Rumour 2013 Trade and Free Agent Rumour Mill

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If Ellis can get over his injuries, I think the run and carry he can bring into the team would be beneficial and also he has proven he can play well in GFs when he almost won a norm smith back in 2008. Worth the risk I would say as he comes for free.
If Ellis can get over his injuries, I think the run and carry he can bring into the team would be beneficial and also he has proven he can play well in GFs when he almost won a norm smith back in 2008. Worth the risk I would say as he comes for free.

He's a very skillful player however his lack of physicality on top of being injury prone means he'll suffer in Lyon's gameplan IMO.
Melbourne seem pretty keen to trade pick #2

The dees expect to end up with 2 or 3 new mids at the end of the trade period. I have a horrible feeling that we may depart with Steven hill to get something done. I have no sources or anything to substantiate this claim - it is just an ackward feeling I get when I hear Melbourne are looking at trading pick 2 or that freo are trying to get hogan.
The dees expect to end up with 2 or 3 new mids at the end of the trade period. I have a horrible feeling that we may depart with Steven hill to get something done. I have no sources or anything to substantiate this claim - it is just an ackward feeling I get when I hear Melbourne are looking at trading pick 2 or that freo are trying to get hogan.

This is a purely mindless assumption based on absolutely nothing but Stephen Hill strikes me as someone who'd be "homesick". Even though his brother is doing ok, his brother seems a lot more confident than him. I don't see us trading him.

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Why would WCE trade probably their best mid when that is their most deficient area? Lucky I don't care :D

Their supporters are finally waking up to how crap their list is (they're a bit slower than us, we've been telling them for 12 months). This way they get to start again with shiny new picks and sell false hope all over again.
I recon Chappy on a short term deal would be very useful. Another big body in and around our forward line, knows where the goals are and a proven big game player.
So suddenly Chris Bond, the guy that baulked at giving Brisbane a single first round pick to get the one thing we desperately needed, the guy who bangs on relentlessly about our list management model, the guy who metaphorically curls up in the fetal position during trade week, is going to give our first two picks and an up and coming midfielder for a couple old guys from St Kilda. Somehow I don't think so.

Bondy didn't baulk at giving offering the first round pick for Clark. That was on the table after a couple of days trading and was the right move. What he baulked at was paying $650,000 a year for a player who had a significant injury history and had only had one consistent season. I have no problem saying that I love the way Bond has managed the list and think your comments are deadest uneducated rubbish when you criticise him. The Bond model involves focussing on building through the draft and recruiting players players outside of the draft system. The Griffin and Gu trades were awesome for us, but people forget we didn't even give up a draft pick for Dawson, D.Pearce and Mcphee. People who are critical of Bond don't understand the fact that the introduction of the two new teams (and their draft concessions) is the main reason why we have been unable to get a promising tall onto their list. Not only have we been unable to trade for a promising young key forward, but in the same time period (Bond has been in charge) the closest any club has come to trading for a key tall is Adelaide with Lynch or Lewis-Thompson or St Kilda with Lee (who I dont think is worth the first round pick) and they are far from world beaters.

The reason why I love the way Bondy handled the Clark trade is that he went against our previous list model before Bond. Pre the great man we traded the farm to get the supposed answer to our playing needs. J.Carr, Croad, Headland, Bell, Farmer and Simmonds were just some of the players we offered massive money to and then traded the farm to get on our list. Far dinkum we have had more false messiah's (chosen one's here to save us) than a Scientology convention in Hollywood.

Under Bond we have built a team capable of getting within a couple of kicks in a premiership because we have built for sustained success, rather than quick easy short term solutions. Far from curling over in trade week Bondy has restrained from going away from building a team through the draft. I for one think he has done an awesome job. How people can be critical of the man who has easily done the best job of any footy-manager we have ever had is beyond me. To me pulling out of the Clark trade has also been a significant positive in that D.Pearce, Dawson, Sheridan and Crozier would not be on our list if we have given into the trade demands (our two first picks) and/or salary demands of Clark.
People who are critical of Bond don't understand the fact that the introduction of the two new teams (and their draft concessions) is the main reason why it has been unable to get a promising tall onto their list.

Its not like there have been surplus talls wondering around. The only real balls up was Pitt over Darling, but really, every other club in that draft passed on him too. And Darling is also incredibly overrated.
Bondy didn't baulk at giving offering the first round pick for Clark. That was on the table after a couple of days trading and was the right move. What he baulked at was paying $650,000 a year for a player who had a significant injury history and had only had one consistent season. I have no problem saying that I love the way Bond has managed the list and think your comments are deadest uneducated rubbish when you criticise him. The Bond model involves focussing on building through the draft and recruiting players players outside of the draft system. The Griffin and Gu trades were awesome for us, but people forget we didn't even give up a draft pick for Dawson, D.Pearce and Mcphee. People who are critical of Bond don't understand the fact that the introduction of the two new teams (and their draft concessions) is the main reason why it has been unable to get a promising tall onto their list. Not only have we been unable to trade for a promising young key forward, but in the same time period (Bond has been in charge) the closest any club has come to trading for a key tall is Adelaide with Lynch or Lewis-Thompson or St Kilda with Lee (who I dont think is worth the first round pick) and they are far from world beaters.

The reason why I love the way Bondy handled the Clark trade is that he went against our previous list model which goes against our previous history before Bond. Pre the great man we traded the farm to get the supposed answer to our playing needs. J.Carr, Croad, Headland, Bell, Farmer and Simmonds were just some of the players we offered massive money and also traded the farm to get on our list. Far dinkum we have had more false messiah's (chosen one's here to save us) than a Scientology convention in Hollywood.
Under Bond we have built a team capable of getting within a couple of kicks in a premiership because we have built for sustained success, rather than quick easy short term solutions. Far from curling over in trade week Bondy has restrained from going away from building a team through the draft. I for one think he has done an awesome job. How people can be critical of the man who has easily done the best job of any footy-manager we have ever had is beyond me. To me pulling out of the Clark trade has also been a significant positive in that D.Pearce, Dawson, Sheridan and Crozier would not be on our lists if we have given into the trade demands (our two first picks) and salary demands of Clark.

We've already told her a million times that Melbourne offered their first rounder (8) and were prepared to give their compensation pick as well. Our first rounder wouldn't have done it.
Clarke went for money and decided not to risk that we would be prepared to give up two picks + possibly more. No doubt we will be rehashing this again, this time next year
We've shyed away from pulling the trigger in the draft, Darling, Kersten, we took Simpson instead of taking a shot at a tall. Ultimately it's irrelavent, you only need to hit the jackpot once or twice in the talls department and we go from having a lack of talls to a surplus. If we can land the next Harry Taylor in the draft and find another somewhere else we'll be set.

Look at Essendon. They lose Lloyd, Lucas, have fletcher carrying a walking stick and over the space of a couple years once again have a surplus. Swings and round a bouts.

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