Official Team Thread 🏉🥇🐍Ophidian Old Boys S39 Official Team Thread: magnus serpens duo pocula nostra habet 🏆🏆

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The change room behaviour at Baghdad is even worse.
Shaquille O Neal Shut Up GIF by Shark Week

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Coal, dear boy. Unfortunately hard to get the right stuff.

In those tiny engines?!? I'm flabbergasted.

Do you make your own tiny shovels to stoke the firebox, too?

There is a shit ton of science related to steam engine firebox and front end design, you're juggling so many variables. That's why its such a pain when you can't get a consistent supply of the coal that works with your particular engine. In the US hobby, oil firing and propane are more popular than coal for this reason, and unfortunately the rest of the world has to follow due to the coal supply situation.

A lot of the older houses around here have coal fireplaces, easy to spot as they're much smaller than the usual wood fireplaces, and they have a finer grate design too. A friend used to rent one of the mill houses that were numerous in the days before gentrification took hold, he said you could still buy fireplace coal by the sack. But he had to start the fire with wood kindling, anyway.
Certain teams might be tempted to recruit AI posters to their lists if (when) the remaining good posters leave

Yeah... let's stick with that... EXACTLY what I meant. :smilecat:
Please don't pretend that you didn't like it, you Dirty Dog
He said he doesn’t like greasy!

It’s a fair call! Lathered in Turbo oil is not for the faint hearted Mrs Turbo

You married it so WE know you like it!

Frustrated Ryan Gosling GIF

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I admire Tigerturbulance efforts to emulate the Richmond model, fostering a culture of vulnerability and connection within the team. Having shared my own dirty dawg experiences, I'm curious to hear from others and continue building on this positive and successful approach.
Tigerturbulance breaths success mate, we have a premiership every two seasons since we started and yep this is a premiership season coming up. "Build it and they will come" they say, well Turbo gave Mrs Turbo a tavern and then gave me and Elton Johns Wig the keys to a Guinness and wine bar and now Pugsley is getting his own Lawn Bowls green and the question now is what do you want mate? Name it and we will build it at Spotswood.
In those tiny engines?!? I'm flabbergasted.

Do you make your own tiny shovels to stoke the firebox, too?

3/4" to the foot scale - 3-1/2" gauge - is the smallest common coal-fired scale for hauling passengers. There are plenty of Gauge 1 - 1-3/4" - coalfired steamers, especially in the UK, and there have been the odd O scale ones as well.

firing tools.jpg
Some people use things like bent spoons to shovel coal, but its easy to make a proper one, and you can buy them if you're lazy.

But he had to start the fire with wood kindling, anyway.

For a model, the usual way is to use charcoal or kindling soaked in alcohol or kerosene. When it's burning then start adding a few small lumps of coal on top, and by the time the starter has burned down the coal is alight and you can just add more.
Oh, and at the start of the video you can see the steam raising fan in the chimney - there is no steam to make the blower work when you first fire up the loco, so you need to suck air through until there is a bit of steam to use.
Tigerturbulance breaths success mate, we have a premiership every two seasons since we started and yep this is a premiership season coming up. "Build it and they will come" they say, well Turbo gave Mrs Turbo a tavern and then gave me and Elton Johns Wig the keys to a Guinness and wine bar and now Pugsley is getting his own Lawn Bowls green and the question now is what do you want mate? Name it and we will build it at Spotswood.
A new Superman Bed with the Matress of Solitude.

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Official Team Thread 🏉🥇🐍Ophidian Old Boys S39 Official Team Thread: magnus serpens duo pocula nostra habet 🏆🏆

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