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  1. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    Apparently Mansell crouched down, not ducked. It was more of a duck than the mallard I saw quietly paddling about down at Coburg Lake this morning…
  2. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    I’ve been cuddled by my kid with more force than that ‘freight train’.
  3. Juddalenko

    Injury Blue Healers Discussion - 2024

    Wowza. Good injury report! What is this sorcery?!
  4. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    I don’t even think it should be a fine. What did Boyd do wrong? The dude rammed him head first.
  5. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    Mansell should get a week for headbutting Boyd’s side. Kidney is sacrosanct. That would make more sense given he initiated the contact…
  6. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2024 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    Wow. Christian is not impartial. Can’t believe given the size of the sport that one guy is making these decisions (and gosh he makes them poorly).
  7. Juddalenko

    Game Day Around The Grounds Rounds 11 - 15

    A quick 15 goals and the Dee’s are back in this…
  8. Juddalenko

    Game Day Around The Grounds Rounds 11 - 15

    What on earth is going on at Traeger Park?!
  9. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 11 - 🏈 Carlton v Gold Coast Game Day 🏈

    For a team that has had the ball so little, the free kick count is astounding. Even the most staunch umpire defenders would find it hard to defend that first half. Momentum killing calls and non-calls. For shame umpires. Mac Andrew has been as good as Curnow has been bad.
  10. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 10 - 🏈 Carlton v Sydney Game Day 🏈

    Sydney playing a hack it forward small ground chaos game. Midfield gotta continue to stand up - that’s where this game will be won on this postage stamp of a ground…
  11. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 10 - 🏈 Carlton v Sydney Game Day 🏈

    Richo frothing at the Sydney last 10 mins.
  12. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 9 - 🏈 Carlton v Melbourne Game Day 🏈

    Win this and season is back on track. PLEASE lower the eyes and don’t just kick it to Lever! Need to be able to shut down the turnover / counterattack. They will want an open forward line. Charlie needs to remind May who is king. Am I the only one that thinks a week out for Williams may...
  13. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 8 - 🏈 Carlton v Collingwood Game Day 🏈

    Blues by 14 in 1st qtr. 14 x 4 = 56. Revised margin: Blues by 56. Harry to kick 12.
  14. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 8 - 🏈 Carlton v Collingwood Game Day 🏈

    Cottrell to wear Daicos like a coat. Weitering to have a massive game. Blues by 39.5 (for the gamblers).
  15. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 8 - 🏈 Carlton v Collingwood Game Day 🏈

    Don’t agree with Kennedy sub. He’s a grinder. Would have preferred an impact player as sub. Take Darcy Moore deep, and exploit the other matchup of Harry / Charlie.
  16. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 7 - 🏈 Carlton v Geelong Game Day 🏈

    At the game. Need to be better defending the ground on Geelong transition and lower the eyes going inside 50. 19pts doesn’t feel reflective of the game.
  17. Juddalenko

    Autopsy 2024 Rd 4 Blues win in miraculous escape

    The last comment of the Game Day thread….’that’s absurd….’ Never count this team out.
  18. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 3 - 🏈 Carlton v North Game Day 🏈

    THAT was my favourite passage of play all year!
  19. Juddalenko

    Game Day RND 3 - 🏈 Carlton v North Game Day 🏈

    Oh Zac….
  20. Juddalenko

    Game Day Around The Grounds - Rnds 0 - 5

    Essendon missing the mark with this ‘toughness’, it’s just a bunch of cheap & late hits.
  21. Juddalenko

    Game Day Around The Grounds - Rnds 0 - 5

    Dogs soft as butter.
  22. Juddalenko

    Preview Rnd 1 - Carlton v Richmond Thursday 14th March 7.30PM @ MCG - Team Stickied

    Tigers in the 8. Gotta be wary…
  23. Juddalenko

    Welcome Carlton Fantasy Footy/Supercoach thread - 2024 Edition

    I’ll join Div 3 if it’s started
  24. Juddalenko

    Prediction 2024 - Best 23 + Emergencies - Rolling

    Not enough love for Bred Pearce in this thread…
  25. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2023 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    It’s those unnecessary rough acts like Cameron purposefully elbowing Saad’s head because he’s frustrated that I’d rather see cited and a suspension than footy acts like the Boyd tackle.
  26. Juddalenko

    List Mgmt. 2023 List Management

    Quit while you’re behind mate. We all knew what he meant. A player that can burst from stoppages with pace and strength. Brisbane got us outside the contest last night, so it’s a reasonable argument to add that type of player to a pretty complete list.
  27. Juddalenko

    Preview 2023 Preliminary Final Carlton vs Brisbane Sat 23rd Sept 5.15PM @ Gabba

    In my heart, our pre-game song will forever be Hot Hot Hot…
  28. Juddalenko

    Preview 2023 Preliminary Final Carlton vs Brisbane Sat 23rd Sept 5.15PM @ Gabba

    Cuningham & Owies out for Harry & Martin IMO. Geez it is difficult to find the outs, but it’s a good problem to have.
  29. Juddalenko

    Pick our next club cult figure

    Blake MF Acres!!!! Forever a Carlton legend!
  30. Juddalenko

    MRP / Trib. 2023 - MRO Chook Lotto - Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

    Pretty sure you can’t appeal your own victory.