Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

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By the looks of the clearances Upwey would have to be the big movers this year - 13 clearances already, are they all senior players? If so, you would think that they would give Silvan a real run for their money.

How are the others fairing - do Healesville or Woori have any new prospects?
The heartening thing is that the trend of the last couple of years is still holding. There are far more players coming into the YVMDFL than leaving it.
It says a lot for the league and how well it is going.
And! Based on early First Div clearances, Upwey and Silvan look to be frontrunners. Gembrook the big improvers, Monbulk will be thereabouts and may fight out finals berths with Mt Evelyn - who look to be moving forward - and Woori and Healesville. However, these two could be struggling to maintain usual high standards (factor in Healesville's juniors, tho!). Warby could finish ahead of Wandin and Alex.
Any news on whether Healesville have picked anyone up or not. I heard they have had a few new faces down there but didn't see anything on the clearance list

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By the looks of the clearances Upwey would have to be the big movers this year - 13 clearances already, are they all senior players? If so, you would think that they would give Silvan a real run for their money.

How are the others fairing - do Healesville or Woori have any new prospects?

Are the clearances available to view online, if so do you have a URL?
There is a link to the clearances in the left hand menu on the league home page (www.yvmdfl.com.au).

As for the number of clearances coming into Upwey, a few are recruits, but the majority are local boys coming home to play again after being interstate, overseas etc. Every club gets them every year, I spose ours have just been lodged pretty early. There is definately not 13 gun recruits walking in the door, but if any would like to they're more than welcome...
Not sure how many points, but I think a few people might be reading a bit too much into it at this stage. Just wait until the end of the clearance period and I'm sure every club will have 20+ blokes coming in, including a mix of 1's, 2's and under 18 players from their junior ranks.
The 13 players signed represent 22 points as some are returning to our club after stints elsewhere-assuming all were to play Seniors which they won't we would be 13 players for 22 points and 8 existing players at one point each equals 30 points for the Senior team below the 32 points allowed-No problem as far as the PPS goes
Outside visitors to the forum would have to be impressed by the way our clubs and the YVMDFL Board have leapt into action to help those townships stricken by the fires.
It is a comforting thought to know that our football community is so supportive of each other and that the League's history of really caring for its member clubs shines through in times of stress. Congratulations to all for the efforts with Kinglake, YG, etc.
Special mentions to Rick Wall - a champion bloke, and Steve Walter and the Board!
Anyone got any info on how Divvy 2 clubs are shaping up this year? Not a great deal on the transfer list yet...

Lookin pretty good at potato chip. Good numbers and some new faces.
Speaking of Divvy 2, will they start on the 4th of April? Considering that most grounds would be as hard as concrete, has the league given thought to delaying the start of the season?
Speaking of Divvy 2, will they start on the 4th of April? Considering that most grounds would be as hard as concrete, has the league given thought to delaying the start of the season?

belgrave's certainly isnt ready to be played on thats for sure.. but is it ever lol... how are the other grounds looking?? had a look at YG's ground the other day and looks pretty hard but theres still some grass out there

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Reading the circular that is attached to YVMDFL home page from the Shire of Yarra Ranges, some teams will start the season not only not having a practice match, but not even having a training session on their own ground. (I believe that some clubs think that if they don't wear footy boots, then training on their ground is OK)
Hi Pres, Steve & Crew,
Can you please explain why Monbulk Seniors & Juniors have 5 DOUBLE HEADERS throughout this football season :thumbsdown:
You have got to be kidding. 3 Senior teams & then 5 Junior teams are to play on the same ground throughout Winter & expect that it is safe & healthy for all. We surely dont give a damn what level our football will be played at. Are we trying to attract kids to play footy or not??

Tell me this was not done by a human, it must have been computer error that spits out the draw. IF by human you need your head read!Consultation is the key as I see it. The YV draw has been out since before xmas surely somebody at DRJFL looked at the draw, isolate clubs that have only one ground like Monbulk, Belgrave, Woori etc & make sure that the junior & senior teams play on alternate weekends. Yes some clash may occur but - 5 DOUBLE HEADERS you are bloody kidding yourself.

All I can say is FIX IT!
A fantastic article in The Age on Monday regarding Olinda FC legend Arthur Charteris and his dedication to the Bloods - amazing stuff!

Milestone for 'Choofa'
Peter Hanlon - March 9, 2009

A HALF-century of service and devotion to a sporting club is an amazing thing. But 50 years of life membership, that's a feat of endurance sighted about as rarely as the flick or stab pass. Arthur "Choofa" Charteris has often pondered what he'd done to deserve the accolade bestowed on him by Olinda Ferny Creek Football Club in 1959, marked with a small photograph of a then-30-year-old "Choofa", a sepia portrait in a simple white frame. "They used to hand 'em out back then," he says, a modest assessment that ignores the fact that by then he'd been toiling with the Mountain District League club for a dozen seasons. "Maybe it's to make you stay there, I've often wondered that." "Choofa" certainly stayed, first as a player, then through stints as treasurer and committeeman and into his current role of timekeeper. "I'll do anything," says the man with a lifetime of stories on the tip of his tongue. He has the minutes of club meetings dating back to the early 1930s, but isn't much for detailing his own contribution; he played until "about 1960", but couldn't say how many games, let alone how many zillion times he's walked or driven through the footy ground gates. "I've never kept dates. I just plug along and that's it."

Never forget a name
HE HAS no trouble recalling the efforts of others, and the names tumble out like a veritable history of the hills. Eddie Fowler the carpenter overseeing the building of the changerooms in 1953, the players providing the labour so they wouldn't have to strip in the mechanics hall anymore. Mick Ryan from Upwey doing the electrical work, Mick Clarkson from Sassafras the plumbing. Borrowing Cliff Bowler's rotary hoe to dig the hole for the water tanks so they could have a post-game shower, digging and digging and throwing the dirt out until someone looked down and asked, "How are we gunna get the hoe out?" The club blazer bought "for about five quid", with the tailor's name, J.K. Lipshut, inside the lapel. Playing in the snow a couple of times, Kilsyth coming up for a practice match one year, seeing the white flakes falling, saying "No thanks", turning around and heading home. The women boiling water for tea ("ya didn't have coffee back then") in a wood copper, housed in a tiny shed on the wing. Frank Johnson sending out a bottle of whiskey one three-quarter-time, then asking Joe Fowler after the game if it had helped beat the cold. "It tasted real good," Joe told a gobsmacked Frank. "I meant for ya to put it in ya boots to keep ya feet warm!" "Boots be buggered," "Choofa" chuckles. "We drank it."

Tunnel ball debut
FITTINGLY for a bloke who's not much for accolades, "Choofa" played in the back pocket. The only anecdotes he offers from his playing career are told against himself, like coming on as 19th man in his debut as an 18-year-old, the ball bouncing towards him, then whooshing straight between his legs. "That was me first touch." One day, against Monbulk, he found himself in the forward line and kicked a goal. It was the only excursion beyond the middle of his career. He still loves footy, although reckons the umpires could learn a bit from the blokes who checked stops "and told ya what they were gunna pay and what they weren't gunna pay. We've got three of 'em now and they're still not much good."

Not choofing off just yet
HE'S not sure what it is about a footy club that inspires such wholehearted commitment, but knows he's made a lot of friends and even more memories there. Since losing his wife in 1995 it's provided solace, along with sweeping the floor and making coffee at his son's factory. "There's no good sittin' at home lookin' at the wall." He's greeted at the club nows by young blokes saying "g'day 'Choofa' " whose names he doesn't even know, then he does his bit and says his goodbyes in a fashion heard at Olinda since before there were walls for the words to bounce off. "I used to have an old 1926 Dodge, and whenever I was going I'd say, 'Oh well, I'll choof off then'. And that's how I got 'Choofa'." Olinda Ferny Creek footy club is eternally grateful it got Choofa too.
3 senior sides? I hear that Monbulk are struggling for under 18's. Still, 5 double headers is a bit rich.

TT Vin Dunstan & The unders support crew have done an amazing effort. 18's will be back up & going. Have had a good solid base of kids training thru preseason.
Hi Pres, Steve & Crew,
Can you please explain why Monbulk Seniors & Juniors have 5 DOUBLE HEADERS throughout this football season :thumbsdown:
You have got to be kidding. 3 Senior teams & then 5 Junior teams are to play on the same ground throughout Winter & expect that it is safe & healthy for all. We surely dont give a damn what level our football will be played at. Are we trying to attract kids to play footy or not??

Tell me this was not done by a human, it must have been computer error that spits out the draw. IF by human you need your head read!Consultation is the key as I see it. The YV draw has been out since before xmas surely somebody at DRJFL looked at the draw, isolate clubs that have only one ground like Monbulk, Belgrave, Woori etc & make sure that the junior & senior teams play on alternate weekends. Yes some clash may occur but - 5 DOUBLE HEADERS you are bloody kidding yourself.

All I can say is FIX IT!

Cagga, thanks for pointing out the problem. This is the first I have heard of it . I can confirm that it was done by human and we will have a look at it and advise.

Graeme Tuplin
President YVMDFNL
The following spray was on the EFL forum. In a later post Olinda was named as the offending club. Anyone from up there care to respond?

I am aware that at this stage of the year that it will be unlikely.

Saint Mary's Salesian (D3 VAFA)

require a practice match


Saturday 28th March
Sunday 29th March

reserves and Seniors

Away (However we would be willing to work with another club in finding a venue)

May also bee interested in playing a 6 quarter game
Thursday 26th
(we have a training venue we could use)

Please contact

Aaron Bailey
0410 130 255
Daniel Adams
0403 687 090

This is due to a very average effort by a club in the Yarra Valley league who changed a practice match without informing the club, hence the short notice. In fact they still have not contacted us and was only discovered yesterday when checking their website.
Cagga, thanks for pointing out the problem. This is the first I have heard of it . I can confirm that it was done by human and we will have a look at it and advise.

Graeme Tuplin
President YVMDFNL

Thanks Graeme, not sure if the club has officially contacted the league but I know we where going to. Excuse the rant & apologies to the human error but it is so hard to attract qulaity players to our league & when we do things like this it makes us look so unprofessional. I know a suitable solution will be found by HQ
Cheers Guy Calcagno
Wondering if any clubs have been able to play any practice matches. i wondered down to lilydale Heights to watch Warrandyte play Seville. Looked like a good hit out Seville looked to have more of the play so i wouldnt said they won by 5 goals
Belgrave played against Yarragon on Sunday and won by about 3 goals.
A bit rusty on the skill side especially in front of goal but a solid hit out for them.
We would certainly be one of the few boards where the League President reads our forum and will look into issues raised on here - great stuff.

In other news I see Danny Ryan from Woori Yallock is moving to Chirnside Park in the EFL? Surely this is not true - big loss for the Tigers if fact! One of the best players in the league in my opinion.

What other player movements are happening? Emerald are apparently another mover with the signing of some good recruits and combined with last years impressive unit should be there abouts once again. I also hear that Wandin are in the process of recruiting some good players to the club from the EFL.

Great to see the event organised by Kinglake FC - all the best to the club and hope that our clubs can support this important fund raiser. The first home game for the Lakers this year will be huge and the media interest already is massive.
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