dux of the class and which was the dunce.

The name of Christine Zeitz was on a short list of names given to Matt Richardson by his ex-brother-in-law Steven Marshall in 2020. She was at the time a volunteer economics advisor to the SA Govt. For her day job she covers parts of Asia as a senior operative for Northrop Grumman, whom I remember from my childhood love of Battler Britton comics used to build fighter-bombers. I would not be surprised if Christine knew how to fly one.

Whether she actually ‘flew’ out of Alberton the day after Tredders went ‘bang’ post round 3, I’m not exactly sure. I know I’m close. It may’ve been the day before, it may have been on the same day. REH will know. I felt let down when I saw that she’d given up on the club. Obviously a decision-maker like Christine did not fit at PAFC any more than I would. She represents the adage that ‘the good ones go quick, the no-hopers hang around’. Our club (notice I’ve dropped the capital ‘C’) has its unfair share of no-hopers. In Fos-speak these are the ones that are only there for the fun, for the good time, for the fake prestige, for far too bloody long.

In this category we have, squatting at the top, David Koch, with the pointy end of the pyramid up his arse. I’ve given him enough nicknames, but there’s always room for one more. Over the weekend I watched ‘Band of Brothers’ again on Netflix. All ten episodes. Having served in the military myself I have a feel for such entertainment, especially if it’s authentic. I size up each character as if I was still wearing a uniform myself. David Koch is our Captain Sobel.

We have Eddie’s CEO who’s had his eye on Koch’s chair since October 2012. Any club that keeps a conflict of interest like Cos Cardone on its board is a club that is under the surface too frightened to recognise what is the right thing to do let alone do the right thing. Such a club is a loser club. Such a club is a club that can’t make a Grand Final, not one, and has no idea why. In eleven seasons. Give me a break.

We have Jamie Restas. Who he? He be Koch’s No. 2, assuming Koch can count that high. Restas’s responsibility is corporate governance. I’m convinced he’s never seen those two words on paper in his life, let alone written them on the back of his hand, let alone be able to spell them. Any senior director of any national sporting organisation who allows a greyhound clique, led by the senior coach and including the GM Football, plus certain senior most-favoured players, to operate in such an inside environment as its core football department should be allowed nowhere near corporate governance; the Braille department is the place for such an oxygen thief. West Lakes is another.

Koch announced Hinkley’s latest extension at the time he did on the grounds that no club in its right mind would go into finals with its senior coach unsigned. In our case that didn’t apply, because Hinkley had a contract until the end of the season. Why look further? We would be stupid to burden ourselves with such a distraction, an unsigned senior coach, in finals, was Koch’s rationale. We’ve never done it before, why start now, after eleven years? Mediocrity is fine when you get used to it. Well, guess what, Captain Sobel, the club has been burdened with distractions ever since you marched on to Adelaide Oval as the siren was about to blow to start the game, round 2 2015, and set about distracting the goal umpire as the ball was bounced with you still obstructing the field of play. If there was any confusion, any doubt left that you were and still are a fool, Captain Sobel, that moment eliminated it. How’s your map-reading coming along? You’d need one getting from Bungan Beach, I reckon. Try losing your way next time. Make us all happy.

I am disgusted with this rabble called Port Adelaide Football Club. My lifelong passion for it up to this point, sort of, I hope, has been demonstrated. PAFC has wasted too much of my life, and I ain’t got an ounce of excess left. Most assuredly I have no time left for what Einstein defined as insanity and I define as stupidity - keep on doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. It takes intelligence to pick up on that. The last of our intelligence went out the door with Christine Zeitz.

We had a real shot at China, and we still wear the MG octagon because of it. Koch had nought to do with that. Our China venture fell foul of other no-hopers, too, namely Trump, Bannon, ScoMo, Dutton and Barnaby Joyce. Turnbull started well but ended a disaster. The name of David Koch fits in with that gang like a mortice and tenon. Losers all. Misfits all. No-hopers all. Fakes the lot of ‘em.

In 2020 I supported Richo for CEO. In 2020 there was no point, I felt, in searching widely for an alternative. We were under attack from covid. The world was in its bunker, there was no money to conduct a proper search and any worthy candidate was in his or her own bunker. So I gave Richo three years. I gave him advice, too. Now I give him some more advice. Your three years, they be up, mate.
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You know things are bleak when LR has given up on the club. Some way, somehow, we need to take this club back from the AFL and the current bird. How we do that when they have all the leverage is another thing though.
Why did Christine Zeitz quit Koch’s board the day after Tredders’ ‘untenable’ comment?

Whether she actually ‘flew’ out of Alberton the day after Tredders went ‘bang’ post round 3, I’m not exactly sure. I know I’m close. It may’ve been the day before, it may have been on the same day. REH will know. I felt let down when I saw that she’d given up on the club. Obviously a decision-maker like Christine did not fit at PAFC any more than I would. She represents the adage that ‘the good ones go quick, the no-hopers hang around’. Our club (notice I’ve dropped the capital ‘C’) has its unfair share of no-hopers. In Fos-speak these are the ones that are only there for the fun, for the good time, for the fake prestige, for far too bloody long.
She officially resigned Monday the 3rd of April after we lost the showdown on Saturday night 1st April. Tredders went bang on his podcast around midday 3rd of April.

She may have been pondering it for a while, but no doubt the Showdown loss was the final straw. These things aren't coincidence.

The Form 484 was lodged on 4th April. From Page 2 of Form 484.

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Such a loss, Christine would have made an excellent president/chairperson with her business savvy in a male dominated industry.
Well Tredder's did say that you are subjected to "training" when you are asked to join the board. What that entails, who knows.
Koch taking 'training' for the board session

colin mochrie flirt GIF
LinkedIn bio lists her departure from the club board and says she is still "part time, remote" on the AFLW football committee.

It's possible LR has intel he can't share, but it's also possible the resignation date is a co-incidence - "work happens" for folks on a few boards let alone for someone juggling a CEO/GM role in a defence contractor while a significant war is ongoing... sometimes people rebalance their commitments when another one kicks in. I know of one PAFC board member who resigned for that exact reason. Well that one was not defence related but the point stands. Rotten as we all agree Koch is he may not have been the trigger.

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LinkedIn bio lists her departure from the club board and says she is still "part time, remote" on the AFLW football committee.

It's possible LR has intel he can't share, but it's also possible the resignation date is a co-incidence - "work happens" for folks on a few boards let alone for someone juggling a CEO/GM role in a defence contractor while a significant war is ongoing... sometimes people rebalance their commitments when another one kicks in. I know of one PAFC board member who resigned for that exact reason. Well that one was not defence related but the point stands. Rotten as we all agree Koch is he may not have been the trigger.
There is no doubt her workload was the major reason for resigning from the board.

Officially resigning 9 days after we were embarrassed at the MCG by Collingwood, in front of 60k, the biggest home and away crowd we have ever played in front of, when the PB reconciliation of sorts, was raised a couple of days before the game by Collingwood Prez Jeff Browne and said yeah you can wear it in the showdown, and 2 days after we capitulated in our HOME showdown wearing the PBs, isn't coincidence.
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
- Muhammad Ali

It’s becoming increasingly clear that our Board is not up to scratch. One of the key capabilities for any board member is the ability to assess and embrace risk.

The willingness to embrace risk has absent at the strategic level as exemplified by:
  • continued statements of wanting “stability” at the club
  • repeated extensions Hinkley’s contract despite a lack of success “who else are you going to get”
  • re-signing Hinkley pre-finals this year, on its own a poor decision given the Board’s strategic plan of 3 premierships by 2025 meant requiring a three-peat starting no later than this year
  • internal candidates being selected for key positions: Richardson, McKeown then Graham, Chadbro, Goldsack
  • parachuting yes man Wanganeen into the member’s Board seat while rejecting a potential dissenter in Tredrea.

Now I understand that COVID materially reduced the risk appetite of most corporate boards, and as such any one of the aforementioned decisions may be the most appropriate choice. But when viewed holistically, it becomes obvious that our board is too scared to engage with risk.

If every variable in the equation is held constant, the solution never changes. You value stability in the senior coach and want to keep Hinkley around? Fine, but this must be balanced by engaging with risk elsewhere to avoid getting the same answer: failed season. Why then the back to back internal elevation to head of high performance? Why not a shake-up in list management? If it’s not the coaches, and high performance is up to standard, then surely the list has been poorly developed/managed.

The board released their strategic vision of 3 premierships by 2025. They have failed to execute this vision. Their positions must therefore be, to borrow from WGT, untenable.
LinkedIn bio lists her departure from the club board and says she is still "part time, remote" on the AFLW football committee.

It's possible LR has intel he can't share, but it's also possible the resignation date is a co-incidence - "work happens" for folks on a few boards let alone for someone juggling a CEO/GM role in a defence contractor while a significant war is ongoing... sometimes people rebalance their commitments when another one kicks in. I know of one PAFC board member who resigned for that exact reason. Well that one was not defence related but the point stands. Rotten as we all agree Koch is he may not have been the trigger.
I no longer have intel I can’t share. I used to do that, share intel, here and there, and Koch sacked me as volunteer China advisor for it. It revealed to me the depth of his shallowness. Maybe I was purposely plumbing for a reaction.

REH will have deeper insight into Christine’s departure from the board than I do. I go mainly on feel these days, something Koch has never had.

Christine’s resignation as director was building for a while. That’s something I do know. She was solidly into the W side of the club, and she and Holly Ransom and Kathy Nagle had formed an effective team between them. We can see that with the standard of the W management on the club staff.

Was Koch the trigger? Of course he was. Maybe not a hair-trigger, more a slow squeeze trigger, but definitely the trigger.

Likely, after rounds 2 and 3, and then Tredders sounding off, Christine decided she didn’t want to be at the next board meeting, and quit. She would’ve had better, more serious, things to spend her time on. Like world peace, dream that it is.

I understand that at the end of last year the board took a vote on Hinkley. Koch didn’t like it and went on TV unilaterally to announce his decision on Hinkley. I understand certain board members were very unhappy about that, and I’d be surprised if Christine wasn’t one of them. Pressure on the trigger either began then, or increased then.

This is my feel. I know what Koch is like. I‘d reckon that Richo was involved in getting Christine on the board and she agreed believing that Koch would behave himself. He never has. He never will. And that’s the heavy weight Richo has on his shoulders now, when it comes to Football. What Richo is doing is hiding behind W and The Precinct and the rest of the Redevelopment.

Once this phase of the Redevelopment is done, then comes the bowling green club corner which will take a year or two. He will continue to hide behind non-Football distractions for as long as Koch hangs around. I don’t envy him.

This recent membership ‘surge’ has me unimpressed. The club is playing Crows-type silly buggers. If Football was under control our membership would be 80,000 minimum.
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“The Port Adelaide Football Club hates losing, and especially finals.“

This is what the CEO has led with this morning.

It says it all, without saying what he meant.

The Port Adelaide Football Club hates losing, and especially hates finals.
“The Port Adelaide Football Club hates losing, and especially finals.“

This is what the CEO has led with this morning.

It says it all, without saying what he meant.

The Port Adelaide Football Club hates losing, and especially hates finals.

Chief English Officer? ;)
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
- Muhammad Ali

It’s becoming increasingly clear that our Board is not up to scratch. One of the key capabilities for any board member is the ability to assess and embrace risk.

The willingness to embrace risk has absent at the strategic level as exemplified by:
  • continued statements of wanting “stability” at the club
  • repeated extensions Hinkley’s contract despite a lack of success “who else are you going to get”
  • re-signing Hinkley pre-finals this year, on its own a poor decision given the Board’s strategic plan of 3 premierships by 2025 meant requiring a three-peat starting no later than this year
  • internal candidates being selected for key positions: Richardson, McKeown then Graham, Chadbro, Goldsack
  • parachuting yes man Wanganeen into the member’s Board seat while rejecting a potential dissenter in Tredrea.

Now I understand that COVID materially reduced the risk appetite of most corporate boards, and as such any one of the aforementioned decisions may be the most appropriate choice. But when viewed holistically, it becomes obvious that our board is too scared to engage with risk.

If every variable in the equation is held constant, the solution never changes. You value stability in the senior coach and want to keep Hinkley around? Fine, but this must be balanced by engaging with risk elsewhere to avoid getting the same answer: failed season. Why then the back to back internal elevation to head of high performance? Why not a shake-up in list management? If it’s not the coaches, and high performance is up to standard, then surely the list has been poorly developed/managed.

The board released their strategic vision of 3 premierships by 2025. They have failed to execute this vision. Their positions must therefore be, to borrow from WGT, untenable.
We exist to be carbon neutral and risk averse 😀👍
Great thread and this type of resource is why we've had several very knowledgable callers (inc REH) to different media outlets in the past few days. We are a collective of misfits that each bring some pretty deep insight into our club and the machinations behind it and anyone with access to it has strong evidence at hand that there is something not quite right. Things aren't adding up.

I am convinced that we are under an 'administration' of sorts. AFL directed and aimed at shoring up our foundation as SA Franchise #2. Stability and austerity are the key pillars of the club right now. Don't rock the boat, don't lose any money, and keep the clappers clapping and swaying to the hypnotic strains of INXS.

Wilson, Whateley, and Kornes all have been shown to be extremely hypocritical with their wavering stance with regards to Hinkley and his tenure as our coach. It's clearly a directive from somewhere. Kornes could be just a mouthpiece for the club, with his connection via Chadbro. Caro and Gerard though, theirs is direct from AFL house. Gerard's mini-rant towards us Port supporters keeping us in our place gave that away.

We're seen as a cash cow for the greater good. We provide an alternate home game into the SA market, play our role as Washington Generals to your Richmonds, your Geelongs, your Collingwoods, and soon to be your Carltons, your Essendons, etc, and we pad out the season for an ever increasing broadcast rights deal. We're not meant to actually win.

Positive H&A record, mid table membership numbers, better than breakeven home crowds, being good AFL citizens by getting back in our box about the Prison Bar guernsey when told to, and a range of other 'soft' metrics are our goals.

We're becoming Fremantle.
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Wilson, Whateley, and Kornes all have been shown to be extremely hypocritical with their wavering stance with regards to Hinkley and his tenure as our coach. It's clearly a directive from somewhere. Kornes could be just a mouthpiece for the club, with his connection via Chadbro. Caro and Gerard though, theirs is direct from AFL house. Gerard's mini-rant towards us Port supporters keeping us in our place gave that away.
The ch9 football shows are all made by McGuire and our ****wit board member so there is no chance of someone like Wilson saying a bad word about the place
The ch9 football shows are all made by McGuire and our ******* board member so there is no chance of someone like Wilson saying a bad word about the place
Spot on Alonzo!

Cardone is a malignant tumour inside the club the toxicity of which cannot be imagined.

He is not just a mole for McGuire inside our Berlin bunker he is representative of every-bloody-thing the club under Big Bob McLean refused to represent.

How has he escaped media scrutiny so long? Because he’s a media lizard and so is Koch.

These worms, as well as Hinkley, are Tredders’ targets. But why only Tredders?

Why only Tredders?

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Roast Why did Christine Zeitz quit Koch’s board the day after Tredders’ ‘untenable’ comment?

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