Official Team Thread šŸ‰ Dragons FFC - Season 33 Team Thread /// Congrats to T2B_ the S33 Ljp86 Medallist!

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Round 3
Team Banner MVP S33.png

Chief, Bonz, DJ75, Nool Carpenna, Maylandsman, Blaze Storm, Braklet, Pie 4 Life, serial_thrilla, T2B_, Mooresome, Stoods, DragoDelph, BringBackTheAnchor, Matt_352, Strigoi, Hatchy1992, paraaaa, Knifey Spoony, VandoHawk, Cold Sober, Bradesmaen, Ashman OG, HawkAussie, Ljp86.

One of the awards that is issued each season at Dragons FFC is the Coach's MVP. Each week Coach will cast votes based on who he thinks performs best on the qooty field. Raw statistics, positional dominance and big moments in the sim are taken into account, and Coach crunches the numbers with a complex algorithm to deal out 3-2-1 votes. Coach AceAndy still has the big job at the Dragons, despite an increasing reputation for sudden, strange onfield moves that either pay off brilliantly or end in total disaster, fast becoming known as Craaaaazy Andy, but after a premiership in season 32, understandably still has the keys to the machine that is the Dragons.


Coach's thoughts:

It's no secret by now our start to the season was looking a little shaky. Two consecutive losses to opponents we were really expected to roll over and own, like Tom Nook owns the villagers of Animal Crossing. Alas our next opponent was the Royals; a team I don't rate at all but for some reason our skipper serial_thrilla raves about every time the fixture brings them up against us.

With redemption on the cards, would we bring the goods this week? And would poor old starving Knifey Spoony actually get to finally eat some Subway?

Rich (BB code):
Smartys Power               Blacky                   Paddles_
Hatchy1992                  Bonz                     Knifey Spoony

MrPremiership               BRAB                     omgfridge
DJ75                        BringBackTheAnchor       Ljp86

Ligma                       PMBangers                nahnah
Bradesmaen                  Stoods                   Matt_352

weltschmerz                 CakeEater                Ulahoopski
DragoDelph                  Blaze Storm              Braklet

SarahSmiles                 spookism                 krakouers
Ashman OG                   serial_thrilla           Chief

GCR Foll : GreyCrow, Marlowe, The Filth Wizard
DRA Foll : Strigoi, Pie 4 Life, T2B_

GCR INT : grumbleguts, boncer34
DRA INT : Mooresome, paraaaa


[RD 3], Conditions for this match - CLOUDY

Things kicked off at The Golden Throne in cloudy weather, so we knew whichever way the result was going to go it would be a good day for stats padders. The first few minutes we were just seeing the Royals behinds - alas, no, not in that way - as they kicked 3 minor scores in a row. Our plucky midfielder in Stoods got us going with a major soon after though, after doing some footwork around PMBangers that would have got him a gig on Dancing With The Stars. After this point the two sides largely traded scores, both goals and behinds, one after another. Neither side got to more than 4 points in front for the opening quarter, such was the tightness of it. We went into quarter time leading by 2 points thanks to a late major to Knifey Spoony - who finally got one of his goals! Would he get the second needed for his much sought after Subway voucher?

The first half of the second quarter was yet again a trading of blows between the two sides, with no clear ascendancy either way and it had begun to resemble a bit of a shootout, however, the last ten minutes of the quarter saw us suddenly step things up and kick 4 goals to the Royals single major. By this point our powerhouse focal point in Bonz was sitting pretty on 3 goals for the match so far - however the star of the quarter was none other than Ljp86, who wound back the clock to kick 3 goals of his own for that whole quarter! At half time things were looking pretty good with a 21 point lead.

When things kicked off again after half time, we extended the margin by another goal thanks to a great effort by our ruck in Strigoi. Sadly this was about the only highlight for the majority of the third quarter as the Royals decided to casually kick the next 6 (!) goals. We hit back with 2 goals in red time, thanks to Stoods and Ljp86 kicking their third and fourth goals respectively, but we went into the final break with only a 4 point lead. Still, after a couple losses and a decent first half, we were confident that in the last we would have the inner steel and resolve to pull away and snag the chocolates.

Sadly, this prediction went about as well as the reactions to playing Rebecca Black in the club rooms. The Royals' full forward in spookism, sitting on 3 goals for the game up to this point, decided he would kick another 3 goals in this term alone. At one point it did occur to me, as spookism yet again ragdolled our full back serial_thrilla, that maybe I should perform a move. But I thought to myself, "nah, it'll be fine". Some might say this was a spiteful lack of action as revenge for thrilla pushing me out of the Qooty field and up into the coaches box a couple seasons ago, but I would flatly deny that. I would.

As the final quarter waned, however, things took an optimistic turn as our midfielders in T2B_ and the venerable Pie 4 Life hit the scoreboard for a major each. Although one of spookism's goals was sandwiched in between their goals, we were only down by 3 points with less than a minute to spare on the clock. We knew we needed a last ditch effort. A hero to slice through the Royals and deliver the killing blow to get our season on track.

Enter Bradesmaen.

The winger bolted through the middle and presented, receiving a handball and with mere seconds left went the torp from outside 50. He couldn't surely? Well it was a ripper of a kick - power and penetration personified, but looked to be a little off line... no! It had bent back late and swung inside the big sticks as the final siren sounded. He had done it! The crowd erupted and I won't lie, I felt tears well up into my eyes and dropped to the floor on my knees, praising Rebecca Black, Jesus, Buddha and Rebecca Black.

Except... something was wrong. The scoreboard did not tick over and remained with the Dragons deficit. The goal was not counted. My praises to deities soon turned to curses as we were informed that a glitch in spacetime caused by God's shoddy coding at the creation of reality or something meant the goal didn't actually happen before the siren went and merely appeared so.

A bitter, bitter end to what was otherwise a thrilling game.

Rich (BB code):
GCR               3    5        6    5        12   6        15   9    99     
DRA               4    1        10   2        13   4        15   6    96     
GCR        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  DRA         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
Paddles_    0  0  0  3  0  0  0  0  0    6  Ljp86        0  9  5  6  1  0  2  4  0   76
Blacky      0  3  3  4  0  0  0  0  0   26  serial_thr   0  4  5  4  0  0  0  0  0   35
boncer34    0  5  0  2  0  0  0  0  0   19  BringBackT   0  5  4  6  1  0  0  0  0   43
MrPremiers  0  7  4  9  0  0  1  0  0   48  Braklet      0  8  12 16 3  1  2  0  0   99
BRAB        0  6  10 8  1  0  1  0  0   65  Mooresome    0  4  0  9  3  1  1  0  0   40
omgfridge   0  9  8  8  1  1  0  0  0   72  DragoDelph   0  15 7  8  1  0  1  0  0   83
Ligma       0  16 9  14 2  1  0  0  0  112  Matt_352     0  12 6  19 3  0  0  1  0  110
PMBangers   0  18 5  14 3  2  2  2  0  117  Ashman OG    0  13 11 20 2  1  2  0  1  116
nahnah      0  18 6  11 1  0  0  1  0  104  Bradesmaen   0  8  4  8  1  0  1  0  0   53
Ulahoopski  0  9  4  4  4  2  1  0  1   63  paraaaa      0  5  1  2  0  0  0  0  0   22
CakeEater   0  10 6  8  2  1  1  0  0   70  Blaze Stor   0  5  2  5  0  0  0  0  0   31
weltschmer  0  2  3  2  0  1  3  1  0   17  DJ75         0  7  5  8  0  1  0  0  0   53
SarahSmile  0  6  0  2  1  0  0  3  3   47  Knifey Spo   0  2  0  0  0  0  0  1  1   13
spookism    0  6  4  0  1  0  0  6  0   70  Bonz         0  3  0  0  0  0  0  3  0   27
krakouers   0  3  1  0  0  0  0  0  3   15  Hatchy1992   0  1  0  0  1  0  0  0  1    8
GreyCrow    11 12 0  10 6  1  1  1  1   96  Strigoi      15 14 0  18 3  3  0  1  2  116
Marlowe     0  11 0  11 9  3  0  0  0   94  Pie 4 Life   0  10 0  19 10 2  2  1  0  110
The Filth   0  7  0  10 5  1  0  0  0   62  T2B_         0  15 0  13 3  1  1  1  0   87
grumblegut  0  1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0    5  Stoods       0  4  2  1  0  0  1  3  1   36
Smartys Po  0  6  3  5  1  0  0  1  1   48  Chief        0  6  2  2  0  0  0  0  0   28

Rich (BB code):
            GCR   DRA
Hitouts   : 11   15
Kicks     : 155  150
Marks     : 66   66
Handballs : 126  164
Tackles   : 37   32
Frees For : 13   10
Frees Ag. : 10   13
Smothers  : 0    3
Ironouts  : 12   9
Inside50  : 26   19
Goals     : 15   15
Behinds   : 9    6

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
1.28 - Behind to krakouers (GCR) - GCR by 1 point(s).
2.25 - Behind to SarahSmiles (GCR) - GCR by 2 point(s).
3.02 - Behind to krakouers (GCR) - GCR by 3 point(s).
4.48 - Goal to Stoods (DRA) - DRA by 3 point(s).
6.2 - Goal to GreyCrow (GCR) - GCR by 3 point(s).
11.15 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 3 point(s).
11.56 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - GCR by 3 point(s).
13.08 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 3 point(s).
14.02 - Behind to SarahSmiles (GCR) - DRA by 2 point(s).
17.32 - Behind to Knifey Spoony (DRA) - DRA by 3 point(s).
20.02 - Goal to weltschmerz (GCR) - GCR by 3 point(s).
20.34 - Behind to SarahSmiles (GCR) - GCR by 4 point(s).
22.37 - Goal to Knifey Spoony (DRA) - DRA by 2 point(s).

Second Quarter :
1.09 - Goal to SarahSmiles (GCR) - GCR by 4 point(s).
4.27 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - DRA by 2 point(s).
4.46 - Goal to PMBangers (GCR) - GCR by 4 point(s).
5.23 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - DRA by 2 point(s).
9.26 - Behind to Ashman OG (DRA) - DRA by 3 point(s).
10.05 - Goal to Matt_352 (DRA) - DRA by 9 point(s).
11.15 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - DRA by 15 point(s).
12.23 - Goal to Stoods (DRA) - DRA by 21 point(s).
16.27 - Goal to Smartys Power (GCR) - DRA by 15 point(s).
21.16 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 21 point(s).

Third Quarter :
.53 - Behind to GreyCrow (GCR) - DRA by 20 point(s).
3.4 - Goal to Strigoi (DRA) - DRA by 26 point(s).
4.5 - Goal to SarahSmiles (GCR) - DRA by 20 point(s).
6.37 - Goal to PMBangers (GCR) - DRA by 14 point(s).
7.57 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - DRA by 8 point(s).
10.01 - Behind to Stoods (DRA) - DRA by 9 point(s).
12.23 - Goal to nahnah (GCR) - DRA by 3 point(s).
13.17 - Goal to SarahSmiles (GCR) - GCR by 3 point(s).
14.43 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - GCR by 9 point(s).
17.38 - Rushed behind to DRA - GCR by 8 point(s).
18.17 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - GCR by 2 point(s).
22.58 - Goal to Stoods (DRA) - DRA by 4 point(s).

Final Quarter :
2.03 - Behind to krakouers (GCR) - DRA by 3 point(s).
2.46 - Behind to Ulahoopski (GCR) - DRA by 2 point(s).
3.58 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - GCR by 4 point(s).
5.37 - Rushed behind to GCR - GCR by 5 point(s).
6.2 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - GCR by 11 point(s).
7.55 - Behind to Strigoi (DRA) - GCR by 10 point(s).
8.45 - Goal to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - GCR by 4 point(s).
18.22 - Goal to spookism (GCR) - GCR by 10 point(s).
19.21 - Goal to T2B_ (DRA) - GCR by 4 point(s).
21.31 - Rushed behind to DRA - GCR by 3 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
Smartys Power        0 (On) 27.17 (Off) 28.33 (On) 97.04 (Off) Total : 95%
Blacky               0 (On) Total : 100%
Paddles_             0 (On) 2.34 (Off) 56.08 (On) Total : 46%
MrPremiership        0 (On) Total : 100%
BRAB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
omgfridge            0 (On) Total : 100%
Ligma                0 (On) Total : 100%
PMBangers            0 (On) Total : 100%
nahnah               0 (On) Total : 100%
weltschmerz          0 (On) 28.33 (Off) 40.51 (On) 56.08 (Off) 78.23 (On) Total : 66%
CakeEater            0 (On) Total : 100%
Ulahoopski           0 (On) 78.23 (Off) 97.04 (On) Total : 81%
SarahSmiles          0 (On) Total : 100%
spookism             0 (On) Total : 100%
krakouers            0 (On) Total : 100%
GreyCrow             0 (On) Total : 100%
Marlowe              0 (On) Total : 100%
The Filth Wizard     0 (On) Total : 100%
grumbleguts          0 (Off) 27.17 (On) 40.51 (Off) Total : 13%
boncer34             0 (Off) 2.34 (On) Total : 96%

Chief                0 (On) 15.28 (Off) 23.32 (On) 35.42 (Off) 65.35 (On) 85.28 (Off) Total : 47%
serial_thrilla       0 (On) Total : 100%
Ashman OG            0 (On) Total : 100%
Braklet              0 (On) Total : 100%
Blaze Storm          0 (On) 34.07 (Off) 41.38 (On) Total : 92%
DragoDelph           0 (On) Total : 100%
Matt_352             0 (On) Total : 100%
Stoods               0 (On) 27.07 (Off) 33.1 (On) 84.18 (Off) Total : 78%
Bradesmaen           0 (On) Total : 100%
Ljp86                0 (On) Total : 100%
BringBackTheAnchor   0 (On) 33.1 (Off) 35.42 (On) 65.35 (Off) 78.4 (On) Total : 84%
DJ75                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Knifey Spoony        0 (On) 41.38 (Off) 84.18 (On) Total : 57%
Bonz                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Hatchy1992           0 (On) Total : 100%
Strigoi              0 (On) Total : 100%
Pie 4 Life           0 (On) Total : 100%
T2B_                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Mooresome            0 (Off) 34.07 (On) Total : 65%
paraaaa              0 (Off) 15.28 (On) 23.32 (Off) 27.07 (On) 78.4 (Off) 85.28 (On) Total : 73%

Total :  3600               Average :  90.00001

  • In an epic battle, PMBangers and Ashman OG were hard to separate - though PMBangers was slightly more effective. - 92m from 7 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, SarahSmiles came out tops over the brave Ashman OG. - 4m from 2 to 6.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, boncer34 had the better of Blaze Storm. - 0m from 60 to 60.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, CakeEater did well against Blaze Storm. - 33m from 0 to 33.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, BRAB massacred Blaze Storm. - 35m from 63 to 98.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Blacky and Bonz were evenly matched. - 72m from 11 to 83.
  • In a resume-material performance, Ligma had Bradesmaen's measure. - 95m from 5 to 100.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Ulahoopski did well against Braklet. - 76m from 1 to 77.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, Braklet massacred weltschmerz. - 15m from 84 to 99.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, BringBackTheAnchor did very well against BRAB. - 23m from 7 to 30.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, BringBackTheAnchor gave krakouers a hiding. - 10m from 44 to 54.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, BringBackTheAnchor came out tops over the brave SarahSmiles. - 13m from 80 to 93.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, Chief won the bout with krakouers. - 81m from 0 to 81.
  • Toe to toe throughout, DJ75 either broke even with MrPremiership or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 92m from 4 to 96.
  • Toe to toe throughout, DragoDelph was slightly more polished than Smartys Power. - 63m from 32 to 95.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, DragoDelph did well against weltschmerz. - 25m from 0 to 25.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, grumbleguts exposed Hatchy1992's frailties. - 6m from 34 to 40.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Hatchy1992 either broke even with Paddles_ or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 14m from 60 to 74.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Smartys Power gave Hatchy1992 a hiding. - 10m from 8 to 18.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Knifey Spoony did well against boncer34. - 87m from 9 to 96.
  • In an epic battle, Ljp86 and omgfridge were hard to separate - though Ljp86 was slightly more effective. - 81m from 3 to 84.
  • In a resume-material performance, Matt_352 won the bout with nahnah. - 98m from 0 to 98.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Mooresome came out tops over the brave CakeEater. - 57m from 38 to 95.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, SarahSmiles was way too good for paraaaa. - 47m from 31 to 78.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, paraaaa came out tops over the brave krakouers. - 73m from 20 to 93.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, omgfridge had the better of paraaaa. - 0m from 96 to 96.
  • In a resume-material performance, Pie 4 Life had Marlowe's measure. - 99m from 0 to 99.
  • In what became a bit of a clinic, spookism massacred serial_thrilla. - 93m from 0 to 93.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, PMBangers had the better of Stoods. - 6m from 1 to 7.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, BRAB did well against Stoods. - 27m from 34 to 61.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, SarahSmiles did well against Stoods. - 13m from 13 to 26.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, it could be argued that Stoods had the better game against boncer34 - although there was very little in it. - 5m from 67 to 72.
  • While not all all one-way, Strigoi came out tops over the brave GreyCrow. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • While not all all one-way, T2B_ had the better of The Filth Wizard. - 99m from 0 to 99.

Defender highlights: This would probably not be considered a game for defender highlights, especially being a bit of a shootout. Mooresome (13d, 3t) did well coming off the bench and holding out the Royals' CakeEater. The two Dragons rookies on opposing HBFs though were shining lights, with Braklet (24d, 12m) and DragoDelph (23d, 7m) well and truly holding their own and providing drive back the other way. Ashman OG (33d, 11m), although having a tough time with his opponents, did have some stunning numbers to his name and also gave us plenty of defensive drive.

Midfield highlights: Our midfield held up very well against their Royals counterparts, to be expected in such a tight result. Strigoi (32d, 15ho, 1g, 1b) was in typical fine form, having something to say to the All-SFA selectors of last season coming out with the choccies over the Royals' much vaunted GreyCrow. Continuing his rich midfield form, Pie 4 Life (29d, 10t, 1g) was an inside dynamo who racked up ball and tackled all day and Matt_352 (31d, 6m, 1g) was in fine form on the wing.

Forward highlights: Our unlikely star of the forwards was Ljp86 (15d, 5m, 4g) who showed age was no object and kicked a bag. It was otherwise slim pickings as Bonz (3d, 3g) was well held after his initial few and the only other multiple goal kicker was in fact our centre in Stoods (5d, 3g) who was very efficient at drifting forward and hitting the scoreboard from limited touches.

Next week: We take on the disease ridden Swamprats. After missing out on the Subway voucher this week, will Knifey Spoony finally get what he so richly desires? Will he even survive until then or starve to death, in a tragic yet oddly poetic parallel to how our forward line has starved of goals recently? We shall have to find out! Time to turn things around. Let's go Dragons!!

Round 3 MVP Votes vs. Gold City Royals
3 Votes - Pie 4 Life
2 Votes - Ashman OG
1 Vote - Braklet
Good win Dragons, nice to get our first win of the season. Our first half wasn't too great but a much improved third quarter got us back into the game and we also started the fourth well to give ourselves a nice lead partway through the term. The 'Rats came back at us late though but we did enough to get the win which is fairly pleasing.

Stoods played a great game and was well supported by Matt_352, T2B_, Pie 4 Life and also HawkAussie, great to have HawkAussie back in the side. Bonz did well to kick three goals in some pretty ordinary weather while DragoDelph continued his very solid rookie season form.

Nice to grab our first win of the season and get some momentum going after a bit of a tough opening, the challenge now is for us to continue that next week. :thumbsu:

Go Dragons!! :thumbsu:
Chief, Bonz, DJ75, Nool Carpenna, Maylandsman, Blaze Storm, Braklet, Pie 4 Life, serial_thrilla, T2B_, Mooresome, Stoods, DragoDelph, BringBackTheAnchor, Matt_352, Strigoi, Hatchy1992, paraaaa, Knifey Spoony, VandoHawk, Cold Sober, Bradesmaen, Ashman OG, HawkAussie, Ljp86.

A little bit of a quieter week for us in Round 4 as we faced off against the Swamprats. Only 448 match thread posts, but importantly we saw an impressive 18 Dragons make an appearance, including HawkAussie and VandoHawk for the first time this season. Some solid numbers were put up by DragoDelph (80), T2B_ (69), Braklet (60) and Bonz (48), whilst Ljp86 (15) has his highest number for the season.

One of our posting goals each season (beyond 20 posters a week) is for every squad member to appear at least once, so hopefully we can get Cold Sober and Maylandsman in there soon.

Round 5 has us up against the East Side Fire Chickens, who are always an engaging mob. I hope to see you all in there at some point. Go Dragons!

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The Dragon Spirit Medal is an award that is voted on by all the Dragons FFC players to acknowledge the opposition poster who best dominates the match thread and/or the Qooty field. High quality banter, excellent engagement with all posters, and good humour are all taken into consideration.

Round 3 brought the Dragons against the snooty nerds known as the Royals. You know what you get with the Royals - a diverse bunch of posters who bring a combo of humour, friendly-antagonism and general banter. Well that's when anyone can get a word in between serial_thrilla and Marlowe's nerdgasms that divulge into something between an essay and the Gettysburg Address, anyway.

Still there could only be one winner of the Dragon Spirit medal for this round and I must admit it goes to a pretty cool customer. Someone reliable you know will always look after your stuff. Someone that keeps your stuff from going bad and helps keep you well fed. Someone that doesn't judge you when you raid their insides late at night with your junk hanging out when you have a serious case of the munchies.

Yes that's right, the Dragon Spirit medal for round 3 goes to the best cooling appliance in the league, omgfridge ! Congrats mate!

View attachment 1336425

The Dragon Spirit Medal is an award that is voted on by all the Dragons FFC players to acknowledge the opposition poster who best dominates the match thread and/or the Qooty field. High quality banter, excellent engagement with all posters, and good humour are all taken into consideration.

Round 3 brought the Dragons against the snooty nerds known as the Royals. You know what you get with the Royals - a diverse bunch of posters who bring a combo of humour, friendly-antagonism and general banter. Well that's when anyone can get a word in between serial_thrilla and Marlowe's nerdgasms that divulge into something between an essay and the Gettysburg Address, anyway.

Still there could only be one winner of the Dragon Spirit medal for this round and I must admit it goes to a pretty cool customer. Someone reliable you know will always look after your stuff. Someone that keeps your stuff from going bad and helps keep you well fed. Someone that doesn't judge you when you raid their insides late at night with your junk hanging out when you have a serious case of the munchies.

Yes that's right, the Dragon Spirit medal for round 3 goes to the best cooling appliance in the league, omgfridge ! Congrats mate!

omgfridge pillows for all!!
View attachment 1336425

The Dragon Spirit Medal is an award that is voted on by all the Dragons FFC players to acknowledge the opposition poster who best dominates the match thread and/or the Qooty field. High quality banter, excellent engagement with all posters, and good humour are all taken into consideration.

Round 3 brought the Dragons against the snooty nerds known as the Royals. You know what you get with the Royals - a diverse bunch of posters who bring a combo of humour, friendly-antagonism and general banter. Well that's when anyone can get a word in between serial_thrilla and Marlowe's nerdgasms that divulge into something between an essay and the Gettysburg Address, anyway.

Still there could only be one winner of the Dragon Spirit medal for this round and I must admit it goes to a pretty cool customer. Someone reliable you know will always look after your stuff. Someone that keeps your stuff from going bad and helps keep you well fed. Someone that doesn't judge you when you raid their insides late at night with your junk hanging out when you have a serious case of the munchies.

Yes that's right, the Dragon Spirit medal for round 3 goes to the best cooling appliance in the league, omgfridge ! Congrats mate!

I hadn't heard of this award before now but I'm now glad I have and even better that I won it too.

Thanks Dragons, was a fun thread especially with your new recruits.

I'm still enjoying my sub

I'm still enjoying my sub

View attachment 1336488

Best. Episode. Ever.

I hadn't heard of this award before now but I'm now glad I have and even better that I won it too.

Thanks Dragons, was a fun thread especially with your new recruits.

I'm still enjoying my sub

View attachment 1336488

Be careful,

I know of an idiot/genius who won it twice in one season and then moved from the Wonders to the Dragon's

The Dragon Spirit Medal is an award that is voted on by all the Dragons FFC players to acknowledge the opposition poster who best dominates the match thread and/or the Qooty field. High quality banter, excellent engagement with all posters, and good humour are all taken into consideration.

Round 4 came upon us and after spending some time with the Royals and lamenting magical disappearing torpedo goals, we came up against the Swamprats.
The Rats seem to look forward to a week with us and the feeling is mutual - they're a good fun mob to hang out with. Just don't send your players to the Rats for a season, they might need a good tune up upon return; but just spending a week with them in opposition is fine.

So with all that said there was never going to be a real shortage of candidates for the Dragon Spirit, but of course there can only be one winner. The winner this week as always brings an arsenal of dad jokes like no other. You'll either lose yourself to laughter or have your eyes roll so hard they do a full somersault in your head, but it's always welcome (unless you're one of those humourless mobs like the Warriors).

That's right, the winner is philreich ! Congrats Phil, and I'm sure you'll grace us with another dad joke as we hand you the medal. We would also award you this book but you probably already own it.

View attachment 1338394

The Dragon Spirit Medal is an award that is voted on by all the Dragons FFC players to acknowledge the opposition poster who best dominates the match thread and/or the Qooty field. High quality banter, excellent engagement with all posters, and good humour are all taken into consideration.

Round 4 came upon us and after spending some time with the Royals and lamenting magical disappearing torpedo goals, we came up against the Swamprats.
The Rats seem to look forward to a week with us and the feeling is mutual - they're a good fun mob to hang out with. Just don't send your players to the Rats for a season, they might need a good tune up upon return; but just spending a week with them in opposition is fine.

So with all that said there was never going to be a real shortage of candidates for the Dragon Spirit, but of course there can only be one winner. The winner this week as always brings an arsenal of dad jokes like no other. You'll either lose yourself to laughter or have your eyes roll so hard they do a full somersault in your head, but it's always welcome (unless you're one of those humourless mobs like the Warriors).

That's right, the winner is philreich ! Congrats Phil, and I'm sure you'll grace us with another dad joke as we hand you the medal. We would also award you this book but you probably already own it.

Thanks for them kind words - I really enjoyed last week: apart from the result, and as I said in the post match comments, I look forward to the rematch in round 15.

Funny you should mention the Warriors. As you know, they haven't started the season too well. I read the other day about a longsuffering husband and wife, who attended their round 3 game at our home ground. Unfortunately they left their Warriors season tickets in the car. When they returned to the vehicle, they were shocked to find that it had been broken into, and even worse - there were now SIX Warriors membership cards on the front seat!!!!!!
Round 4
Team Banner MVP S33.png

Chief, Bonz, DJ75, Nool Carpenna, Maylandsman, Blaze Storm, Braklet, Pie 4 Life, serial_thrilla, T2B_, Mooresome, Stoods, DragoDelph, BringBackTheAnchor, Matt_352, Strigoi, Hatchy1992, paraaaa, Knifey Spoony, VandoHawk, Cold Sober, Bradesmaen, Ashman OG, HawkAussie, Ljp86.

One of the awards that is issued each season at Dragons FFC is the Coach's MVP. Each week Coach will cast votes based on who he thinks performs best on the qooty field. Raw statistics, positional dominance and big moments in the sim are taken into account, and Coach crunches the numbers with a complex algorithm to deal out 3-2-1 votes. Coach AceAndy still has the big job at the Dragons, despite an increasing reputation for sudden, strange onfield moves that either pay off brilliantly or end in total disaster, fast becoming known as Craaaaazy Andy, but after a premiership in season 32, understandably still has the keys to the machine that is the Dragons.


Coach's thoughts:

It's no exaggeration that as we entered Round 4 vs the Swamprats, we were in need of a win. Not just because of needing to get our season back on track, but as I noted a couple weeks ago, thinks were beginning to smell suspiciously "mutiny-ish". To ensure I was left alone this week I hired two big bouncers to stand outside my office door. You would think their presence alone would be enough - but let's just say a certain avocado is now even more bruised than usual.

Anyway, even though the weather forecast wasn't looking promising, we were champing at the bit to go out and prove we have what it takes. Would we finally succeed? And would any late at shots at goal just magically disappear this time?

Rich (BB code):
Chief                       serial_thrilla           Ashman OG
HirdsTheWord                Catsnlakers              okeydoke7

HawkAussie                  Blaze Storm              Stoods
Grav                        philreich                ant555

Matt_352                    DragoDelph               Bradesmaen
GotTheGoodes                Ant Bear                 darthmann

Ljp86                       Braklet                  DJ75
RPCB                        Kennedy Parker           Marklar_33

Knifey Spoony               Bonz                     Hatchy1992
Power Raid                  jackster83               sataris

DRA Foll : Strigoi, Pie 4 Life, T2B_
SCS Foll : GremioPower, ShaunDuggan, Firestarter

DRA INT : Mooresome, paraaaa
SCS INT : TheDarkDwarf, Quadzilla

Dragons FFC: <none>
Sin City Swamprats: <none>

Round 4, Conditions for this match - MUDDY

As predicted, the weather was less than stellar when we ran out at Ljp86's Lair. It was MUDDY, like really muddy and one could be forgiven for thinking this could suit the Swamprats. Unlike the previous week, this was not likely to be a pretty game. Our co-captains complained and said something about me having peeved off the Qooty gods again but I wasn't having any of it. I gave them a slap up the backside of their heads with my Nintendo Switch and sent them out onto the field.

I'd be lying if I said our start was ideal. The Rats came out and although conditions were hard going and messy, they were busy indeed. After a few behinds in succession, they managed to lay on a couple of majors, before we had even landed a single point. The venerable Pie 4 Life got us on the board with a classy effort to snag one on the run a bit over halfway through the quarter. Unfortunately the Rats got another goal to go into the first break with a handy 16 point lead.

The second quarter looked to be even worse. Much of it was spent with fumbles and spoils and transferals up and down the ground, such were the poor conditions, and the Rats once again kicked 3 successive behinds before landing another major. Midway through the term they got out to a 26 point lead and in this weather, even the most optimistic of us would be quite concerned. Thankfully, as we approached red time two of our midfielders snagged us back 2 goals, they being DragoDelph and Pie 4 Life (once again) respectively, and we held on until half-time with no further scores either side to go into the break with a 14 point deficit.

Along came the third quarter and we knew we had to step it up a bit. Pleasingly, I can say we did just that! This was truly the quarter of the Dragons, as although not much scoring was done in the term, they were all Dragon scores. Within the first minute the great veteran in Ljp86 had sunk a major, with Bonz following up only a matter of minutes later. When nearly ten minutes later had passed, with no scores either way, Bonz got us another. While not a pretty game even at this point, with many changes of possession and errors everywhere, we actually went into three quarter time with a 6 point advantage. Given the first half, this was quite a turnaround. Our challenge was to hold on in the last.

Well it only took a couple minutes into the last and we got the major we were looking for - Knifey Spoony, despite being wheeled out onto the ground hooked up to life support having stubbornly refused to eat anything but Subway and having still failed to get a Subway voucher, somehow managed to get us our first major. This followed up several minutes later by Bonz once again who was well and truly used to the conditions at this point and was well in control, and suddenly we were 19 points up. It wasn't smooth sailing from here however as after the Rats threatened to trouble the scoreboard a few times as the quarter waned, they finally snagged 2 goals in red time to Catsnlakers and sataris.

Pleasingly however, our team defense held the last few minutes and we finally ran out 6 point winners. We did it! The stats sheet was, quite frankly, disgusting and only useful as spare toilet paper, but a win is a win.

Rich (BB code):
DRA               1    1        3    1        6    3        8    5    53    
SCS               3    5        4    9        4    9        6    11   47    
DRA        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  SCS         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
serial_thr  0  1  2  3  1  0  0  0  0   19  ant555       0  8  2  2  1  0  1  1  3   44
Mooresome   0  0  0  5  0  0  0  0  0   10  jackster83   0  2  1  2  0  0  0  0  0   13
Ljp86       0  7  6  4  1  0  0  1  0   57  Grav         0  5  1  4  1  0  0  1  1   37
HawkAussie  0  7  7  3  1  1  1  0  0   50  Marklar_33   0  3  5  5  1  1  1  0  0   36
Blaze Stor  0  7  4  4  0  1  1  0  0   39  Kennedy Pa   0  10 2  3  1  0  0  0  0   46
Stoods      0  12 5  4  2  1  1  0  0   65  RPCB         0  7  4  8  0  0  0  0  0   49
Chief       0  3  3  2  0  0  0  0  0   22  darthmann    0  4  3  9  2  0  1  0  0   44
DragoDelph  0  7  4  9  1  0  2  1  0   55  Ant Bear     0  5  4  10 2  1  0  0  0   56
Bradesmaen  0  7  4  4  2  0  0  0  0   49  GotTheGood   0  5  4  8  2  1  1  0  0   49
Strigoi     6  5  0  4  1  0  2  0  0   27  philreich    0  2  2  5  0  0  1  0  0   19
Braklet     0  5  2  2  0  0  0  0  0   25  sataris      0  5  2  3  1  0  1  2  0   40
DJ75        0  3  1  6  2  0  1  0  1   30  TheDarkDwa   0  5  3  5  1  1  1  0  2   38
Knifey Spo  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1  0    9  okeydoke7    0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
Bonz        0  3  1  0  0  1  0  3  0   31  Catsnlaker   0  3  0  0  0  0  0  2  1   22
Hatchy1992  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0    1  HirdsTheWo   0  2  1  0  0  0  0  0  2   11
Ashman OG   1  7  1  7  0  0  1  0  1   37  GremioPowe   8  8  0  9  1  2  2  0  0   50
Matt_352    0  5  7  8  1  0  1  0  0   53  ShaunDugga   0  9  0  8  6  2  1  0  0   66
T2B_        0  6  0  6  5  5  0  0  1   56  Firestarte   0  8  0  7  2  2  0  0  1   49
Pie 4 Life  0  11 0  2  2  0  0  2  2   59  Power Raid   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0
paraaaa     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0  Quadzilla    0  0  0  2  0  0  0  0  0    4

Rich (BB code):
            DRA   SCS
Hitouts   : 7    8
Kicks     : 97   92
Marks     : 47   34
Handballs : 73   90
Tackles   : 19   21
Frees For : 10   10
Frees Ag. : 10   10
Smothers  : 0    1
Ironouts  : 5    6
Inside50  : 7    9
Goals     : 8    6
Behinds   : 5    11

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
3.07 - Behind to okeydoke7 (SCS) - SCS by 1 point(s).
7.45 - Behind to Firestarter (SCS) - SCS by 2 point(s).
8.38 - Behind to Grav (SCS) - SCS by 3 point(s).
9.56 - Goal to Grav (SCS) - SCS by 9 point(s).
12.17 - Behind to HirdsTheWord (SCS) - SCS by 10 point(s).
13.1 - Goal to Catsnlakers (SCS) - SCS by 16 point(s).
16.34 - Goal to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - SCS by 10 point(s).
17.42 - Goal to sataris (SCS) - SCS by 16 point(s).
19.11 - Rushed behind to DRA - SCS by 15 point(s).
24.55 - Rushed behind to SCS - SCS by 16 point(s).

Second Quarter :
2.35 - Behind to TheDarkDwarf (SCS) - SCS by 17 point(s).
5.12 - Behind to TheDarkDwarf (SCS) - SCS by 18 point(s).
6.02 - Behind to ant555 (SCS) - SCS by 19 point(s).
8.01 - Goal to ant555 (SCS) - SCS by 25 point(s).
11.08 - Behind to Catsnlakers (SCS) - SCS by 26 point(s).
15.53 - Goal to DragoDelph (DRA) - SCS by 20 point(s).
16.47 - Goal to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - SCS by 14 point(s).

Third Quarter :
.59 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - SCS by 8 point(s).
4.19 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - SCS by 2 point(s).
13.21 - Behind to Ashman OG (DRA) - SCS by 1 point(s).
14.04 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 5 point(s).
17.22 - Behind to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - DRA by 6 point(s).

Final Quarter :
1.4 - Behind to DJ75 (DRA) - DRA by 7 point(s).
2.48 - Goal to Knifey Spoony (DRA) - DRA by 13 point(s).
8.37 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 19 point(s).
9.55 - Behind to ant555 (SCS) - DRA by 18 point(s).
11.08 - Behind to HirdsTheWord (SCS) - DRA by 17 point(s).
18.15 - Goal to Catsnlakers (SCS) - DRA by 11 point(s).
19.3 - Goal to sataris (SCS) - DRA by 5 point(s).
22.47 - Behind to T2B_ (DRA) - DRA by 6 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
Chief                0 (On) 62.15 (Off) 69.17 (On) Total : 93%
serial_thrilla       0 (On) 45.42 (Off) 62.15 (On) Total : 83%
Ashman OG            0 (On) Total : 100%
HawkAussie           0 (On) Total : 100%
Blaze Storm          0 (On) Total : 100%
Stoods               0 (On) Total : 100%
Matt_352             0 (On) 69.17 (Off) 96.42 (On) Total : 73%
DragoDelph           0 (On) Total : 100%
Bradesmaen           0 (On) Total : 100%
Ljp86                0 (On) Total : 100%
Braklet              0 (On) Total : 100%
DJ75                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Knifey Spoony        0 (On) Total : 100%
Bonz                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Hatchy1992           0 (On) Total : 100%
Strigoi              0 (On) Total : 100%
Pie 4 Life           0 (On) 96.42 (Off) Total : 96%
T2B_                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Mooresome            0 (Off) 45.42 (On) Total : 54%
paraaaa              0 (Off) Total : 0%

sataris              0 (On) 9.16 (Off) 14.22 (On) Total : 94%
jackster83           0 (On) Total : 100%
Power Raid           0 (On) 22.12 (Off) Total : 22%
Marklar_33           0 (On) Total : 100%
Kennedy Parker       0 (On) Total : 100%
RPCB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
darthmann            0 (On) Total : 100%
Ant Bear             0 (On) Total : 100%
GotTheGoodes         0 (On) Total : 100%
ant555               0 (On) Total : 100%
philreich            0 (On) 14.22 (Off) 56.31 (On) 58.14 (Off) 72.25 (On) Total : 44%
Grav                 0 (On) 20.07 (Off) 22.12 (On) Total : 97%
okeydoke7            0 (On) Total : 100%
Catsnlakers          0 (On) Total : 100%
HirdsTheWord         0 (On) Total : 100%
GremioPower          0 (On) Total : 100%
ShaunDuggan          0 (On) Total : 100%
Firestarter          0 (On) Total : 100%
TheDarkDwarf         0 (Off) 20.07 (On) Total : 79%
Quadzilla            0 (Off) 9.16 (On) 56.31 (Off) 58.14 (On) 72.25 (Off) Total : 60%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, Ashman OG had GremioPower's measure. - 11m from 88 to 99.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Ashman OG was way too good for okeydoke7. - 34m from 2 to 36.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, RPCB gave Ashman OG a lesson. - 18m from 63 to 81.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Blaze Storm did well against philreich. - 8m from 2 to 10.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, sataris and Blaze Storm were hard to separate - though sataris was slightly more effective. - 80m from 17 to 97.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Bonz did well against jackster83. - 64m from 19 to 83.
  • Toe to toe throughout, darthmann and Bradesmaen were evenly matched. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Kennedy Parker beat Braklet today - but not by much. - 84m from 5 to 89.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Chief and GotTheGoodes had an epic contest. - 23m from 73 to 96.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, Chief and HirdsTheWord were hard to separate - though Chief was slightly more effective. - 53m from 3 to 56.
  • In quite a tussle, Marklar_33 did very well against DJ75. - 88m from 1 to 89.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Ant Bear and DragoDelph were hard to separate - though Ant Bear was slightly more effective. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, ant555 and Hatchy1992 were hard to separate - though ant555 was slightly more effective. - 0m from 98 to 98.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, philreich and Hatchy1992 were evenly matched. - 5m from 76 to 81.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Quadzilla came out tops over the brave Hatchy1992. - 19m from 19 to 38.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, Grav won the bout with HawkAussie. - 13m from 4 to 17.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, HawkAussie and TheDarkDwarf were hard to separate - though HawkAussie was slightly more effective. - 69m from 27 to 96.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Knifey Spoony beat Grav today - but not by much. - 19m from 63 to 82.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Ljp86 did a demolition job on okeydoke7. - 36m from 56 to 92.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, Ljp86 was slightly more polished than RPCB. - 53m from 0 to 53.
  • Toe to toe throughout, GotTheGoodes and Matt_352 were evenly matched. - 61m from 5 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Matt_352 came out tops over the brave ShaunDuggan. - 2m from 97 to 99.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Mooresome was way too good for Catsnlakers. - 36m from 57 to 93.
  • While not all all one-way, ShaunDuggan came out tops over the brave Pie 4 Life. - 96m from 0 to 96.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, serial_thrilla came out tops over the brave Catsnlakers. - 33m from 3 to 36.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, serial_thrilla exposed HirdsTheWord's frailties. - 14m from 72 to 86.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, Stoods massacred ant555. - 80m from 4 to 84.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Stoods had the better of philreich. - 7m from 90 to 97.
  • In a resume-material performance, GremioPower was easily the winner in the clash with Strigoi. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, RPCB did a demolition job on Strigoi. - 9m from 89 to 98.
  • While not all all one-way, T2B_ was slightly more polished than Firestarter. - 98m from 0 to 98.

Defender highlights: Stoods (16d, 5m, 2t) was a standout for us at half back. His DT of 65 was also actually the highest of our squad. He was ably supported by HawkAussie (10d, 7m) on the opposite flank and Blaze Storm (11d, 4m). Our defense as a whole were important in this slog of a game and while stats aren't pretty, they well and truly did their job.

Midfield highlights: In what is becoming a bit of a consistent theme, Pie 4 Life (13d, 2g, 2b) was once again the star midfielder for us, getting amongst the play and also hitting the scoreboard. He had handy support in T2B_ (12d, 5t, 1b), DragoDelph (16d, 1g) and Matt_352 (13d, 7m). It wasn't a day for flashy numbers or highlights but the midfield cracked in and did what it had to.

Forward highlights: It would be slim pickings for our forwards in the conditions but Bonz (3d, 3g) really made his touches count. The Dragons great in Ljp86 (11d, 6m, 1g) had the one important major but most impressive was his working up the ground. Knifey Spoony (1d, 1g) managing the goal for his solitary kick for the game has to get a mention simply for his effort from his hospital bed, and every goal truly counted for this game.

Next week: We take on The East Side Hawks... sorry I mean Phoen... actually screw it, I'll join the rest of the team in just calling them the Fire Chickens. With a win finally under our belt (and my job safe for a while), we're ready to continue the quest for #back2back. Go Dragons!

Round 4 MVP Votes vs. Sin City Swamprats
3 votes - Stoods
2 votes - Pie 4 Life
2 votes - Ljp86
View attachment 1338989

Chief, Bonz, DJ75, Nool Carpenna, Maylandsman, Blaze Storm, Braklet, Pie 4 Life, serial_thrilla, T2B_, Mooresome, Stoods, DragoDelph, BringBackTheAnchor, Matt_352, Strigoi, Hatchy1992, paraaaa, Knifey Spoony, VandoHawk, Cold Sober, Bradesmaen, Ashman OG, HawkAussie, Ljp86.

One of the awards that is issued each season at Dragons FFC is the Coach's MVP. Each week Coach will cast votes based on who he thinks performs best on the qooty field. Raw statistics, positional dominance and big moments in the sim are taken into account, and Coach crunches the numbers with a complex algorithm to deal out 3-2-1 votes. Coach AceAndy still has the big job at the Dragons, despite an increasing reputation for sudden, strange onfield moves that either pay off brilliantly or end in total disaster, fast becoming known as Craaaaazy Andy, but after a premiership in season 32, understandably still has the keys to the machine that is the Dragons.


Coach's thoughts:

It's no exaggeration that as we entered Round 4 vs the Swamprats, we were in need of a win. Not just because of needing to get our season back on track, but as I noted a couple weeks ago, thinks were beginning to smell suspiciously "mutiny-ish". To ensure I was left alone this week I hired two big bouncers to stand outside my office door. You would think their presence alone would be enough - but let's just say a certain avocado is now even more bruised than usual.

Anyway, even though the weather forecast wasn't looking promising, we were champing at the bit to go out and prove we have what it takes. Would we finally succeed? And would any late at shots at goal just magically disappear this time?

Rich (BB code):
Chief                       serial_thrilla           Ashman OG
HirdsTheWord                Catsnlakers              okeydoke7

HawkAussie                  Blaze Storm              Stoods
Grav                        philreich                ant555

Matt_352                    DragoDelph               Bradesmaen
GotTheGoodes                Ant Bear                 darthmann

Ljp86                       Braklet                  DJ75
RPCB                        Kennedy Parker           Marklar_33

Knifey Spoony               Bonz                     Hatchy1992
Power Raid                  jackster83               sataris

DRA Foll : Strigoi, Pie 4 Life, T2B_
SCS Foll : GremioPower, ShaunDuggan, Firestarter

DRA INT : Mooresome, paraaaa
SCS INT : TheDarkDwarf, Quadzilla

Dragons FFC: <none>
Sin City Swamprats: <none>

Round 4, Conditions for this match - MUDDY

As predicted, the weather was less than stellar when we ran out at Ljp86's Lair. It was MUDDY, like really muddy and one could be forgiven for thinking this could suit the Swamprats. Unlike the previous week, this was not likely to be a pretty game. Our co-captains complained and said something about me having peeved off the Qooty gods again but I wasn't having any of it. I gave them a slap up the backside of their heads with my Nintendo Switch and sent them out onto the field.

I'd be lying if I said our start was ideal. The Rats came out and although conditions were hard going and messy, they were busy indeed. After a few behinds in succession, they managed to lay on a couple of majors, before we had even landed a single point. The venerable Pie 4 Life got us on the board with a classy effort to snag one on the run a bit over halfway through the quarter. Unfortunately the Rats got another goal to go into the first break with a handy 16 point lead.

The second quarter looked to be even worse. Much of it was spent with fumbles and spoils and transferals up and down the ground, such were the poor conditions, and the Rats once again kicked 3 successive behinds before landing another major. Midway through the term they got out to a 26 point lead and in this weather, even the most optimistic of us would be quite concerned. Thankfully, as we approached red time two of our midfielders snagged us back 2 goals, they being DragoDelph and Pie 4 Life (once again) respectively, and we held on until half-time with no further scores either side to go into the break with a 14 point deficit.

Along came the third quarter and we knew we had to step it up a bit. Pleasingly, I can say we did just that! This was truly the quarter of the Dragons, as although not much scoring was done in the term, they were all Dragon scores. Within the first minute the great veteran in Ljp86 had sunk a major, with Bonz following up only a matter of minutes later. When nearly ten minutes later had passed, with no scores either way, Bonz got us another. While not a pretty game even at this point, with many changes of possession and errors everywhere, we actually went into three quarter time with a 6 point advantage. Given the first half, this was quite a turnaround. Our challenge was to hold on in the last.

Well it only took a couple minutes into the last and we got the major we were looking for - Knifey Spoony, despite being wheeled out onto the ground hooked up to life support having stubbornly refused to eat anything but Subway and having still failed to get a Subway voucher, somehow managed to get us our first major. This followed up several minutes later by Bonz once again who was well and truly used to the conditions at this point and was well in control, and suddenly we were 19 points up. It wasn't smooth sailing from here however as after the Rats threatened to trouble the scoreboard a few times as the quarter waned, they finally snagged 2 goals in red time to Catsnlakers and sataris.

Pleasingly however, our team defense held the last few minutes and we finally ran out 6 point winners. We did it! The stats sheet was, quite frankly, disgusting and only useful as spare toilet paper, but a win is a win.

Rich (BB code):
DRA               1    1        3    1        6    3        8    5    53   
SCS               3    5        4    9        4    9        6    11   47   
DRA        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  SCS         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
serial_thr  0  1  2  3  1  0  0  0  0   19  ant555       0  8  2  2  1  0  1  1  3   44
Mooresome   0  0  0  5  0  0  0  0  0   10  jackster83   0  2  1  2  0  0  0  0  0   13
Ljp86       0  7  6  4  1  0  0  1  0   57  Grav         0  5  1  4  1  0  0  1  1   37
HawkAussie  0  7  7  3  1  1  1  0  0   50  Marklar_33   0  3  5  5  1  1  1  0  0   36
Blaze Stor  0  7  4  4  0  1  1  0  0   39  Kennedy Pa   0  10 2  3  1  0  0  0  0   46
Stoods      0  12 5  4  2  1  1  0  0   65  RPCB         0  7  4  8  0  0  0  0  0   49
Chief       0  3  3  2  0  0  0  0  0   22  darthmann    0  4  3  9  2  0  1  0  0   44
DragoDelph  0  7  4  9  1  0  2  1  0   55  Ant Bear     0  5  4  10 2  1  0  0  0   56
Bradesmaen  0  7  4  4  2  0  0  0  0   49  GotTheGood   0  5  4  8  2  1  1  0  0   49
Strigoi     6  5  0  4  1  0  2  0  0   27  philreich    0  2  2  5  0  0  1  0  0   19
Braklet     0  5  2  2  0  0  0  0  0   25  sataris      0  5  2  3  1  0  1  2  0   40
DJ75        0  3  1  6  2  0  1  0  1   30  TheDarkDwa   0  5  3  5  1  1  1  0  2   38
Knifey Spo  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1  0    9  okeydoke7    0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1    4
Bonz        0  3  1  0  0  1  0  3  0   31  Catsnlaker   0  3  0  0  0  0  0  2  1   22
Hatchy1992  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0    1  HirdsTheWo   0  2  1  0  0  0  0  0  2   11
Ashman OG   1  7  1  7  0  0  1  0  1   37  GremioPowe   8  8  0  9  1  2  2  0  0   50
Matt_352    0  5  7  8  1  0  1  0  0   53  ShaunDugga   0  9  0  8  6  2  1  0  0   66
T2B_        0  6  0  6  5  5  0  0  1   56  Firestarte   0  8  0  7  2  2  0  0  1   49
Pie 4 Life  0  11 0  2  2  0  0  2  2   59  Power Raid   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0
paraaaa     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    0  Quadzilla    0  0  0  2  0  0  0  0  0    4

Rich (BB code):
            DRA   SCS
Hitouts   : 7    8
Kicks     : 97   92
Marks     : 47   34
Handballs : 73   90
Tackles   : 19   21
Frees For : 10   10
Frees Ag. : 10   10
Smothers  : 0    1
Ironouts  : 5    6
Inside50  : 7    9
Goals     : 8    6
Behinds   : 5    11

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
3.07 - Behind to okeydoke7 (SCS) - SCS by 1 point(s).
7.45 - Behind to Firestarter (SCS) - SCS by 2 point(s).
8.38 - Behind to Grav (SCS) - SCS by 3 point(s).
9.56 - Goal to Grav (SCS) - SCS by 9 point(s).
12.17 - Behind to HirdsTheWord (SCS) - SCS by 10 point(s).
13.1 - Goal to Catsnlakers (SCS) - SCS by 16 point(s).
16.34 - Goal to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - SCS by 10 point(s).
17.42 - Goal to sataris (SCS) - SCS by 16 point(s).
19.11 - Rushed behind to DRA - SCS by 15 point(s).
24.55 - Rushed behind to SCS - SCS by 16 point(s).

Second Quarter :
2.35 - Behind to TheDarkDwarf (SCS) - SCS by 17 point(s).
5.12 - Behind to TheDarkDwarf (SCS) - SCS by 18 point(s).
6.02 - Behind to ant555 (SCS) - SCS by 19 point(s).
8.01 - Goal to ant555 (SCS) - SCS by 25 point(s).
11.08 - Behind to Catsnlakers (SCS) - SCS by 26 point(s).
15.53 - Goal to DragoDelph (DRA) - SCS by 20 point(s).
16.47 - Goal to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - SCS by 14 point(s).

Third Quarter :
.59 - Goal to Ljp86 (DRA) - SCS by 8 point(s).
4.19 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - SCS by 2 point(s).
13.21 - Behind to Ashman OG (DRA) - SCS by 1 point(s).
14.04 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 5 point(s).
17.22 - Behind to Pie 4 Life (DRA) - DRA by 6 point(s).

Final Quarter :
1.4 - Behind to DJ75 (DRA) - DRA by 7 point(s).
2.48 - Goal to Knifey Spoony (DRA) - DRA by 13 point(s).
8.37 - Goal to Bonz (DRA) - DRA by 19 point(s).
9.55 - Behind to ant555 (SCS) - DRA by 18 point(s).
11.08 - Behind to HirdsTheWord (SCS) - DRA by 17 point(s).
18.15 - Goal to Catsnlakers (SCS) - DRA by 11 point(s).
19.3 - Goal to sataris (SCS) - DRA by 5 point(s).
22.47 - Behind to T2B_ (DRA) - DRA by 6 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
Chief                0 (On) 62.15 (Off) 69.17 (On) Total : 93%
serial_thrilla       0 (On) 45.42 (Off) 62.15 (On) Total : 83%
Ashman OG            0 (On) Total : 100%
HawkAussie           0 (On) Total : 100%
Blaze Storm          0 (On) Total : 100%
Stoods               0 (On) Total : 100%
Matt_352             0 (On) 69.17 (Off) 96.42 (On) Total : 73%
DragoDelph           0 (On) Total : 100%
Bradesmaen           0 (On) Total : 100%
Ljp86                0 (On) Total : 100%
Braklet              0 (On) Total : 100%
DJ75                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Knifey Spoony        0 (On) Total : 100%
Bonz                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Hatchy1992           0 (On) Total : 100%
Strigoi              0 (On) Total : 100%
Pie 4 Life           0 (On) 96.42 (Off) Total : 96%
T2B_                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Mooresome            0 (Off) 45.42 (On) Total : 54%
paraaaa              0 (Off) Total : 0%

sataris              0 (On) 9.16 (Off) 14.22 (On) Total : 94%
jackster83           0 (On) Total : 100%
Power Raid           0 (On) 22.12 (Off) Total : 22%
Marklar_33           0 (On) Total : 100%
Kennedy Parker       0 (On) Total : 100%
RPCB                 0 (On) Total : 100%
darthmann            0 (On) Total : 100%
Ant Bear             0 (On) Total : 100%
GotTheGoodes         0 (On) Total : 100%
ant555               0 (On) Total : 100%
philreich            0 (On) 14.22 (Off) 56.31 (On) 58.14 (Off) 72.25 (On) Total : 44%
Grav                 0 (On) 20.07 (Off) 22.12 (On) Total : 97%
okeydoke7            0 (On) Total : 100%
Catsnlakers          0 (On) Total : 100%
HirdsTheWord         0 (On) Total : 100%
GremioPower          0 (On) Total : 100%
ShaunDuggan          0 (On) Total : 100%
Firestarter          0 (On) Total : 100%
TheDarkDwarf         0 (Off) 20.07 (On) Total : 79%
Quadzilla            0 (Off) 9.16 (On) 56.31 (Off) 58.14 (On) 72.25 (Off) Total : 60%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, Ashman OG had GremioPower's measure. - 11m from 88 to 99.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Ashman OG was way too good for okeydoke7. - 34m from 2 to 36.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, RPCB gave Ashman OG a lesson. - 18m from 63 to 81.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Blaze Storm did well against philreich. - 8m from 2 to 10.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, sataris and Blaze Storm were hard to separate - though sataris was slightly more effective. - 80m from 17 to 97.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Bonz did well against jackster83. - 64m from 19 to 83.
  • Toe to toe throughout, darthmann and Bradesmaen were evenly matched. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, Kennedy Parker beat Braklet today - but not by much. - 84m from 5 to 89.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Chief and GotTheGoodes had an epic contest. - 23m from 73 to 96.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, Chief and HirdsTheWord were hard to separate - though Chief was slightly more effective. - 53m from 3 to 56.
  • In quite a tussle, Marklar_33 did very well against DJ75. - 88m from 1 to 89.
  • Toe to toe throughout, Ant Bear and DragoDelph were hard to separate - though Ant Bear was slightly more effective. - 97m from 2 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, ant555 and Hatchy1992 were hard to separate - though ant555 was slightly more effective. - 0m from 98 to 98.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, philreich and Hatchy1992 were evenly matched. - 5m from 76 to 81.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Quadzilla came out tops over the brave Hatchy1992. - 19m from 19 to 38.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, Grav won the bout with HawkAussie. - 13m from 4 to 17.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, HawkAussie and TheDarkDwarf were hard to separate - though HawkAussie was slightly more effective. - 69m from 27 to 96.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Knifey Spoony beat Grav today - but not by much. - 19m from 63 to 82.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Ljp86 did a demolition job on okeydoke7. - 36m from 56 to 92.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, Ljp86 was slightly more polished than RPCB. - 53m from 0 to 53.
  • Toe to toe throughout, GotTheGoodes and Matt_352 were evenly matched. - 61m from 5 to 66.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Matt_352 came out tops over the brave ShaunDuggan. - 2m from 97 to 99.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Mooresome was way too good for Catsnlakers. - 36m from 57 to 93.
  • While not all all one-way, ShaunDuggan came out tops over the brave Pie 4 Life. - 96m from 0 to 96.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, serial_thrilla came out tops over the brave Catsnlakers. - 33m from 3 to 36.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, serial_thrilla exposed HirdsTheWord's frailties. - 14m from 72 to 86.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, Stoods massacred ant555. - 80m from 4 to 84.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, Stoods had the better of philreich. - 7m from 90 to 97.
  • In a resume-material performance, GremioPower was easily the winner in the clash with Strigoi. - 100m from 0 to 100.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, RPCB did a demolition job on Strigoi. - 9m from 89 to 98.
  • While not all all one-way, T2B_ was slightly more polished than Firestarter. - 98m from 0 to 98.

Defender highlights: Stoods (16d, 5m, 2t) was a standout for us at half back. His DT of 65 was also actually the highest of our squad. He was ably supported by HawkAussie (10d, 7m) on the opposite flank and Blaze Storm (11d, 4m). Our defense as a whole were important in this slog of a game and while stats aren't pretty, they well and truly did their job.

Midfield highlights: In what is becoming a bit of a consistent theme, Pie 4 Life (13d, 2g, 2b) was once again the star midfielder for us, getting amongst the play and also hitting the scoreboard. He had handy support in T2B_ (12d, 5t, 1b), DragoDelph (16d, 1g) and Matt_352 (13d, 7m). It wasn't a day for flashy numbers or highlights but the midfield cracked in and did what it had to.

Forward highlights: It would be slim pickings for our forwards in the conditions but Bonz (3d, 3g) really made his touches count. The Dragons great in Ljp86 (11d, 6m, 1g) had the one important major but most impressive was his working up the ground. Knifey Spoony (1d, 1g) managing the goal for his solitary kick for the game has to get a mention simply for his effort from his hospital bed, and every goal truly counted for this game.

Next week: We take on The East Side Hawks... sorry I mean Phoen... actually screw it, I'll join the rest of the team in just calling them the Fire Chickens. With a win finally under our belt (and my job safe for a while), we're ready to continue the quest for #back2back. Go Dragons!

Round 4 MVP Votes vs. Sin City Swamprats
3 votes - Stoods
2 votes - Pie 4 Life
2 votes - Ljp86

Pie 4 Life and I in the votes? Getting naked right now.

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When you are in the worst form of your career, the only thing to do is blame others

Overheard conversation from the Dragons midfield
OH BOY, my first SFA goal!

1 : 13.46 {CHF} - He spots an option and kicks to Braklet.
1 : 13.52 {CHF} - Braklet uses his body to perfection and reels in the mark.
1 : 13.56 {CHF} - Braklet wants to get on with proceedings.
1 : 14.02 {CHF} - At least fifty-five metres out.
1 : 14.06 {CHF} - Braklet just scrapes it in for a goal.

WT actual F***?!


this is not working out the way I envisioned...
OH BOY, my first SFA goal!

1 : 13.46 {CHF} - He spots an option and kicks to Braklet.
1 : 13.52 {CHF} - Braklet uses his body to perfection and reels in the mark.
1 : 13.56 {CHF} - Braklet wants to get on with proceedings.
1 : 14.02 {CHF} - At least fifty-five metres out.
1 : 14.06 {CHF} - Braklet just scrapes it in for a goal.

WT actual F***?!


this is not working out the way I envisioned...
Braklet from 55!


How the he** did he kick that goal from like 75M out?!? How is the human body capable of such things?

What's the longest in-game goal anyway? (Under game pressure, no practice stuff.)
OH BOY, my first SFA goal!

1 : 13.46 {CHF} - He spots an option and kicks to Braklet.
1 : 13.52 {CHF} - Braklet uses his body to perfection and reels in the mark.
1 : 13.56 {CHF} - Braklet wants to get on with proceedings.
1 : 14.02 {CHF} - At least fifty-five metres out.
1 : 14.06 {CHF} - Braklet just scrapes it in for a goal.

WT actual F***?!


this is not working out the way I envisioned...
Congratulations! First of many, Iā€™m sure. :thumbsupv1: šŸˆ
Bad luck, Dragons. We started the match very slowly but managed to sort ourselves out in the latter part of the first term to get things to an okay position at the first change. The next two terms were a real arm wrestle with neither side able to get any real momentum. Unfortunately things got away from us in the last term again which proved to be crucial come the final siren.

Bonz was a star up forward with six goals and really kept us in the game all day, DragoDelph continued his excellent rookie season form with another solid match, Strigoi had another day out in the ruck while Pie 4 Life, Bradesmaen and DJ75 all contributed strongly on the day too.

Obviously not the result we were after but we aren't too far away after pushing one of the better sides so far this season. Next week is another chance to make amends and have a real crack at things. :thumbsu:

Go Dragons!! :thumbsu:
Anyone else having issues with their 'alerts'? I'm finding that I am missing a lot of notices and alerts.
What seems to be happening is that the alerts appear, but if I click on one, my alerts immediately re-sets back to Feb 14th. All the other alerts disappear. So if more than one person has replied to me for instance, I lose that alert.

Am I the only one?
Anyone else having issues with their 'alerts'? I'm finding that I am missing a lot of notices and alerts.
What seems to be happening is that the alerts appear, but if I click on one, my alerts immediately re-sets back to Feb 14th. All the other alerts disappear. So if more than one person has replied to me for instance, I lose that alert.

Am I the only one?
Seems like a question for our back pocket Chief.
Seems like a question for our back pocket Chief.
While weā€™re bugging the boss man, why do I have to enter my tips for every competition Iā€™m in, rather than just once?? šŸ˜‰

But back to DJ75 what browser are you using? Iā€™m on safari iOS, and chrome on windows and seem to be ok. Letā€™s try and narrow this down.

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Official Team Thread šŸ‰ Dragons FFC - Season 33 Team Thread /// Congrats to T2B_ the S33 Ljp86 Medallist!

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