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  1. P

    Is General Motors stuffed?

    I reckon they are. GM more than anyone else have failed to read the market for the last 7yrs or so and have continued to focus on building gas guzzling pick ups. Meanwhile the foreign manufacturers developed hybrids and other fuel efficient vehicles and are reaping the benefits. As others...
  2. P

    Your Car General Motors - are they finished?

    Latest media reports have General Motors close to bankruptcy and in merger discussions with Chrysler (links here, here and here). They've been looking very shaky for the last 12 months, have not made a profit since 2004, and may just about to be finished off due to the world financial crisis. It...
  3. P

    Why doesnt the government do this?

    There aint much chance of fitting a dam in Northern Australia bigger than the Three Gorges dam in China. Northern Australia may have plenty of water but it's also very flat. Bit hard to build a viable dam in such situations. The old Bradfield scheme in North Queensland (Diverting the...
  4. P

    what is Australia's ideal population?

    Good question. I lived up there for 3 years and struggled to justify why. My OP was more about the flood that follows rather than the actual cyclone. Cyclones quickly transform into rain depressions once they hit the coast and I saw two pretty big one in my time up there. My point was...
  5. P

    Military spending by country (We are 13th) Worldwide

    Proportionate spending to GDP I believe we are in the top 5-10. We spend more on our military than Israel, who have much greater immediate threats. Do we really need such great expenditure or are we pissing money against the wall? IMHO we can justify expenditure on deterents (ie subs...
  6. P

    The cultural impact and legacy of the moon landings

    Just a small step perhaps
  7. P

    The cultural impact and legacy of the moon landings

    I can't believe people still peddle this nonsense around.
  8. P

    Your Plan For Australia

    Anarchy hey?
  9. P

    Super Hornet purchase confirmed today

    So what alternatives did the government (both lib and labor) have? The F-111's are past it, operating costs are rising and it needs to be parked ASAP. A stop gap was needed. Especially considering the youngest airframe for our frontline fighters are over 25yrs old. Even if the super bug...
  10. P

    H.M.A.S Syndey found

    A quick check of the web reveals that the Arizona is listed as a war grave and still contains the remains of 1000 crew who where trapped when it sunk. Many of the ships survivors have even had their ashes (or have arranged to) placed in the hull sunken hull after they've died.
  11. P

    H.M.A.S Syndey found

    I don't think many remains were ever covered from sunken ships during WWII. To my knowledge even the USS Arizona in pearl harbour still contains the remains of around 1000. If the Sydney site is secure and in deep water I can't imagine remaining relatives wanting the remains of the sailors to be...
  12. P

    hamstring soreness

    There are plenty of great hamstring stretches. You'll get bet advise from a physio or other health professional than you will from here.
  13. P

    Your Plan For Australia

    Mine sound more like refutals of previous posts than my own ideas (as I'm no expert on how to run a country. Society 1 I's time to decentralise Australia. It's disturbing that the Australia's population and political power is confined to just a few cities. Not sure how this could be done...
  14. P

    Your Plan For Australia

    So just what are our unsustainable agricultural industries and just who in government is promoting it?
  15. P

    Do you believe the Iraq War can be justified?

    Some regular posters here are are going to have a field day on your post. Using your 'same old same old was not working' then why wasn't Saudi Arabia invaded? IMO after 5 years and no end in sight the answer to this question is no. The real question the USA and its allies should be asking...
  16. P

    How much political capital would it take to have Wayne Swan knocked?

    Dumping Swan would give reinforce in many voters eyes the oppositions rantings about Labor can't be trusted with the economy. It would be high risk and only a decision that the party would take, not Rudd. They would want to make sure they have a safe replacement and apart from Tanner I can't...
  17. P

    Slipped disk in my back-HELP PLEASE

    I've already been.
  18. P

    What is the effect of petrol on inflation

    Not sure - oil has gone from $18 US a barrel to over $100 US in just 6 years. The rise in Australia has been less due to our dollar been much weaker back in 2002 but the oil price rise would still be staggering. And oil prices are only going to get worse
  19. P

    Slipped disk in my back-HELP PLEASE

    I had a friend recommend Bowen Therapy the other day as I'm suffering a nerve related problem in my legs (REstless Leg Syndrome if anyone's heard of that). After the appointment I was a little skeptical but I will do the follow up to see if it makes a difference.
  20. P

    Heat wave

    Southern Australia finally gets a real summer. I guess this will stuff the 2008 wines from SA and Vic
  21. P

    Port Douglas

    If the weathers been dry be sure to check out Mossman Gorge. Go for a short rainforest walk then finish it off with a swim in the gorge. One of the nicest swimming spots I know of. If you're thinking of white water rafting down Tully way pick the smaller inflatable kayaks (if they still have...
  22. P

    Australia As A Whole Really Is A Mess

    Life in the big smoke hey? If you don't like it then why not migrate to a rural area? I moved from Brisbane to a country town around 5yrs ago as I had similar complaints. I sure as hell aint going back.
  23. P

    Australia can be trusted with F-22 Raptor, says Robert Gates

    To throw my 20 cents worth in any investment in future strike bombers/fighters is high risk to me. The future is autonomos or remote controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and this future has already arrived (for both civillian and military use). 18yr old kids have the potential (although it...
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    Australia can be trusted with F-22 Raptor, says Robert Gates

    The new iron curtain continues to be raised around the USA Imagine how short sighted the soviet union would have been if they didn't export the T-54
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    Rudd to increase middle class welfare

    Inspirational for tomorrow mornings star jumps
  26. P

    Depression Drugs Dont Work, finds data review

    Re: Depression Drugs Dont Work Skilts- Based on your previous I acknowledge you as a great thinker but here I feel you've gone overboard. One of the humans great strengths has been its recognition of our mortality. This has allowed us to put the so many trivial things into perspective...
  27. P

    Rudd to increase middle class welfare

    The new catch phrase in Australian politics "It's the family stupid" I so much hope I'm wrong.
  28. P

    The ex Rodent PM opens his mouth at last!

    Howard attacks the new government for reversing a largely unpopular policy when they have a clear mandate to do so. I think this old fella needs reminding that this is how democracy works.
  29. P

    The ex Rodent PM opens his mouth at last!

    By whom and for what reasons?