Why have the Olympics lost their appeal, or have they?

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So 2 gold medals are given out, then a 2nd and a 3rd? So technically the Campbell one came 5th not 4th?
Two golds, no silver, a bronze. Then fourth, fifth etc.

There was a dead heat for bronze earlier in the week. One of the swimmers didn't know she had won a medal (she just saw her name listed fourth on the board and didn't notice the dead heated times) until she was being interviewed after the race.
Perth gal

- watching 4th quarter dogs v pies
- switch over to 7mate in an ad
- I see one vault. One.
- Switch back to footy for the last 5 mins of the match
- switch back to 7mate as soon as final siren goes
- golf is on.
- golf.
- Golf.
- Golf
- Golf

I ****en give up.
Footy was a great match but.
Da hell is going on with the diving pool, smells like fart now apparently.


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I thought Australia was a little disappointing in the pool. Hoping the track cyclists can do well.
watching the team pursuit with british commentators was galling enough...

commentator: "Australia have started a little slow"
we pass the first lap in front

we took the gap from ~0.3 to ~0.6 on one lap
commentator: "Australia edging slightly further ahead"

Gap goes from ~0.6 to ~0.5 a few laps later
commentator: "Britain now slicing into australia's lead"

And then the british pricks ending up winning :rolleyes:
Stayed up to watch womens 10,000m and was glad I did.
Phenomenal performance to break the WR by 14 seconds, the first 4 runners broke the old world record.
For a long distance race that could be considered boring to watch, seeing the Ethiopian runner move around the track lapping other runners was amazing.
Of course, ultimately the doubters come straight out with the accusations including the 12th place Swede runner.
Stayed up to watch womens 10,000m and was glad I did.
Phenomenal performance to break the WR by 14 seconds, the first 4 runners broke the old world record.
For a long distance race that could be considered boring to watch, seeing the Ethiopian runner move around the track lapping other runners was amazing.
Of course, ultimately the doubters come straight out with the accusations including the 12th place Swede runner.
Nature of modern games I'm afraid, and the organisers really only have themselves to blame.
Can't say i'm not surprised about the accusations after the 10,000m. Breaking the world record by 14 seconds in your second competitive race at the distance is going to raise a few eyebrows.

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