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  1. G

    Summer The next Olympic sports

    as always, the most obvious sport has not been mentioned for possible Olympic inclusion: AFL football!
  2. G

    Summer Paris Olympics - Broadcast discussion thread

    and because showing more live sport can cost more money but fluff packages only require a journo and archive footage.
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    Summer Olympics 2024 - your highlight - most memorable moment?

    A university lecturer mocking a working class sport by doing the kangaroo among other antics during her Breakdancing bout was the highlight of my Paris Olympic Games viewing experiences, and go fox sisters! TV ratings, of four or more million viewers pretty much every night, was also a ripper...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    How did the street kids get from Interstate to Adelaide if they had no money? What made the government youth support workers at the time so hopeless?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Fair enough. For those in the know, what was Prue like as a teenager (shy, rebellious, popular, etc)? And What was her background like (working class, middle class, upper class, etc)?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    How would have the two transgender woman been able to access hormones from such a young age?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Does anyone here know what age Pru Firman, and the other transgenders if possible, first contemplated or began their sex changes from male to female?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    From what i have read and heard in a few places about what happened to the boys after their ordeal, some boys were put in specifically called taxis to be taken home, while other boys were just put out on the street and told to find their own way home. Most of these boys never reported these...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    All Clockman needs to do is sell one $2000 clock per week and on a 50% margin his finances would be both right as rain and under the GST revenue threshold.
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Does anyone know why all the Transgender people died at relatively young ages (fourties and fifties)?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I assume he would be dealing with high end clients mainly by appointment only hence the weird opening hours. It is also pretty obvious that all it takes is for either one of his many alleged victims or a pissed off member of the general public with a grudge against him to come to trash his shop...
  12. G

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    The police should really arrest Turtur because he admitted to the press that he drugged and r*ped multiple underage boys without their consent.
  13. G

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Meanwhile I was told by an older Gay friend from Adelaide a few years back, that the family murder suspect drag queens who lived on Shipsters Street, happened to live a very reclusive life in their older years and were not really seen at any gay community events. I wonder why?
  14. G

    The Festive Season is a difficult time of the year for some people

    It is a fact that New Years Day is also the day that features the highest suicide rate. This is obviously mainly because alcohol consumption is at year long highs, and people do stupid stuff when they are drunk, but also there are some really depressed people who just do not see anything to live...
  15. G

    Society & Culture Things in life you just don't understand - Part 4

    I dont understand why the vast suburban middle class of Australia wants to; live in a McMansion, drive a big SUV, send their three little 'angels' to posh private schools, enrol their three little 'darlings' into three different extra curricular activites each, and pay for all the latest mod...
  16. G

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Does anyone know what the old drag queens got up to with their lives after the family case died down in the media but before they died in the 2000's and 2010's?
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    The Festive Season is a difficult time of the year for some people

    The reality of the festive season for some people is a complete contrast to how the mainstream media often portrays the festive season.
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    The Festive Season is a difficult time of the year for some people

    For some people, embracing the merry in Christmas and the happy in the new year can be a challenge and the festive events and traditions can weigh heavy (copied and edited from a good Facebook post). At this time of year my sincerest thoughts go to: • Those who have lost a family member or...
  19. G

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    This is a very interesting thread to follow. In summary, which key family murder suspects and convicts are still alive today?
  20. G

    Criminal charges for disease spreaders - is it time?

    In the South Australian Public Health Act there are already provisions, which were introduced during the 1980s AIDS crisis to enable health authorities to deal with some gay men and prostitutes and IV drug users who were willfully spreading AIDS around, for criminal charges to be laid if one...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    The reason why clock man is granted suppression orders on his name is because; a) the judge accepts that having a public reputation of a serious criminal will ruin his successful business, b) the judge accepts that technically the justice system works on the principle of innocent until proven...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I looked at the Clockman Facebook page last year and found that it was an auto generated one based on the location of the business. Train Stations and other landmarks also have auto generated Facebook pages where people can leave reviews, make comments, etc. The sole Facebook review said that...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Thanks for clearing that up. Just by reading the sole online review for clockman's shop, one can also infer that he is unusually protective of both his business and his identity, because he has solid iron security bars right through all store windows and no sign of any store website whatsoever...
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Is Mr R the same man as 'Clock man', the suspect who owns an antique clock shop in the southern suburbs of Adelaide?
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    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Long time lurker first time poster. I have been following the family murders case with interest for as long as i can remember. Here are my few cents worth. The young gay community of Adelaide was a very different beast back in the late 1970's and early 1980's which made it easier for these...
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    AFL Players with Diseases/conditions

    I am a goal umpire for the SA amatuer footy league and i have mild autism. :)
  27. G

    Hey, i have autism too :)

    Hey, i have autism too :)