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  1. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    So, Gary Burkenshaw (I think thats how he spells it) is back. That will see a few clubs having to lift their game.
  2. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    Yes it should be a great day. 4 good games and it looks like the weather gods are smiling as well. There was some talk that both coaches from the Premier clubs were writing to the BDAFL asking for the game to be moved back to the 2pm time slot? Any news on that? Have the BDAFL announced...
  3. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    Thanks for the match unfo. Hey whats going on with spectator behavior lately? Is there something in the water??? A few weeks ago there were some issues with spectator behaviour at a Warner's Bay home game. Now we see that there were some more issues at Adelaide Street. I was at the Lake...
  4. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    Can anybody tell me who won the Killarney Vale v Cardiff game? The results for the other 2 games are on the BDAFL web site but not this one. Very poor attention to admin responsibility's Mr KV Club!!
  5. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    If the BDAFL, sorry AFL Hunter Coast were to have a NEAFL team where would they play? Logically No 1 Sports ground would be the choice, but this is currently used by Newcastle City. Anyway, the current user can't even mark the ground correctly. The centre square and circle is meant to be in...
  6. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2012

    With all the wet weather, are all the games happening as per the draw? The BDAFL web site is as usual full of no information. Any changes etc.
  7. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2011

    Can anyone recall the last time we had this amount of rain? Brings back memories of the June long weekend in 2007. Would anyone like to put odds on the chance that this may be the weekend the BDAFL "pulls the lever" on their "wet weather plan". All roads may lead to Nelson Bay!!!
  8. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2011

    The CC has had an incredible amount of rain. I think you are right. Even if it stops now, there is so much water the grounds would still not recover in time. With 3 games on the CC and one in NC, maybe we will see the BDAFL's much publicised "wet weather plan" go into action. Stand by for...
  9. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2011

    If you have a look on page 7 of this forum, Dave Farris has a link to some photos he took at that game. From the pictures, it would appear you are correct. A mudpile. Hope this helps.
  10. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    I was wondering where he/she? had got too. There is only 1 original Tardus. Beware of imposter's
  11. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Sorry NS, it was not my intention. I was being a bit "tongue in cheek" Agree with your comments, there are too many people out there who don't put their hands up and just whinge. So good on them and lets give them a go.
  12. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Well the AGM of the BDAFL has now been held. Firstly, I would like to wish Steve Smith well. Love him or not, he has been President for 3 years and you can't question his commitment or passion. It was reported he was stepping down due to ill health so good luck Steve and look after...
  13. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Hey RE TARDUS, what happened to your last post??? It seems to have gone missing. Must be some people here who have some taste and decency, unlike you. Please don't miss-understand me, I am just mocking you. :D THERE IS ONLY 1 ORIGINAL TARDUS (beware of imitators) :thumbsu:
  14. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    I don't believe this!!!! First I had to put up with the _ Underscore impersonator. Now I have the Re impostor. I don't know what game you are playing but I wish you would be creative enough to get your own name and stop using (and abusing) mine. Really, there are some times I am glad I...
  15. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    From the BDAFL web site: " We certainly are not mind readers so we cannot predict if we will receive any further rain which if it does fall, could have a profound affect on the grounds this weekend. But if you can believe the forecasters, then we should expect rain on Thursday and...
  16. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    According to the report in the Newcastle Herald today, you are right. I guess time will tell what effect this will have on the bulldogs future prospects.
  17. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Have heard that Ian Grandland has suddenly reigned from the BDAFL Board. Not much detail as to why but heard comments about "can't work with the current GM" and other personality issues. Anyone know anything????
  18. T

    2010 AFL Umpires List

    You are correct borgsta. I have it from a reliable source (you know who) my running mate, that there are 9 people competing for 1 spot. Tough gig hey!!
  19. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Re: Black Diamond AFL Part 2 Looks a bit overweight to be Roger!!!
  20. T

    Black Diamond AFL - 2010 season

    Re: Black Diamond AFL Part 2 [/B] Your comment is spot on Mr Swan12. We are struggling for umpires (especially good ones) and the BDAFL just seams to come up with ways to drive them away. Over the last 3 years a number of good experienced umpires including Grant Godfrey & Ashley Borg have...
  21. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    Yes that is correct. Talking to Roger at training (he runs with the same athletics club as I) understand that with the logistics of the role (travel, balance with work always going to Sydney etc) it was just not "doable". Roger decided to decline and stay up here.
  22. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    Hey, whats going on? There seems to be a number of posts from the last 24 hours that have "disappeared". I also see that one of my past posts and some by others was edited by "Ismyshow". What gives? Can anyone edit anyone else's posts?
  23. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    First we had the _ underscore impostor. Now this person. What is up with you lot. Can't you come up with a name of your own???:confused:
  24. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    Hey, what happened to the post that was here a few days ago from "Beetroot"?? The last time I heard a conspiracy theory like that, I was watching an episode of the X Files!! :confused:
  25. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    Interesting news River. I overheard Roger at club racing last night say that as the BDAFL has not put an offer to him, he felt he had no choice but to take the Sydney job.
  26. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    Has anyone noticed, I looked at the umpire appointments on the BDAFL web site for this weekend. I have noticed that 2 umpires are doing 2 games. They are doing the Terrigal v Gosford game in the afternoon and then the Lake Mac v Wyong game that night. What gives? Are we that short on...
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    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

  28. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

  29. T

    Black Diamond AFL Part 2

    You are right Sir M. I should not indulge this person by responding. It does get under my skin a bit that this is being done. I am sure you would not like to see a Sir Markalot_ disgracing your good name? But as I said, you are right. Responding only encourages them more.