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  1. B

    Ovens and Murray

    Hey after watching the footy yesterday I must say that Jackson Russell from wodonga (only a seconds player) is the biggest fudge packing sheep dog I have ever seen
  2. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Hey Roota you fudge packing goat. The fences out at tooleen must be be looking spot on at the moment. After watching the game yesterday you are the best fence painting sheep dog I have ever seen.
  3. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Young Weeksy hey. Good on him, hope he goes well. Just hope those massages didn't come with a happy ending it may distract his onfield performance!
  4. B

    Heathcote District FL

    From what I can see, it seems to be a more open year for a few teams to win the flag. A lot of teams seem to have had quite a few changes in there playing groups both ins and outs and after 1 game and a praccy or 2 would be to difficult to see a stand out. Mounts - Always up there Elmore -...
  5. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Evening boys, looking forward to the start of the season tommorrow! Not that it's of that much interest probably but heard today D Grinton last years BOG in Grand Final has aleady left stanhope, and has moved to Hastings to run a caravan park!
  6. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Is R Doak (Roderick Doak) the lunchbox legend from Huntly???
  7. B

    Who is The Tibbinator?

    My theory is the Tibbinator is not one person but maybe 2 or 3 sharing the same alias. The tibbinator say he hears rumours well tibbinator we are watching!
  8. B

    Heathcote District FL

    I think Colbo may play Weddeburn on Friday from what I here!
  9. B

    Heathcote District FL

    If you have the money spend it I say. However you must spend it wisely, like anything you need to get good value for your money and try and get the most out of it.
  10. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Hey donwooganowski get your hand off your trumpet mate. Any senior player in the hdfl in 2006 would have walked into K Flats team last year and played more than 4 games I am sure that if they applied for the coaching role they would have been a fair show too. Now jump back in your own lunch...
  11. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Lets get on with business boys. Will Mounts hold: Grinton and Dalton Yes or No?? How good will they be this year? Will Elmore finally blow their budget to the s h i t house and at least get a flag?? Or will it all blow up in their face again? Will Colbo be the quiet acheiver?? Seem to...
  12. B

    Heathcote District FL

    7 locals geez thats a lot!
  13. B

    Heathcote District FL

  14. B

    Heathcote District FL

    I think what people are saying is that mounts are the club that always have the habit of spending big half way through a season to buy the big guns just before clearances close. Now to me that is buying a flag cause those guys only come if mounts have a sniff and I am sure mounts think that...
  15. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Hey Roota, How long have you been out at mounts for mate??
  16. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Grinton gone to stanhope. $$$$$
  17. B

    KDFL March 07 - May 07

    Re: Kyabram District FL Just wondering if A guy by the name of Dennis Grinton Played for stanhope at the weekend. Heard he had signed from Mount Pleasant and goes alright. Anyone got any info on this
  18. B

    Heathcote District FL

    HJ32 how are things out at colbo looking? Has the big Danny Irwin signed yet. Are the Kelly boys still playing this year?? If so I think you could pencil Travis Kelly in as a dead lookalike of APU from the Quikimart for sure. What other signings have the hoppers had??
  19. B

    Ovens and Murray

    Would have to agree with you raidrboy, from what I saw they looked slow and very second rate, maybe they were just blowing a few cobwebs out??
  20. B

    Heathcote District FL

    What happened there graf?
  21. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Is that any relation to Mick "Onions" harrington who played at colbinabbin a year or 2 back? Or is the onion still playing??
  22. B

    Heathcote District FL

    As far as I am aware R. Doak will be playing with colbinabbin. Have seen him play. He is a backman, but likes to think he can play forward. He is a big kick of the ball, but can at times lose focus in the object of the game. Maybe he should be trialed in the ruck he is big enough to play...
  23. B

    Heathcote District FL

    I think Jax had a few to many frothies last night. If he has the balls and is a big 5 goal wonder pop your name on jax, or do u have a hangover today??
  24. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Hahahahahaha. Your like a little fish in a big pond aren't you Mylo. Just throw the rod in and you will take the bait. By the way have you and roota got something going on there I think you got more upset than he did.
  25. B

    Heathcote District FL

    hey roota you sound like someone who would run around in a netball skirt not a footy jumper. Like was said you come on here talking yourself up and how nice mounts have been and that you cant wait to meet grin and that u hope hj32 little story comes true except the part about you. To me u...
  26. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Here Here Bignuts! Roota you do seem to think you know a lot about little, you talk to much sh it about nothing.
  27. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Who give a sh it if players are locals. The clubs are generally run by locals and have the support of the local community. Local players play at all clubs some more than others but like what was said some towns are bigger than others. So theres the difference. In the end clubs try and form...
  28. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Excuse me Lionel but do you work at a local bank. They tell me you are a very talented footballer and that you have great knowledge of the game?? If this is correct may I ask who you play for? Are you picking up what I am putting down!
  29. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Here is the Heathcote league transfer list boys! Enjoy.
  30. B

    Heathcote District FL

    Hey gta read the comment you goose. He never said they would win the premiership just that they would be a good improver in 2007