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  1. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    But also... I dont mean to hijack this thread... this is not about me and I sorry if that comes across that way. My thoughts and condolences are towards poor Ashleigh and her family... so let's leave this thread for what its started for and that's her. Thank you.
  2. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    Thank you... yeah I've had a hectic few years... lost my home... wife and now this... I have my first psychiatric appointment tomorrow in sale. It's fair to say I haven't slept much and always considered myself a pretty tough guy... but that has rocked me. The local community have been pretty...
  3. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    Can't imagine what her poor family is going through.
  4. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    Send me a PM... I was the driver... I dont claim to be... I'm trying to deal with this in my own way... and I'm struggling.
  5. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    "She was staying in a hotel near Bairnsdale with her fiance Rod Higgins, who told me she got up at midnight and went out for a walk: None of that makes sense she was way more than an hr walk from any hotel near metung or bairnsdale....
  6. danielhm1

    Society & Culture The curious case of Ashleigh Petrie

    I never met Ashleigh... but I will never forget her face and it haunts me everytime i close my eyes... i have slept about 5 hrs total since the incident happened at 1am Monday morning. I dont watch the news and deleted all social media since I broke my neck in 2016...
  7. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Just a quick update. Ive now been released and back at home finally. Still on a lot of meds and unable to work yet but improving each day. Thank you guys and the football community for all the well wishes, donations and support. With out that i would not have improved as well as i have and...
  8. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Unfortunately I've been told not to post any of the details sorry. I wish I could but I will be taking the matter further. Good news is I do have an appointment with the spinal specialist tomorrow and hopefully get home with a carer in a few weeks! I had a shower by myself last night and its...
  9. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    I have mate, the report I have seen is laughable and completely inconsistent with the injuries I have sustained... but I guess I shouldnt have expected anything less really.
  10. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Poor young fella has done his shoulder ac. Been rocked by some terrible injuries this year. Wasted chances early and aswood played really well even though the coach is terrible ;) Im sure the boys will regroup and digdeep next week. I miss footy so much, and really hurts knowing your done. But...
  11. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    On another note, good too see some leagues stamping out bad behaviour instead of sweeping it under the rug
  12. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Thats about how good im going...
  13. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    In full time care at the moment with rehab 4 times a week. Still very weak and struggling. On way too much medication and not enough sun... everyday is a struggle. All that hard work in the gym has gone. I miss my dogs and its been hard to stay positive. But there are people alot worse off then...
  14. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Sorry mate... jarrod o'neil took the best mark this year... i only played 2.025 games this year but was prevlieged enough to see him take one of the best marks in local footy.
  15. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Matt fristad surely is one of the best defenders in the comp. By far the best shutdown player in div 3.
  16. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    ^^^^ 100% agree
  17. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Agreed. Look im probably still a little bit of my face from the meds (i just took my nightly dose)... but are you just putting blokes (from the bottom sides) in based on times in the best? I reakon the best players from those sides would struggle to make the seniors at Mount or Doveton. Just my...
  18. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Sorry but this makes me laugh at some of the inclusions that are from bottom 3 sides.
  19. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Umpire probably sweating a little bit. I know these arent your words so ill give you guys an update as i have the next 3-4 weeks laying here with nothing better to do. Yes what i said was true; "dont f***ing mess with me, do you know who the f*** i am, and what i can do" This was after jarrod...
  20. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    The overwhelming response has literally bought me too tears. Mount Waverley players and members have been fantastic and very generous. I just recieved a text from wilkin which one of the most moving things i have ever been sent. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. There is a lot of...
  21. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    I dropped the mark. I paddled the ball forward to keep it in front. I had my head over it and the player ran past the ball and intentionally took me out with his hip connecting my head. I had my head over it playing the ball and he went the head. Moments before I told the umpire to take control...
  22. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Not sure why certain posts were deleted, but from all reports it was a tough,fair and close battle all day. I know Gough and i would hope he wouldnt have made those comments because he was one of the first to facebook me get well wishes. What jarrod and i went through was no laughing matter. We...
  23. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Im not affiliated with anyone mate. Retired. Just a spectator from now on.
  24. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Clint wilson Matt fristad Gavin blizzard Nick beer Peter dye Travis Greatske Jake prosser Paul parlipiano Sam parlipiano
  25. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Was also watching this game. Ehills have improved a hell of alot since i last saw them. Moved the ball quite well and had some good outside run. Ashwood had a couple out that i know of (not sure if that was the case for ehills), and i suspect they will get stronger as the year progresses. I do...
  26. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Who is Kriz Russo?
  27. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

  28. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Awaiting his next username and alias...
  29. danielhm1

    Div 3 Southern football league 2016

    Doveton missing a few... both ruckman didnt play and a few midfielders and backman... about 6-7 off a potential full squad