Society/Culture Will the people rise?

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Just came across this...

If we work under the assumption that as with most things, we Australians will simply follow the US lead, according to this bloke, we could be looking at a 12 to 18 mth period of lockdown.

Surely, surely, the idea of a Stage 3 quasi Police State lockdown (such as we are now experiencing) lasting that long, is something which is completely and utterly outside the realms of acceptable reality for most Australian’s.

I personally think we are going to start seeing some awful stuff coming out just within the next month or so...surge in suicides, major spike in domestics gone fatal, neighbourhood squabbles gone fatal, people in apartment complexes reporting ‘strange smells’ from neighbouring apartments etc etc. I don’t even want to think what the effect of six months of this is going to be. And this guy is on about 12 to 18 months of it?

Surely at some point, the police have to back off, or at what can we expect some kind of civil uprising amongst a population who simply don’t want to live under a police state and just want their lives back?

When would the people rise?

View attachment 854765

Only if people follow the rules and when a vaccine is ready will this lockdown be totally over. People won't feel totally comfortable with any of this until the vaccination sits inside the annual flu shots.
The nature of the virus whether it is a fadeaway one, or whether it really is something that stays on, then the human being in all of its nations will have no choice but to keep up reasonable health and hygiene standards, and look after themselves, which in lots of cases some people are either too frightened to have regular check-ups, or don't care about themselves or their health or are the stupid ones that think nothing will happen to me!
Lots of men are frightened bludgers, who won't go near a doctor, why is that, scared to find something out and end up with no answer if something bad goes wrong, an ounce of caution is worth a ton of cure! Then some are stupid and won't follow the rules of engagement with this virus.

A time frame, for this virus, is not worth the energy you use, to predict an end or relaxing rules time, because this is brand new and all the professor's experts scientists are all simply going on what's gone before with any serious virus. They don't know, yet. But you'd have to be thick-skinned not to get annoyed with the continues expert opinions that get thrown around by the media, who as per usual don't give a stuff about helping, just making provocative headlines.
So don't guess, just follow the setup, for however long it takes.
I think that the USA might have been thinking lately, that they may have been wise to follow our lead, even with us being late to close our borders!
They are in fairly bad trouble!
I get that conspiracies are fun; but you do realise that theres no point in being a despot of a nation that has no economy or production behind it right? Where you dictacte instructions to people who cant enact them out because they leave their house.

None of the powers that be are reaping anything from these lockdowns, and are in fact going against them, instead urging you to die for the dow.

Sometimes its just a shitty situation.

That's the key, lives or money?
But everyone even greedy bastards have family they care about, and those that don't give a stuff about anyone are a tiny minority and will be about the place anyway any time anywhere. They always have, they'll get found out sooner or later.

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Actually if we got close to 100% compliance with the rules (which implies we know the detail of the rules which is a poor area) then the rules wouldn’t need to be quite as strict
I get that conspiracies are fun; but you do realise that theres no point in being a despot of a nation that has no economy or production behind it right? Where you dictacte instructions to people who cant enact them out because they leave their house.

None of the powers that be are reaping anything from these lockdowns, and are in fact going against them, instead urging you to die for the dow.

Sometimes its just a shitty situation.

Are you kidding? Look at how many African despots became billionaires.
Nsw minister at outdoor press conference announces $5000 for any disgraceful ‘coughing or spitting on anyone’

finishes up by huge hgrhyysgggg Cough over lectern, which two no three other guvment people then speak from.

I kid you not can’t make this shit up ABC news 12pm friday

ok it’s a bit of fun not serious but speaking from the same lectern? Surely it’s not a good idea

Boris and our feds are smarter having seperate lecterns
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I don’t think it’s out of bounds to ask some of the questions that are being raised here. But you should know that this is not merely “effecting 80 year olds”. In the states, just over 25% of the severe cases involve people under the age of 50. And a significant portion of that group is under 40.
Just came across this...

If we work under the assumption that as with most things, we Australians will simply follow the US lead, according to this bloke, we could be looking at a 12 to 18 mth period of lockdown.

Surely, surely, the idea of a Stage 3 quasi Police State lockdown (such as we are now experiencing) lasting that long, is something which is completely and utterly outside the realms of acceptable reality for most Australian’s.

I personally think we are going to start seeing some awful stuff coming out just within the next month or so...surge in suicides, major spike in domestics gone fatal, neighbourhood squabbles gone fatal, people in apartment complexes reporting ‘strange smells’ from neighbouring apartments etc etc. I don’t even want to think what the effect of six months of this is going to be. And this guy is on about 12 to 18 months of it?

Surely at some point, the police have to back off, or at what can we expect some kind of civil uprising amongst a population who simply don’t want to live under a police state and just want their lives back?

When would the people rise?

View attachment 854765

Calm down and embrace the reality of what I am calling 'Slow Living' (TM) Smell the roses, cook a meal from scratch, open a good bottle of wine, start going through your back catalogue of movies and books and when you're really bored, go and pour some more lime on the bodies of your dead family members in the cellar. Ah 'Slow Living' (TM) it has a lot to recommend it ;)
I don’t think it’s out of bounds to ask some of the questions that are being raised here. But you should know that this is not merely “effecting 80 year olds”. In the states, just over 25% of the severe cases involve people under the age of 50. And a significant portion of that group is under 40.
A few posters (not many) in their 20s and 30s on here couldn’t give a shit, they’re more concerned with not being able to eat out, and the horror of police state/martial hoo.

Happily willing to sacrifice others to do so. Bet if a virus killed just their age group they’d have a different attitude..”stay inside everyone, stay hoo”.
A few posters (not many) in their 20s and 30s on here couldn’t give a shit, they’re more concerned with not being able to eat out, and the horror of police state/martial hoo.

Happily willing to sacrifice others to do so. Bet if a virus killed just their age group they’d have a different attitude..”stay inside everyone, stay hoo”.

Meanwhile there’s footage of at least one mass grave being dug in NYC. Can’t say for sure it’s authentic but I haven’t seen anyone disputing it.
Plans for monitoring via mobile phones have been discussed by academics. Whether we reach that point, who knows. If we do, I'll turn off my phone and leave it at home.
But you wont be able to buy or sell without your phone...then ...the implant. Shoot to Kill laws for Australians were introduced in the Early 2000's for civil unrest, civil disobedience etc. At that stage, nothing had ever occured in this country at the level that would have ever required Australians to be shot dead in the streets by Police or Army; Yet the Laws were introduced> This begs the question.....What information had the Government been receiving fromVarious security agencies , World Bank, UN, US Government to force their hand to be prepared for such an occurance?

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I get that conspiracies are fun; but you do realise that theres no point in being a despot of a nation that has no economy or production behind it right? Where you dictacte instructions to people who cant enact them out because they leave their house.

None of the powers that be are reaping anything from these lockdowns, and are in fact going against them, instead urging you to die for the dow.

Sometimes its just a shitty situation.
I think people forget that awful random shit has happened for the majority of human history.

We’ve forgotten what hardship is in the west because it hasn’t existed for so long.
I don’t think it’s out of bounds to ask some of the questions that are being raised here. But you should know that this is not merely “effecting 80 year olds”. In the states, just over 25% of the severe cases involve people under the age of 50. And a significant portion of that group is under 40.
A ‘mild’ case often involves a high fever for more than a week and perhaps 2-3 weeks of uselessness before complete recovery.
nearly 700 dead.
Depends how you value human life whether you determine that a success or not.
Less people infected per 100000 than Denmark or Norway. Success over fear.
margaret on SEN discussed polio and diphtheria in the nineteen thirties.
We’ve never had a lockdown before where we could go online and have a big whinge

No, we haven't!!! Whingeing can provide an outlet though, yeah? Like dumping pressure through a valve before the whole thing explodes. Psych explosions can be messy.
What must be staggering to many is how much US citizens have complied lockdowns. I thought taking away their semi automatics would lead to civil war? Yet the government has just taken away the right to leave your home without just cause and nothing. they have complied. Taking away guns will be easier then we all thought.

I think when they're locked down they get to keep the guns they already have. Maybe they can't pop down and restock on ammo but as far as I know no State over there is actively confiscating registered firearms that are already out there.
800+ dead is a failure of its government to protect it’s citizens.
Lower percentage of people infected than it's two neighbours - success of the government's "isolate the sick and vulnerable, not the healthy" approach.
As much as we are not liking the lockdown, it has to be done. We should be grateful we are not living under Donald Trump's leadership. Having basically ignored the warnings for nearly 2 months as a hoax and just a flu that would go away when the weather warms up, he is now blaming World Health Org for not warning him early enough. The man is insane. Never thought I would appreciate Morrison so much, but Trump makes Scomo look like a genius.

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Society/Culture Will the people rise?

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