Why have the Olympics lost their appeal, or have they?

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And being naked. What happened to the nekkedness?

But what would the men have to watch!

Watching some beef up nudie blokes wrestle greco roman style would be an interesting site. Unfortunately for you Shell, if we were to revert to the original Oylmpics you would not be allowed to view any of the action! :)

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No. They wanted to try get an early lead for a psychological edge. Was never going to work.
Depends on the situation.... When Australia won their olympic relay gold in 2000 Klim broke the world record on the first leg. America took over but Thorpe ground them down to take the win.

I've never understood the faster swimmer/runner takes the last leg theory.... It's not like the previous athletes fatigue passes on to the next athlete.
Reading about the games, you get the feeling that they are at a bit of a tipping point at the moment. Already it's becoming difficult to find places that wish to host the winter games, and cities are thinking twice about bidding for the summer games, put off by the mind boggling price that comes with hosting it. That's before you take into consideration the very public backlash by the athletes when it comes to drugs, which I can only assume is a protest against the unwillingness of people who are running the sports, and he should be acting in it's best interests, to do anything about it.
I also think that some of the rivalries, China, Russia, and the US in particular are returning to Cold War levels of hostility, which may also explain some of the inaction on the whole PEDS thing as well.
20 gold medals ain't a bad effort.
If he was a nation who would rank 39th in the all time medals list.

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Butterfly would have to be one of the first things to go once one hits puberty/teen years. Instantly becomes more difficult to last a lap, and there is no surer way to feel pathetic than revisiting it as an adult.
There was usually only a few competitors in the Butterfly at school swimming carnivals as hardly anyone could do it properly.

One of my mates entered a race once even though he was shit at it and after a couple of strokes he started to jump up off the pool floor which worked OK in the shallow end but he was screwed once he got down towards the deep end, was hilarious to watch.
Wow I was actually thinking today what happens if there is a dead heat at the Olympics and there was one in swimming apparently.

Yeah it happened in Cate and Bronte Campbell's race, there was two gold medals, two anthems, no silver and a bronze.

That was a good one. That Oleksiak will be all over the news here tomorrow. Cate Campbell seems to struggle with the pressure.

She is only 16 years old too, pretty incredible to be winning an Olympic gold at that age.

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