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  1. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    what? there's terrible input lag, rotten physics, several glitches, AI is practically non existent apart from spoiling which means as long as you can kick on the run your unbeatable even on the highest setting. and it has a very very small number of limited animations. its a great AFL game...
  2. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live 3. Let's be heard

    well from what i've heard Tru blu is making AFL live 2 internally. Big ant are currently working on Rugby League live 3 and Don Bradman cricket's PC release. There a small studio, IF AFL live 2 is being worked on and will be released anywhere within the next 2 years Big ant won't be working on...
  3. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    Really? Where's the rest of the money go?(also I was assuming retail price of $100 a unit.) Ah explains alot of there costs then.
  4. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    Exactly that's to cover costs only of money invested not profit's
  5. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    Because costs don't grow on a steadily increasing scale they jump up sharply. disregarding graphics which most people want let's look at physics. The physics engine is my biggest gripe, the problems with AFL lives physics cannot be solved with patches the engine must be stripped down and...
  6. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    For a decent game AFL would need to drop atleast 80 million on it. Australia doesn't have the tax breaks to bring down the costs of producing video games to begin with to make a decent game you need to total rebuild graphics and physics engines expand dev teams etc. I'm not sure you comprehend...
  7. Sydney Bloods

    BigAnt Studios to develop AFL Live 3 - Petition

    Let's face it NO AFL game will sell enough units to break even on anything other then a smart phone or tablet. The funding just isn't there, die hard footy fans that are gamers will buy anything that's released. But to attract the number of consumers required to have strong sales means the...
  8. Sydney Bloods

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 27

    It's made by the same mob, has a similar budget, will no doubt use the same engine. If you didn't like the first game I'd strongly recommend playing the demo (if there is one) before buying.
  9. Sydney Bloods

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 27

    What gets me is why don't they release the game at the start of the season? We all know it won't come out until mid season or finals.
  10. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live 2012/13 Wishlist Thread

    Thus making RLL2 more popular in the uk then aus, as nowhere in aus had a midnight release for RLL2. Nor did it top the charts here or fill up the Pre order slots available at any of the Australian based game shop's. (did do well though very well but I suspect your talking bs)
  11. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live Season 2013 roster update

    Alright on a major noob at this game on professional I dominate but switch it up to veteran and no matter what I run out of steam and loose any game's when the opposition just pile on goals in the last. also what's with the speed thing? The opposition always seems faster even though I hold R1...
  12. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live DLC out NOW!

    As I lost my copy of AFL live I'll be picking up the gory edition....... Would have already re-purchased but k-mart still want 90 bucks for it.
  13. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live 2012 - Get your name in the game

    Fabar: Fay-bar Why people say it as fay-ber I'll never no.
  14. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live DLC out NOW!

    I'm know you have to toe the company line and what not so I don't expect a response, but based on this. I wouldn't expect anything from Tru Blu they are a Duds, Big Ant should part ways with them the moment it becomes a viable...
  15. Sydney Bloods

    AFL Live DLC out NOW!

    On the contrary you only need the DLC in order to have the updated teams yourself The data from the other team is taken completely from that users end as theirs no extra rendering or audio needed you don't need the dlc for a simple roster updates, it just means that you play with the old roster...