Player Watch #13 Clayton Oliver – UNPRECEDENTED 4x B&F, 3x AA, 2x AFLCA Winner and Premiership Player (formerly)

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OK, I've removed about three pages of posts.

Please do not use this thread to speculate about Oliver's private life – medical or otherwise.

Regardless of the veracity of your rumour, or what you know/have heard, if it's not public knowledge, just don't post it.

I don't want to turn this place into Demonland, but if you can't see the potential harm that this sort of rumour-spreading can cause (regardless of your intentions), then perhaps it's best if you take a bit of a break.


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I mean, everyone is making fun of her including one poster saying he hopes she gets hit by a bus.

Hope none of you ever try to post about mental health or the like.

Punching down isn't tough.
Bus post was removed.

Bolded part is a nice quip after I spoke about some of my own stuff the other day, well played.

Also on the punching down point, none of us actually knew who she was until you posted that she was "a borderline elderly woman who is a passionate cheer squad member". She was just an anonymous handle on a football forum before that.
Bus post was removed.

Bolded part is a nice quip after I spoke about some of my own stuff the other day, well played.

Also on the punching down point, none of us actually knew who she was until you posted that she was "a borderline elderly woman who is a passionate cheer squad member". She was just an anonymous handle on a football forum before that.

Apologies, I haven't seen your mental health post and it wasn't directed straight at you, was more a broad comment about how toxic a handful of posters make this place.

Sure, we don't want the rainbows and unicorns OR ELSE like Demonland, but the constant attacks here ruin the place.
Apologies, I haven't seen your mental health post and it wasn't directed straight at you, was more a broad comment about how toxic a handful of posters make this place.

Sure, we don't want the rainbows and unicorns OR ELSE like Demonland, but the constant attacks here ruin the place.
All good, that particular post was removed after a while when I cleared out a few pages of this thread.

I'm a pretty open book when it comes to discussing my own mental health, and would never want to jeopardise the mental health of others.

But I guess where we differ is that I don't necessarily see screenshotting an anonymous post from another forum (making light of the fact that being a professional athlete would mean having to deal with obsessive fans fawning over you constantly) as bullying, per se.

At the end of the day, we're all footy nuffies in one way or another, and having a bit of fun/taking the piss in what was intended to be a fairly harmless way isn't what I would consider toxic.

But then again, I'm no executive authority on the matter, so if people do indeed see that as bullying that could jeopardise someone's mental health, I'll take that on board.
All good, that particular post was removed after a while when I cleared out a few pages of this thread.

I'm a pretty open book when it comes to discussing my own mental health, and would never want to jeopardise the mental health of others.

But I guess where we differ is that I don't necessarily see screenshotting an anonymous post from another forum (making light of the fact that being a professional athlete would mean having to deal with obsessive fans fawning over you constantly) as bullying, per se.

At the end of the day, we're all footy nuffies in one way or another, and having a bit of fun/taking the piss in what was intended to be a fairly harmless way isn't what I would consider toxic.

But then again, I'm no executive authority on the matter, so if people do indeed see that as bullying that could jeopardise someone's mental health, I'll take that on board.

Fair enough, it's really probably more the pile on afterwards that made it a bad look. We all know that's inevitable here.
I refuse to believe people can't recognise when someone is saying something as a joke, think it's far more likely they do it coz they want to play the white knight hero. Whatever gets you off I suppose.
I refuse to believe people can't recognise when someone is saying something as a joke, think it's far more likely they do it coz they want to play the white knight hero. Whatever gets you off I suppose.

Pretty much. Was a crude joke but don't get why anyone would ever care about it.

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Alright, let's leave the shit-flinging there. Everybody has said their say, nothing to be gained by continuing.
One preseason, ONE preseason and he would have been able to either read the ball better or at least chase that Giants player that got the clearance. Or do something in any of the stoppage work late

Yeah great first half, k thx. But everyone in the country can see why you didn't run out the game and your lack of fitness has let your teammates down again. Everyone could predictably see the cliff coming. Because being lazy catches up with you
One preseason, ONE preseason and he would have been able to either read the ball better or at least chase that Giants player that got the clearance. Or do something in any of the stoppage work late

Yeah great first half, k thx. But everyone in the country can see why you didn't run out the game and your lack of fitness has let your teammates down again. Everyone could predictable see the cliff coming. Because being lazy catches up with you
Hopefully we start Fritsch on the bench again next week to send an even stronger message to Oliver.
Strong Toumpas playing his first (and only) good game ever against St Kilda and then giving up the match winning goal to Montagna vibes from that performance.

Looked better for a half, and then undid it all late.
Just awful. Dermie rinsed him at half time too, sprayed him for not hitting a target and for throwing the ball. Can't stand Dermie but I got a giggle out of that considering the 7 commentators had been pumping him up.
His care factor on his disposal outside a left foot kick to the top of the 50 is at an all time low. I used to rinse him for being a long bomb merchant but it's even worse now
The amount of times he will just snap it over a shoulder off one step to no target at all is embarassing for an 'elite' player

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Player Watch #13 Clayton Oliver – UNPRECEDENTED 4x B&F, 3x AA, 2x AFLCA Winner and Premiership Player (formerly)

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