Usage for hash tag: stackedsix

  1. GreyCrow

    Official Match Thread Season 37 Round 2 - The Bing Match Preview - East Side Hawks v Gold City Royals at The Eyrie

    ...our midfielders should have a Mobbs day - krakouers has already started on fire with a DT score in the millions last week. Our forwards need to be inspired Our defenders have much to do to emulate the #stackedsix but we feel we have the makings of the #PackedLunchSix Today we begin the climb
  2. Kennedy Parker

    Media Select a team from all the players you have played with

    It’s actually a compliment, you will notice that the backline is actually the legendary #s#stackedsix I ’ve just replaced me with you.
  3. Smartys Power

    Official Match Thread Season 36 Round 11 - Mount Buller Demons v Gold City Royals @ Snow Dome

    As much as I love kicking goals now, seeing #stackedsix and not being part of it anymore kind of breaks my heart a little.
  4. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread Season 36 Round 8 - Sin City Swamprats v Las Vegas Bears @ Underground Stadium

    Yeah the answer is obvious really. The S36 premiership CHB okeydoke7 would significantly be more important to the win than the S36 premiership FF philreich because time and time again it is proven that Defence wins premierships. Isn’t that right spookism #s#stackedsix
  5. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread Season 36 Round 6 - Sin City Swamprats v Roys FFC @ Underground Stadium

    Look forward to spookism in the backline next week if the plan is to recreate our equivalent of the legendary #stackedsix
  6. Kennedy Parker

    State of Origin Series XVIII Round 1: Allies vs South Australia @ The Gabba

    Nah, I was general of the whole team which includes the #stackedsix because I was a premiership captain of the S30 Royals.
  7. spookism

    State of Origin Series XVIII Round 1: Allies vs South Australia @ The Gabba

    Please. I was the general of the #stackedsix
  8. Kennedy Parker

    State of Origin Series XVIII Round 1: Allies vs South Australia @ The Gabba

    ...falling short against Western Australia in the previous decider. With the likes dual SoO-winning captain, the architect of the famed #stackedsix spookism in the squad, along with philreich, jackster83 and Pugsley. It is a team full of All-SFA players, Mobbs Medallists and legends of the game...
  9. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread Season 35, Round Six: Roys FFC vs Sin City Swamprats at Renown Park sheet posting record for the rest of the season, okeydoke7 charges past 1000 goals, spookism recreates a renewed version of the #stackedsix and the Roys experience your classic late season collapse. As for admin stuff, I think the league's going pretty well at the moment. Nothing's on...
  10. MWPP

    Official Match Thread Season 35, Round 3 - Dragons FFC v Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86's Lair

    Also JoshWoodenSpoon , I don't know why I'm at FB and not you ( tony and his clever interchanges). I seem to be leaking a few too many to Hatchy1992 (and credit to you where it is due Hatchy) but anything for the team thing #stackedsix
  11. MWPP

    Official Match Thread Season 35, Round 3 - Dragons FFC v Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86's Lair

    I thought you retired a while ago Still, the sinister six is no match for the #stackedsix Just ask Dingster
  12. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread Season 35, Round 1 – Dragons FFC v Sin City Swamprats @ Ljp86's Lair

    See, this is why you require education. The #stackedsix is the greatest defensive unit in the history of league, the backbone of statistically the most dominant premiership team in SFA history. What you are describing is JoshWoodenSpoon's rubbish content.
  13. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread Season 35, Round 1 – Dragons FFC v Sin City Swamprats @ Ljp86's Lair

    spookism can educate you in how to describe stacked backlines. #stackedsix
  14. MWPP

    Competition Sweet Summer League

    Now that’s a #stackedsix that puts Dingster ‘s to shame ;)
  15. Kennedy Parker

    Media The Mediocre Career of ShaunDuggan #SH400NDUGGAN

    ...Duggan found himself in the middle of a crossroad moment in the Royals' season as The Filth Wizard foolishly tried to break up the famed #stackedsix by putting Duggan in there but fortunately common sense prevailed and Duggan was selected on the Half Forward Flank. The Notorious Season 30...
  16. spookism

    Official Match Thread Season 34, Round 2 - Gold City Royals vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at The Golden Throne (MOTR)

    To be honest, it wasn't a retreat, more a complete ignore. I would apologise for that, but I really can't be arsed being insincere. That's Royal's Premiership CHB spookism thank you very much. I'm back to lead the #stackedsix pt.2 to another flag. Missing or lazy? 50/50 really. Hush you.
  17. MrPremiership

    Official Match Thread Season 33 - Round 10: Gold City Royals vs Sin City Swamprats at The Golden Throne

    #stackedsix for life I ain't moving from the HBF Although i could use a mentor. Are you a Mr Miyagi wax on-wax off type? Or more a John Kreese?
  18. Kennedy Parker

    Official Match Thread S33 Round 6 - Mount Buller Demons vs Sin City Swamprats at Snow Dome

    Alright Rats, time we stopped ****ing around. The leadership group have put together our own version of the #stackedsix boasting over 1750 games, 16 premierships, 4 premiership captains, 3 Mobbs Medals, 3 Deestroy Medals, 2 former admins, 3 Frankston Rover Awards and 18 All-SFA selections! It's...
  19. spookism

    Official Match Thread S33 Round 5 - Gold City Royals vs Mount Buller Demons at The Golden Throne

    I'm always positive. I think. I'll let him know next time I see him. #stackedsix was one of the most elite things to happen to the Royals, nay, the Sweet FA