The AFL is rolling in cash, so they will kept alive for as long as it takes.Quite simple really, for NM and StK (and add in WB and Melbourne)... for decades they've gotten prop-up funding (ie: more than their share of the money pot) that keeps them alive.. without it they'd have merged, relocated or gone belly-up. The "they shall survive" attitude of the AFL toward those 4 clubs resulted in the creation of 2 more dependant clubs in GC & GWS when relocation was the obvious choice. Up to 8 of the current 18 are dependant on the AFL for their survival... Tassie will be another.
How long will the Centrelink model be sustainable...
I have no doubt that if Noth went to the AFL and said they wanted to merge with Tassie the AFL would trip over themselves to make it happen, but they don't want to do anything to upset the Victorian supporter base and media.