Official Team Thread 🐻 Las Vegas Bears S35 Official Team Thread ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ - Congratulations Cap BnF Winner

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Here comes Shadow Man Tommycash Grin all dressed up in their finest attire.

MWPP asked Shadow Man for an interview and Shadow Man gave a rousing speech, unfortunately the stenographer couldn't keep up and it was all lost.

It looks like por_please_ya MWPP Chipmunk have all coordinated outfits for the evening.


As they arrived with MWPP their was no escaping MWPP's interview.

No Red Carpet would be complete without Chipmunk and por_please_ya


How many nuts are in those cheeks currently?

I need to do my cheek stretching exercises to look my best on the dancefloor, so it’s just my 1 gold monkey nut.

Who are you most looking forward to catching up with tonight?

Apart from the #mmy I’d like to get my winnings from tony, and find out from Broken where my winnings from last season went. I’d also like to avoid JoshWoodenSpoon after I got drunk and called him PoshSilverLadle repeatedly last time.

the SFA just hasn't been the same without you. However, how is "retired" life treating you? Any plans for a comeback?

It’s great coming in more UK friendly times so no plans for a comeback. Though WW does drag me back into the late hours from time to time…

Tip for the Mateflon?

I’m going for Test Tickle. Seems like the type to win a mateflog award.

Oh Mateflon? Sorry! Dingster has had a good season and will surely be in the running.

Good luck to everyone!


por_please_ya , congratulations on a successful year , stepping up as captain and being even more active in your posting.

Can you tell us more about your #mmy signature ?

Thank you!! And sure, it's a combination of mwer for MWPP (or mwerps), munk for Chipmunk, and ya for por_please_ya, a homage to my besties and our affiliation <3 * cue awwws and 🤮 from the audience *

Who are you most looking forward to catching up with tonight?
Looking forward to boogieing with former Phoenix mate Dingster, and all of my other Bear friends especially JoshWoodenSpoon, am curious as to what snazzy jacket he's wearing tonight! Oh, and tony because I want him to tell me his best sfogliatelle recipe....

Who dressed you tonight?
I'm dressed by Paule Ka, who created this beautiful gold-green number so I can sparkle. I can loosen the bow after dinner and take down the dancefloor!


Tip for the Mateflon?
I'll be honest and haven't paid much attention to what other clubs have been doing (been a very busy Eevee) however Supersuns and Electronic_Renaissance have been super-charged this year! Might put in a sneaky ChippyBet on one of them...
It seems Electronic_Renaissance's Cutlery fascination is starting to rub off on some of his team mates with Millky95 and JoshWoodenSpoon who's back on the Red Carpet again, all dressed as cutlery, except for Cap who has arrived Au Naturale.

Cutlery Group.png

MWPP was able to chat to all the boys before they went into the hall.

Good evening Millky
Who are you sitting next to tonight?

Stag tonight. Wanna move from spot to spot. See who and what's around

What are you wearing tonight?
Last year's Mateflon

How would you rate your year, and also the Bears' year as a whole?
I had a down year compared to normal. The Bear's year was bloody stupid. Easily should have been top 4 but couldn't make finals. Absolutely stupid.

Who is your tip for the Mateflon Medal tonight?
My man Electronic_Renaissance easily


Congratulations on yet another successful season, on and off the field ER!
How would you rate your own season? And the Bears'?

I think I did alright, a pass mark for sure but with all the rainy games we played it did get tough for us mids (and the rest of the team) as the season wore on. As for the Bears, well we had a great start to the season but then fell off a cliff. Hopefully our new coach will be able to find out what made us click so well early in the season and get us to produce the same results on a more consistent basis. I am confident the Bears will do well in S36 and beyond. We have a strong team.

Who are you sitting next to tonight, and why?
I wanted to sit with Dingster and his other X-Men but he wouldn't let me. Blessing in disguise as some of us have secretly got together and created a new sub-group at the Bears. Introducing the Cap-Crew. A truly elite group of party animals. I look forward to the after party where myself and the rest of the Cap-Crew will teach dingster and his group of X-Men what the word "party" really means. I Dont Care what anyone else thinks, Cap-Crew members shall remain anonymous until tonight.

What are you wearing tonight?

I knew people would ask this. As soon as you saw my outfit I could tell you were truly bedazzled. I called in a favour with my close friends at Andrea Campagna and we worked together to create a modern, but timeless, look. It sounds clichéd but that is not an easy thing to do. Of course they pulled it off. Actually, Andrea Campagna dressed the entire Cap-crew. You'll see no spandex or underpants worn on the outside at our table.

Who is your tip for the big award tonight?

We did get three in the all SFA team (Broken, Dingster, JoshWoodenSpoon) so they will be up there. Great effort from them. Supersuns did well also. I did OK as well but you never know with these things. I always think Art Vandelay_ is a certainty each season but for some reason he doesn't win. No idea what's going on there. Perhaps tonight is his night.

And more importantly, who is your tip for the Cutlery winner of the night?
You have certainly asked the right person with that question. Obviously it is me but I am humble so will exclude myself. It will certainly be a member of the Cap-Crew, otherwise they wouldn't be a member. I am more concerned for the cutlery loser of the night. I have spent hours polishing the silverware, as the saying goes if you want something done properly do it yourself.

I fear for anyone who would dare disrespect my effort.


Good evening Cap
Who are you sitting next to tonight, and who dressed you?

Good evening, I've brought the ashes of Metalcrusher in this nice vase.

Crushy Vase.jpeg

This year sparked a move to the Ruck. You seemed to enjoy the new challenge. How would you rate your own year, and the teams' year?
I would say okay, I think it went a bit like the Bears year really, peaked in rd 3

Do you have any plans for the rest of the offseason?
I have been practising my captains run daily, the Doctor has told me that because of this I may need a new kidney but I'll do anything for a Bears premiership

Who is your tip to win the Mateflon medal tonight?

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Shots Fired Finger Guns GIF by Hannah Bronfman
It looks like the final people to arrive are the remaining members of the Bears Premiership side from Season 22, who have all arrived together.
Jezmiester40 Dingster kane249 Art Vandelay_ Matera92 RookiePick

S22 Premiership Team.png

MWPP had a great talk with all the guys while they were on the Red Carpet

Good evening Jez. Congratulations on your most consistent season in recent times.
Thank you for using your "links" to help with the catering. What's on the menu for tonight?

MWPP Thankyou for putting up with my senseless banter and poorly cooked curry puffs once again!
And no worries with the links. I hope you enjoy my wallaby mango sushi 👌

Who are you sitting next to tonight?
Tonight I've decided to park my tush beside the one and only JoshWoodenSpoon. This guy has been behind me from beginning to end (including stat's but yeah, try telling him that) 🤭 And to my right will be the legendary Dingster of course! Wouldn't even be here if not for his wiseass. SALUTE! 🤜🤛
Thanks for all the moral support fellas👍.

-Do you have any plans for the rest of the offseason, and next season?
As for the rest of my off-season plans? I've spent a great deal of time and money trying to organise fortnite play-offs with Test Tickle and Matera92 but Testie seems disinterested and Matera keeps sending me pics of himself in a fetal position, sucking his thumb with the caption "VAAAAAANDELLAYYYYY". Not sure who or what he's obsessing over but I hope he's ok 🤔

-Who is your tip to win the BnF tonight?
My tip for bnf tonight? Same as last year. Yours truly of course 😁. You dont agree? Why don't you ask Josh? I'm sure he'll set you straight... (and if he doesn't, I'll be sure to lace his wallaby mango sushi with plenty of wasabi) 🤭



Congratulations on an outstanding return season at your spiritual home, Vegas Ding!
How would you rate your own season? And the Bears' in general?

It's been a lot of fun and and great to play with some old Bear teammates Matera92 Art Vandelay_ JoshWoodenSpoon kane249 and RookiePick. Am I missing anyone? Any premiership player?

My own season went ok but after a ripping start the team hit the pub after HT. Even the Roys know there are three quarters.

Who are you sitting next to, and who your dance partners tonight?
Sitting next to Jezmiester40 and defs want Electronic_Renaissance Cap I Dont Care and Millky95 on the table for a healthy convo of travel and planning the off season trip.

Off course you (MWPP) are my main dance partner and expect a dress change from you for every new song. I will save one for our guest por_please_ya and let Chipmunk "dance" on my shoe.

Do you have any predictions for the offseason?
The Bears have some seriously good ins so I predict optimism. That and Broken playing in a winning final.

And finally, who is your tip for the big award tonight?
Test Tickle to go home with 3 of the hottest ladies in the room....and 1 ladyboy. BOG

ER to take come Mateflon or the Mateflon.


Good evening kane
Who dressed you tonight, and who are you sitting next to?

Evening MWPP, I was dressed by Bear Essentials Formal Wear. On my arm this evening is Hannah Hoekstra, one of the stars of the Matera92 biopic, Cocaine Bear.
kane bear.jpg
What was your highlight of the season?
Highlight of the season was the start to the campaign by the team, unfortunately we got ahead of ourselves and we seemed to start drinking our own bath water. I mean that literally too, Dingster was selling bottles of it for $20 each at training each week

Do you have any plans for the offseason?
Plans for the off season will just be surviving the annual footy trip. JoshWoodenSpoon reckons he got us a great deal to go the Ukraine this year, he said accommodation there is really cheap at the moment with plenty of availability.

Who is your tip to win the BnF tonight?
My tip for the B&F is anyone but Art Vandelay_, aka the Washington Generals of B&F's


Gero, Who are you sitting with tonight?
The only Vegas players I can trust not to rig, cheat or steal success from me. So by myself, at the bar. Slowly drinking myself into a state of resentful rage towards the rest of you.

How do you rate your season, and more importantly, how do you rate Matera92's?
How I rate my season. Elite. Qhampion Data says it was the best season for a small forward in seasons. Much better than my bloated rival Matera92 who barely managed a sprint all season.

The lateness of this year's BnF made you wonder that if it may finally be a democratic process. Who is your tip to win the Mateflon Medal?
tony has 'politely' told me the results are legit. So I withdraw earlier accusations of impropriety and the less said about our conversation the better for all. Hush.

Would like to see JWS win it. Let's face it our mids are some of the worst butchers in the game. Joshie sees a lot of ball coming his way

oooh myyy.gif


Matera, Who dressed you tonight and who are you sitting with?
A well spoken Bulgarian man and his faithful Doberman.

How would you rate your season, and the Bears' ?
I continued proving that I am the superior player to Art Vandelay_ . He must get cold living in my shadow.

Who is your tip to win the Mateflon Medal?
See above as to who certainly won't be winning it.

Good evening RookiePick
What are you wearing, and who are you sitting next to tonight?

I am wearing my unwashed S22 premiership guernsey (fething noobs) and shall be bringing a tame goose. Please note the goose can take a dark turn after several pints.

What are you most looking forward to about tonight, and for the offseason?
I most look forward to the off-season during the offseason - no need to sweat selection against the other geriatrics trying to stay one step ahead of the crushing wheels of SFA progress. Most looking forward to tonight...hmmm. The tears of whoever comes runner up. Graceful losses rarely happen in Vegas!

Finally, who is your tip for the Mateflon Medal tonight?
Have to back in JWS because he makes me laugh but I should expect Milty or ER takes it out.
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I’d also like to avoid @JoshWoodenSpoon after I got drunk and called him PoshSilverLadle repeatedly last time.

I've already disintegrated your bar card in the hyper-chlorinated hot tub Chipmunk.

Can you tell us more about your #mmy signature ?
Thank you!! And sure, it's a combination of mwer for MWPP (or mwerps), munk for Chipmunk, and ya for por_please_ya, a homage to my besties and our affiliation <3 * cue awwws and 🤮 from the audience *

#makesmeyak por_please_ya

I told the doorman to get stuffed on my way in, he said I needed a tie to get in here, get stuffed I said, all I have is a set of jumper leads in the car, he said they will do, but dont start anything!

No flat jokes from Spec Tickle!!
I called in a favour with my close friends at Andrea Campagna and we worked together to create a modern, but timeless, look.

Good call, watches are way out this season.
Looking over at the Red Carpet it looks like BLUEALLTHRU has just arrived in time for the free booze, which I think he might have already sampled.

That concludes tonight's Red Carpet event. I hope you all enjoyed it and I will see you all shortly for the start of Night 1 of the Bears Best and Fairest.

Looking over at the Red Carpet it looks like BLUEALLTHRU has just arrived in time for the free booze, which I think he might have already sampled.

That concludes tonight's Red Carpet event. I hope you all enjoyed it and I will see you all shortly for the start of Night 1 of the Bears Best and Fairest.

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BLUEALLTHRU that's Pugsley copping a feel.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow members of the Las Vegas Bears community.

Welcome to the highly anticipated Best and Fairest night! As we gather here tonight, let's reflect on our season, a journey filled with highs and lows. We started strong, sitting atop the ladder mid-season, but a rough patch saw us miss out on the finals. It was a challenging experience, but we remained united as a team, supporting one another through it all.

This season our Best and Fairest will be conducted over two unforgettable nights. Yes, double the excitement, double the surprises! But before we delve into the main event, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Broken, Dingster, Electronic_Renaissance, JoshWoodenSpoon, and MWPP for their invaluable help with the voting process. This couldn't have been done it without you.

The voting system is simple yet fair. For Qooty games, we use a 5-4-3-2-1 system, recognizing outstanding performances throughout the season. And for the posting voting, it's a 3-2-1 system.

So, grab a cold one, find a comfy spot, and get ready to laugh, cheer, and celebrate the spirit of the Las Vegas Bears. Remember, tonight's about having a good time, so leave your worries at the door and let the festivities begin!
New Recruits.png

Before we kick off the voting, let's unveil our new recruits for Season 36. Starting off with our new rookie, JoseMourinho. Jose was discovered during the recent General Discussion Board tour, and Dingster had the pleasure of interviewing him so that we could all get to know him a little better. Welcome to Las Vegas, Jose!

Jose Reveal.png

Ding: We first crossed paths in the charity game which was a wonderful cause. Was that your first introduction to qooty and what were your first impressions?

Jose: It was my first game! i enjoyed it quite a lot, mainly because i kicked 5 goals. As expected for the Special One.

Ding: The Special One is a brilliant persona and I thought you'd be a great fit at the Bears. How good are you?

Jose: Very. There'll be a vast difference on when I join the club to how I'll leave it.

Ding: Jose you are known for bringing in trophies when you join a new club. Can we expect to go all the way next season?

Jose: Yes. 5 goals per game average will send the bears to B2B2B2B2B2B2B championships. Nobody will beat us. We'll have so many trophies that we'll need more room for cabinets.

Ding: To get to know you better a few quick one word answers...
Favourite food: Lasagna
Most memorable travel destination: Milan
Pineapple on pizza? Yes

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New Recruits.png

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and prepare to witness the grand reopening of the one and only Tandy! Yes, you heard it right, Tandy is back in business, ready to dazzle us once again with his extraordinary talents on the field.

tandy is back.png

In Season 26, Tandy burst onto the scene like a brand new store, opening its doors and captivating everyone with its exceptional midfield skills. The Best Midfielder award was like a shiny cash register, ringing with delight as Tandy effortlessly dominated the competition.

But that was just the beginning of Tandy's retail empire. In Season 27, he took home the highly coveted Mateflon Medal, cementing his status as the go to destination for excellence and skill. Tandy was the talk of the town, drawing customers in with his unparalleled performance and leaving them begging for more.

And just when you thought Tandy had reached the pinnacle of success, he surprised us all by winning the Captain's Award in Season 28. It was like the grand finale of a closing down sale, where Tandy showcased his brilliant qooty and posting ability and captivated the hearts of his teammates and fans alike. But alas, the store had to close its doors, leaving us longing for its return.

But fear not, my friends, for Tandy is reopening in Season 36, ready to once again grace the field with his unique brand of Qooty magic. Like a resilient bear emerging from hibernation, Tandy is back and better than ever, ready to reclaim his spot at the top of the Las Vegas Bears' retail hierarchy.

So, prepare yourselves for a shopping spree of epic proportions as Tandy delivers another season of thrills, goals, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to witness the rebirth of a legend, the resurgence of a store that's sure to leave a lasting impression.

Welcome back, Tandy! May your return be filled with success, laughter, and more incredible moments than a blowout sale on Black Friday. The stage is set, the customers are waiting, and the excitement is palpable. It's time to reopen the doors and let the magic unfold once again!

Get ready for some top-tier banter and hilarious commentary that will keep us entertained both on and off the field. The return of Tandy is truly a cause for celebration.
Jose: Yes. 5 goals per game average will send the bears to B2B2B2B2B2B2B championships. Nobody will beat us. We'll have so many trophies that we'll need more room for cabinets.

Welcome, JoseMourinho! You'll be glad to know half our side are amateurs and moonlight as cabinet-makers. That's just great list-building.
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Before we kick off the voting, let's unveil our new recruits for Season 36. Starting off with our new rookie, JoseMourinho. Jose was discovered during the recent General Discussion Board tour, and Dingster had the pleasure of interviewing him so that we could all get to know him a little better. Welcome to Las Vegas, Jose!

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Ding: We first crossed paths in the charity game which was a wonderful cause. Was that your first introduction to qooty and what were your first impressions?

Jose: It was my first game! i enjoyed it quite a lot, mainly because i kicked 5 goals. As expected for the Special One.

Ding: The Special One is a brilliant persona and I thought you'd be a great fit at the Bears. How good are you?

Jose: Very. There'll be a vast difference on when I join the club to how I'll leave it.

Ding: Jose you are known for bringing in trophies when you join a new club. Can we expect to go all the way next season?

Jose: Yes. 5 goals per game average will send the bears to B2B2B2B2B2B2B championships. Nobody will beat us. We'll have so many trophies that we'll need more room for cabinets.

Ding: To get to know you better a few quick one word answers...
Favourite food: Lasagna
Most memorable travel destination: Milan
Pineapple on pizza? Yes
Welcome to the Bears JoseMourinho. We all expect silverware!
Looking over at the Red Carpet it looks like BLUEALLTHRU has just arrived in time for the free booze, which I think he might have already sampled.

That concludes tonight's Red Carpet event. I hope you all enjoyed it and I will see you all shortly for the start of Night 1 of the Bears Best and Fairest.

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Good luck tonight ladies and gents.
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and prepare to witness the grand reopening of the one and only @Tandy! Yes, you heard it right, Tandy is back in business, ready to dazzle us once again with his extraordinary talents on the field.

tandy is back.png

In Season 26, Tandy burst onto the scene like a brand new store, opening its doors and captivating everyone with its exceptional midfield skills. The Best Midfielder award was like a shiny cash register, ringing with delight as Tandy effortlessly dominated the competition.

But that was just the beginning of Tandy's retail empire. In Season 27, he took home the highly coveted Mateflon Medal, cementing his status as the go to destination for excellence and skill. Tandy was the talk of the town, drawing customers in with his unparalleled performance and leaving them begging for more.

And just when you thought Tandy had reached the pinnacle of success, he surprised us all by winning the Captain's Award in Season 28. It was like the grand finale of a closing down sale, where Tandy showcased his brilliant qooty and posting ability and captivated the hearts of his teammates and fans alike. But alas, the store had to close its doors, leaving us longing for its return.

But fear not, my friends, for Tandy is reopening in Season 36, ready to once again grace the field with his unique brand of Qooty magic. Like a resilient bear emerging from hibernation, Tandy is back and better than ever, ready to reclaim his spot at the top of the Las Vegas Bears' retail hierarchy.

So, prepare yourselves for a shopping spree of epic proportions as Tandy delivers another season of thrills, goals, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to witness the rebirth of a legend, the resurgence of a store that's sure to leave a lasting impression.

Welcome back, Tandy! May your return be filled with success, laughter, and more incredible moments than a blowout sale on Black Friday. The stage is set, the customers are waiting, and the excitement is palpable. It's time to reopen the doors and let the magic unfold once again!

Get ready for some top-tier banter and hilarious commentary that will keep us entertained both on and off the field. The return of Tandy is truly a cause for celebration.

FFS my make-up's running.

View attachment 1744539

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and prepare to witness the grand reopening of the one and only Tandy! Yes, you heard it right, Tandy is back in business, ready to dazzle us once again with his extraordinary talents on the field.

View attachment 1744537

In Season 26, Tandy burst onto the scene like a brand new store, opening its doors and captivating everyone with its exceptional midfield skills. The Best Midfielder award was like a shiny cash register, ringing with delight as Tandy effortlessly dominated the competition.

But that was just the beginning of Tandy's retail empire. In Season 27, he took home the highly coveted Mateflon Medal, cementing his status as the go to destination for excellence and skill. Tandy was the talk of the town, drawing customers in with his unparalleled performance and leaving them begging for more.

And just when you thought Tandy had reached the pinnacle of success, he surprised us all by winning the Captain's Award in Season 28. It was like the grand finale of a closing down sale, where Tandy showcased his brilliant qooty and posting ability and captivated the hearts of his teammates and fans alike. But alas, the store had to close its doors, leaving us longing for its return.

But fear not, my friends, for Tandy is reopening in Season 36, ready to once again grace the field with his unique brand of Qooty magic. Like a resilient bear emerging from hibernation, Tandy is back and better than ever, ready to reclaim his spot at the top of the Las Vegas Bears' retail hierarchy.

So, prepare yourselves for a shopping spree of epic proportions as Tandy delivers another season of thrills, goals, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to witness the rebirth of a legend, the resurgence of a store that's sure to leave a lasting impression.

Welcome back, Tandy! May your return be filled with success, laughter, and more incredible moments than a blowout sale on Black Friday. The stage is set, the customers are waiting, and the excitement is palpable. It's time to reopen the doors and let the magic unfold once again!

Get ready for some top-tier banter and hilarious commentary that will keep us entertained both on and off the field. The return of Tandy is truly a cause for celebration.
Welcome home Tandy. Did you bring the milk?

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Official Team Thread 🐻 Las Vegas Bears S35 Official Team Thread ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ - Congratulations Cap BnF Winner

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