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  1. S

    Who is the best at each move?

    I still think the best high flying move i've seen was kurt angle off the top of a cage. He missed the taget (would've killed the bloke if it hit), but it was just so unexpected and risky. Awesome stuff!
  2. S

    Best catch phrase?

    That's not cool
  3. S

    Who would you hire?

    1. Bryan Danielson 2. Chris Jericho 3. Kurt Angle 4. Brock Lesnar 5. Delirious 6. The Human Tornado 7. Samoa Joe 8. Teddy Hart 9. Necro Butcher 10. Ken Shamrock
  4. S

    Is D-X Dead?

    Hope it is. Then there's a whole hour extra for other talent on raw
  5. S

    Old School wrestlers

    Never seen Steamboat until i got the Flair DVD. Seems like he could pretty much do anything in the ring. My favourite back in the day was the British Bulldog
  6. S

    Wasted WWE Talent

    The only one of these guys that are ever gonna get a push is Monty Brown, seeing as though any hack with a few power moves(Batista,Kali,Cena,Lashley) can get into the main event scene. Of them all, i'd love to see Carlito turn heel and get a push. Is solid in the ring and gold on the mic.
  7. S

    Which wrestler would make the best footballer?

    Bam Bam (RIP) would've made an awesome full forward. In the Fraser Gherig mould. Strong, quick and agile
  8. S

    Which posters take Bay 13 seriously?

    Portentous is leading the race
  9. S

    Which posters take Bay 13 seriously?

    I would say half the Richmond supporters personally. Do they know that it's meant to be all in fun. They probably believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny and worst of all they think they have a chance of finishing above 9th!
  10. S

    2004 Draft Revisited

    No it's not as Luenberger is a ruckman whereas forward pockets develop much quicker
  11. S

    fav current wrestlers?

    WWE: Fit Finlay, William Regal, CM punk TNA: Low Ki, Raven, Abyss RoH: Bryan Danielson, Brent Albright, Colt Cabana
  12. S

    Fake Moves

    Which wrestling moves or holds most make wrestling look fake? I was watching an old Bret Hart vs Dynamite Kid yesterday and saw my 1st choice. The Catapault. Also got to mention any kneedrop which clearly misses the head.
  13. S

    The Future of WWE

    Add cm punk to that list as well. He's not the next anyone though.
  14. S

    The official Brisbane Bullets are cry babies thread

    Accidental??? I'd like to see what would've happened if he actually meant to do it!
  15. S

    The Old, Slow, Boring, Spurs Apprecation Society

    If you like basketball then you cannot find the spurs boring. They run their offense pretty much perfectly everytime. If you actually watch off the ball, everyone is moving with a purpose to the offense as a whole. I would rather watch the spurs anyday then watch one guy shooting everything...
  16. S

    76ers trade Iverson to Denver

    They'd want to at least go pretty deep into the playoffs to justify all the huge, lengthy contracts they got on board. Is it me, or are the Nuggets the new Jailblazers? All talent, questionable chemistry.
  17. S

    Armageddon Thread

    The hair was only fake for about the week before he lost the mask. It was real before then. He had it shaved
  18. S

    Which AFL footballers would make good (entertaining) wrestlers?

    Glen Archer would be a fair chance to "hulk up"
  19. S

    RAW Spoiler

    Definately Flair. He could challenge DX as heels with WGTT
  20. S

    RAW Spoiler

    Now they just need a decent manager to speak for them, like Kurt was when they were a part of Team Angle. Any suggestions?
  21. S

    Best Finishing Move

    Broncho Buster too
  22. S

    Best Finishing Move

    I found the 619 good at first. But how many times can myserio's opponent just happen to fall into that exact position on the 2nd rope?
  23. S

    Is Boozer currently leading the MVP race?

    Yao Ming will win the MVP if he doesn't get injured
  24. S

    Worst Finishing Move

    The Master Lock is a Full Nelson FFS!
  25. S

    Best Finishing Move

    I don't really know about the stunner. if it is sold well then it is ok maybe. But too many times ive seen someone look like they were eletricuted or something. My favourite are: The Blockbuster Evenflow DDT Canadian Destroyer Sharpshooter Figure 4 Leglock Death Valley Driver 3-D Doomsday...
  26. S

    Lenny & Karl

    Are Sam Mitchell & Mark Williams trying to be Lenny & Karl?
  27. S

    Which do you prefer?

    How i Met Your Mother is way better. Barney is a crack up!
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    The best cartoon series ever

    i used to like the adventures of tin tin & David the Gnome
  29. S

    Randy Orton

    The only interesting thing he has ever done was when he was injured and he had the injury updates each week. That was kind of funny