Usage for hash tag: obsession

  1. Elmer_Hauser

    Where is Carlton’s depth at? #concerning

    #obsession #weareeveryonesgrandfinal
  2. F

    Banter Who will be better in 2024? Carlton or Collingwood? Part 2

    He actually tagged me before the game finished. #obsession.
  3. Madas

    Mega Thread West Coast Rebuild and Other Lolz - Part 2

  4. Kappa

    VFL Pies v bullants

    #obsession I'll say Nathan Krueger's career has had some "up parts", like a 3 goal game in a VFL match, thus making his career like a rollercoaster... if it helps you sleep at night... and it looks like it just might :moustache:. Congratulations, you won the internet points.
  5. A11dAtP0w3R

    Is the top 4 set?

  6. Has No Rules

    How long does Adam Simpsons have left?

    This thread is about WC You can't talk about other teams ? Kinda of ironic considering I've never met a freo fan who wasn't obsessed with the Eagles Yes I've seen your posting history Lol #obsession
  7. Numero Uno

    Do supporters on here genuinely hate their team's rivals?

    #obsession the irony is most Eagles fans couldn't care less about cockburn...irrelevant
  8. Numero Uno

    Will the Tim Kelly trade go down as one of the worst ever ?

    I understand supporting freo you have to continually lie to yourself #obsession
  9. Numero Uno

    Which two teams will drop out of the 8 next year and why?

    #obsession freo still crap
  10. Mercy Seat

    Bellend Barrett’s clarko agenda?

  11. Art Corvelay

    Where's Dangerfield ??

  12. Mr Blicavs

    Geelong supporters have deserted the Bay like diseased rats on a sinking ship.

    Of course you did....and Naaaah, I love it! Keep it please... its hilarious, but not in the way you think it is :$ #obsession
  13. Tiger2709

    Mega Thread Hawf & Handbaggers monumentally embarrassing 1700000 page s**tfight (part 5)

    Welcome back such a quiet week on the bay with all the usual puddy cats making a no show. #Injurytroll #obsession #rentfree
  14. Mr Blicavs

    Game chat without gronk fungus brain - Cats vs Schwans

    Standard Tuggie behaviour :$ #obsession
  15. Alyx

    Universal Love TRTT Part 8: Random thoughts also sack Hinkley

    If I go missing, here is suspect number one. Hi, Daza! #obsession