Past #10: Jesse W Smith - 27 games for NM - traded to Saints at end '09 - 0 further games in AFL

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Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

I think there may well be a lot in what you say Filthy.

But also, the 'Jesse Is Gunna Piss Off At The End Of The Year' chat started well before Brad Scott's appointment.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

What I mean _aria_ is why can't he consider a fresh start at North? Sounds to me like everything has changed at the club, including the medicos. He was raised with us, surely he would be stoked with the changes going on around him.

As I said, I was hazarding a guess. Scott seems like he has come in and already started asking questions of our guys the likes they have never heard. It takes a pretty soft sort of bloke to not reward the faith and investment that has been put in him by the club by staying when it finally looks to be the most beneficial to him.

It's his loss. The next pasture is no guarantee to be greener for a guy that has so far failed to get his body right for this sport.

My guess is the club is looking to the future and Jesse is looking to 2010.

I would think Scott would want to be satisfied that Jesse was 100% pain free after a game, ie if he pulls up from training sore then he isn't ready for competitive training let alone games of footy.

My guess is that Scott would be prepared to see Jesse put in an 18 month pre-season rather than play him for a handful of games next year and have him miss 3/4 of the season and still have an injury cloud over his head. He would want to just see him run and run and run and do all the fitness work over 18 months until he is 100% pain free before building up to training then skills training/contact training and then ready for games 2011+ but from then on he would be free of all the baggage he is currently lugging around.

For a kid that has all but missed out the last two seasons I dont think news of a third out when he feels his body will be ready is the message he would want to hear and he would be willing to go somewhere where he would be given a different message.

We would be negligent to keep playing a guy that is hobbling around like a cripple. He has to either get over his injuries fully or his career is over. He will be gone by 25 if 2010 and 2011 are anything like the last couple of years.

If that was the case then he couldn't really start over unless he was absolutely behind the strategy the club had for him.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Probably a lot in what both of you are saying, SLF and Zvim.

Or, he's a sod.

Either way, the likelihood it is a factor in our next premiership tilt is zilch.

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Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

In the end, we can all have our opinions, but JWS leaving is a most disappointing result. The one lucky break to come our way in the draft over the last 10 years & it has resulted in zippo. Geelongs father-son bonuses got them 2 flags - ours got us a medical bill. And I don't think that's very fair.:thumbsdown:
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

In the end, we can all have our opinions, but JWS leaving is a most disappointing result. The one lucky break to come our way in the draft over the last 10 years & it has resulted in zippo. Geelongs father-son bonuses got them 2 flags - ours got us a medical bill. And I don't think that's very fair.:thumbsdown:

He should leave us his Xbox memory cards and as well as pass on any cheats or special moves/weapons he may have discovered while taking our money.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Can't say I agree with some of the sentiment here.

The club has stuck with this guy when things have been bad and as pointed out paid him good money while at it. I liken this to telling your wife to **** off after she has cared for you through a bout of cancer and now your fit and healthy you are moving onto a new woman (if you can understand my anology?).

Jesse should be concentrating on getting himself fit and repaying North Melbourne for the faith they have shown in him, instead of looking for some magic cure at another club. But if guys like this don't want to be part of the club, then as Scott said ship them out the door. If he does leave personally I couldn't give a **** if he never plays AFL again, because a person with that type of character doesn't deserve any well wishes or good luck.

Regardless of whether Jesse is an arrogant tosser, can we get some things straight about his relationship with the club over the last couple of years:

1. The club was not a nursing wife providing charity out of love for Jesse. It invested in him in the hope of a dividend, that being onfield performance from an above average footballer based on what he had produced to that time. You can't complain about the money he was paid by the club after the injuries when the club decided that was his value beforehand.

2. The fact that the club didn't get a return on investment was in large part due to its own misdiagnosis/mistreatment of his injuries. Time and time again when there was a new setback the club would say that they had missed something earlier but they were sure they were on the right track now. Maybe the club owes him for the way it managed his injuries as much as he owes the club.

3. The club only invested in him until the end of 2009. If it wanted a return from 2010 onwards it should have contracted him longer. Plenty of good reasons why it didn't, but that's what it comes down to.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

What i dont understand is that he FAILED a Collingwood medical. Meaning the best doctors, physios, resources in the AFL deemed him UNFIT to play AFL. Surely that lowers his worth and value, and the other 14 clubs would have noted this. So he then asks for a trade??? When North offerred him a contract. If we dont get a trade for him and no one wants him he can get stuffed. PSD or not if a deal isn done he can piss off. As far as we should be concerned Smith at North in 2010 is off the cards. Stupid boy. Why risk going somewhere else with no guarantees instead of staying with the club who will secure a place for u for atleast 1 more year.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Someone posted this on the Geelong Board, i shit you not

we should offer the mummy pick to north for

macintosh and jesse smith

would be a win from a bad situation
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Ok I apologise if this has been asked but if we don't trade Jesse, he could walk into the PSD is that right?

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Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

if b scott is serious he should ship this bloke out as fast he can or send him to the PSD, scott said he does not want anyone here without 100% commitment so on your bike smith
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

if b scott is serious he should ship this bloke out as fast he can or send him to the PSD, scott said he does not want anyone here without 100% commitment so on your bike smith

I love JWS, but Scott is on the money here. I don't want JWS if he doesn't want to play for us.
To answer the OP question, no it isn't a good thing that JWS wants to go.

After the years we have put into him we deserved a bit of loyalty from him. But if he doesn't want to stay anymore then so be it.

Thats not my question at all. I dont WANT Him to go. Read it again please.

Im saying, if hes that unhappy being here and theres no way under the sun we can get him to change his mind. Is it better he goes now and we get something decent for him. Rather than it happening two years down the track when weve invested even more time and money in him, and he still might not come right, which the latest medical reports are suggesting.

Not looking forward to him going at all, but worst case scenario if its innevitable his value is highest now.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Interesting that 2 half back flankers are on the move....wondering if Scott has put it to both Gibbo and JWS that those positions are pretty much locked away and the boys might struggle to get a game there..........

the irony is that the names being floated as possible swaps are predominantly half backs also (Wojo and Mcd)........

If JWS feels his opportunities are limited or he needs a fresh start after running laps at arden street for years or we have mismanaged his injury then let him go.........
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

I think it is about time Jesse took some responsibility for his own mis-
management instead of blaming everyone else.
Co-operation is the key word when you are a team player otherwise play tennis, a game where "divas" thrive and prosper.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

Very disappointed if he goes. Moreso given that he is probably worth Geelong's first pick (I'd happily trade him for that) but we most likely won't get anywhere near it due to his injuries... if we end up with a recycled hack HBFer like Wojo or MacD in a direct swap I will be filthy.
Supporters bleed blue and white for our club, I expect our players to do the same and want to play for the jumper. If he doesn't want to play for us - wish him all the best and move him on, regardless of how talented he is.
Re: Jesse Smith Asks For Trade

He should leave us his Xbox memory cards and as well as pass on any cheats or special moves/weapons he may have discovered while taking our money.

I've heard that he's unlocked Akuma! As far as I'm concerned that save game belongs to the NMFC.

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Past #10: Jesse W Smith - 27 games for NM - traded to Saints at end '09 - 0 further games in AFL

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