Win Prizes 2022 Official BigFooty Draft Tipping Competition - Joint winners JT_the_Man and the Ziebull!

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  1. Brisbane - Ashcroft
  2. GWS - Cadman
  3. North - Wardlaw
  4. North - Sheezel
  5. Essendon - Phillipou
  6. Gold Coast - Hollands
  7. Hawthorn - Tsatas
  8. Geelong - J. Clarke
  9. WC - Gineby
  10. St.Kilda - McKenzie
  11. Carlton - Humphrey's
  12. Bulldogs - Busslinger
  13. WC - Allen
  14. Melbourne - Jefferson
  15. Sydney - Clarke
  16. GWS - Weddle
  17. Brisbane - Fletcher
  18. Collingwood - Husthwaite
  19. sydney - Hewitt
  20. GWS - Konstanti

1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane - Will Ashcroft [BID MATCH - North Melbourne]
3. North Melbourne - George Wardlaw
4. North Melbourne - Harry Sheezel
5. Adelaide - Mattaes Phillipou [TRADE: Essendon 4 (now 5) + F4 (Syd) to Adelaide for F1 (Ade) + F2 (NM) ]
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Jhye Clark
8. St Kilda - Elijah Tsatas [TRADE: Geelong 7 (8) + 58 to St Kilda for F1 (StK) + 32 (?) + 81 (?) - side deal StK 47 to any other club for an F4 ]
9. West Coast - Reuben Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Cam Mackenzie
11. West Coast - Jedd Busslinger [TRADE: Carlton 10 (11) + F2 (Car) to West Coast for 20 (21) + F1 (WCE) ]
12. Western Bulldogs - Lewis Hayes
13. West Coast - Ed Allan
14. Melbourne - Matthew Jefferson
15. Brisbane - Jaspa Fletcher [BID MATCH (Bid by Carlton after trade below)]
16. Carlton - Oliver Hollands [TRADE: Sydney 14 (16) + F3 (Syd) to Carlton for 64 (?) + F1 (Car) ]
17. Essendon - Brayden George [TRADE: GWS: 15 (17) + F3 (GWS) to Essendon for 22 (24) + F2 (Ess) ]
18. Essendon - Alwyn Davey Jr. [BID MATCH (Bid - Collingwood)]
19. Collingwood - Josh Weddle
20. Adelaide - Max Michalanney [BID MATCH - Sydney]
21. Essendon - Elijah Hewett [TRADE: Sydney 17 (21) to Essendon for F2 (NM via Ade) ]
22. GWS - Jacob Konstanty
1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane (matched bid) Will Ashcroft
3. North Melbourne - Harry Sheezel
4. North Melbourne - George Wardlaw
5. Essendon Matteas Phillipou
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Elijah Tsatas
8. Geelong Jhye Clark
9. west Coast - Reuben Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Cam McKenzie
11.Carlton - Oliver Hollands
12. Western Bulldogs - Jed Busslinger
13. West Coast - Ed Allan
14. Melbourne - Matthew Jefferson
15. Sydney - Josh Weddle
16. GWS - Brayden George
17. Brisbane (matched bid Jaspar Fletcher)
18.Collingwood - Harry Barnett
19.Essendon (matched bid) Alwyn Davey jnr
20. Sydney - Elijah Hewitt
21. GWS - Joseph Konstanty

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1) GWS- Cadman
2) Brisbane - Ashcroft
3) North- Wardlaw
4) North - Sheezel
5) Ess - Phillipou
6) Suns - Humphrey
7) Hawks - Clark
8) Geelong - McKenzie
9) WCE - Ginbey
10) Saints - Tsatas
11) Carlton - Hollands
12) Bulldogs - Busslinger
13) WCE - Allan
14) Demons - Jefferson
15) Bris - Fletcher
16) Swans - Weddle
17) Ess - Davey jnr
18) Coll - Barnett
19) Swans - Hayes
20) GWS - Hewitt
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1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane (matching North's bid) - Will Ashcroft
3. North Melbourne - Harry Sheezel
4. North Melbourne - George Wardlaw
5. Essendon - Matteas Phillipou
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Cam McKenzie
8. Geelong - Jhye Clarke
9. West Coast - Rueben Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Elijah Tsatas
11. Sydney - Matthew Jefferson
12. Western Bulldogs - Oliver Hollands
13. West Coast - Ed Allan
14. Melbourne - Jedd Busslinger
15. Brisbane (matching Carlton's bid)- Jaspa Fletcher
16. Carlton - Elijah Hewett
17. GWS - Jacob Konstanty
18. Collingwood - Josh Weddle
19. Carlton - Lewis Hayes
20. GWS - Brayden George
1. GWS - Cadman
2. Brisbane - Ashcroft (Nth Bid Matched)
3. North - Sheezel
4. North - Wardlaw
5. Melbourne - Phillipou (Pick Swap Essendon/Melbourne)
6. Gold Coast - Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - MacKenzie
8. Geelong - Clarke
9. West Coast - Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Tsatas
11. Sydney - Busslinger (Pick Swap Carlton/Sydney)
12. Bulldogs - Hollands
13. West Coast - Allan
14. Essendon - Hayes
Brisbane - Fletcher (Carlton Bid Matched)
16. Carlton - Hewett (Pick Swap Carlton/Sydney)
17. Essendon - A Davey Jr (GWS Bid Matched)

18. GWS - Weddle
19. Collingwood - Hotton
20. Carlton - Jefferson (Pick Swap Carlton/Sydney)
21. GWS - J Konstansty
1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane (Matched Bid) - Will Ashcroft
3. North Melbourne - Harry Sheezel
4. North Melbourne - George Wardlaw
5. Essendon - Mattaes Phillipou
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Elihaj Tsatas
8. Geelong - Jhye Clark
9. West Coast - Reuben Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Oliver Hollands
11. Carlton - Cam Mackenzie
12. Western Bulldogs - Jedd Busslinger
13. West Coast - Ed Allen
14. Melbourne - Matthew Jefferson
15. Sydney - Josh Weddle
16. GWS - Jacob Konstanty
17. Brisbane (Matched Bid)- Jaspa Fletcher
18. Collingwood - Lewis Hayes
19. Adelaide (Matched Bid) - Max Michalanney
20. Collingwood - Jakob Ryan
21. GWS - Brayden George
1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane (Brisbane matches North’s bid) - Will Ashcroft
3. North Melbourne -Harry Sheezel
4. North Melbourne -George Wardlaw
5. Essendon -Elijah Tsatas
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Mattaes Phillipou
8. Geelong - Jhye Clark
9. West Coast - Reuben Ginbey
10. St Kilda - Cameron Mackenzie
11. Carlton - Ollie Hollands
12. Western Bulldogs -Jedd Busslinger
13. West Coast -Ed Allan
14. Melbourne - Matthew Jefferson
15. Brisbane (matching Sydney Bid) - Jaspa Fletcher
16. Sydney-Josh Weddle
17. GWS -Jacob Konstanty
18. Collingwood -Jakob Ryan
19. Sydney -Lachie Cowan
20. GWS - Brayden George
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1. Aaron Cadman - GWS
2. Will Ashcroft - Brisbane (Matched Bid)
3. Harry Sheezel - North Melbourne
4. George Wardlaw - North Melbourne
5. Elijah Tsatas - Essendon
6. Bailey Humphrey - Gold Coast
7. Reuben Ginbey- Hawthorn
8. Jedd Busslinger - Geelong
9. Jhye Clark - West Coast
10. Matthaes Phillipou - St Kilda
11. Ollie Hollands - Carlton
12. Ed Allan - West Coast
13. Cameron Mackenzie - Western Bulldogs
14. Matthew Jefferson - Melbourne
15. Josh Weddle - Sydney
16. Jacob Konstanty - GWS
17. Jaspa Fletcher - Brisbane (Matched Bid)
18. Max Michalanney - Adelaide (Matched Bid)
19. Jakob Ryan - Collingwood
20. Lachie Cowan - Sydney
21. Brayden George - GWS
1. GWS - Aaron Cadman
2. Brisbane - Will Ashcroft
3. North - Harry Sheezel
4. North - George Wardlaw
5. Essendon - Elijah Tsatas
6. Gold Coast - Bailey Humphrey
7. Hawthorn - Jhye Clark
8. Geelong - Cam Mackenzie
9. West Coast - Reuben Ginbey
10. St. Kilda - Mattaes Phillipou
11. Carlton - Ollie Hollands
12. Brisbane - Jaspa Fletcher
13. Bulldogs - Ed Allan
14. West Coast - Jedd Busslinger
15. Melbourne - Matt Jefferson
16. Sydney - Josh Weddle
17. GWS - Jacob Konstanty
18. Adelaide - Max Michalanney
19. Collingwood - Jakob Ryan
20. Sydney - Brayden George
21. GWS - Lachie Cowan
1. GWS - A Cadman
2. Brisbane - W Ashcroft (matched)
3. North - H Sheezel
4. North - G Wardlaw
5. Essendon - M Phillipou
6. Gold Coast - Gibney
7. Hawthorn - E Tsatas
8. Geelong - Clarke
9. West Coast - Jefferson
10. St Kilda - C Mackenzie
11. Carlton - O Hollands
12. Brisbane - Fletcher (matched)
13. Bulldogs - Busslinger
14. West Coast - Allan
15. Melbourne - L Hayes
16. Sydney - Weddle
17. GWS - E Hewett
18. Collingwood - Hewett
19. Adelaide - M Michallaney (matched)
20. Sydney - George
21. Essendon - A Davy (matched) edit: first initial
This year we have joint winners: JT_the_Man and the Ziebull. Tied on 74 points, they both got 14 completely correct tips, and exactly the same on count back so can't split them. Congratulations to both of you!

The prize for 1st place = 2 year BigFooty Platinum membership + shiny badge thanks to Chief

Andre the Giant is runner up, with 72 points and 13 completely correct tips.

The prize for 2nd place = 1 year BigFooty Platinum membership!

Below is the full list of entries and results:

I've also included media phantoms and our draft experts in the spreadsheet even though they didn't actually enter the competition. They’re marked in red :)
This year we have joint winners: JT_the_Man and the Ziebull. Tied on 74 points, they both got 14 completely correct tips, and exactly the same on count back so can't split them.

The prize for 1st place = 2 year BigFooty Platinum membership + shiny badge thanks to Chief

Andre the Giant is runner up, with 72 points and 13 completely correct tips.

The prize for 2nd place = 1 year BigFooty Platinum membership!

Below is the full list of entries and results:

I've also included media phantoms and our draft experts in the spreadsheet even though they didn't actually enter the competition. They’re marked in red :)
Should have entered ay 😂

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This year we have joint winners: JT_the_Man and the Ziebull. Tied on 74 points, they both got 14 completely correct tips, and exactly the same on count back so can't split them.

The prize for 1st place = 2 year BigFooty Platinum membership + shiny badge thanks to Chief

Andre the Giant is runner up, with 72 points and 13 completely correct tips.

The prize for 2nd place = 1 year BigFooty Platinum membership!

Below is the full list of entries and results:

I've also included media phantoms and our draft experts in the spreadsheet even though they didn't actually enter the competition. They’re marked in red :)
Thanks Lore and Chief
This year we have joint winners: JT_the_Man and the Ziebull. Tied on 74 points, they both got 14 completely correct tips, and exactly the same on count back so can't split them. Congratulations to both of you!

The prize for 1st place = 2 year BigFooty Platinum membership + shiny badge thanks to Chief

Andre the Giant is runner up, with 72 points and 13 completely correct tips.

The prize for 2nd place = 1 year BigFooty Platinum membership!

Below is the full list of entries and results:

I've also included media phantoms and our draft experts in the spreadsheet even though they didn't actually enter the competition. They’re marked in red :)
Take that Cal Twomey!

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Win Prizes 2022 Official BigFooty Draft Tipping Competition - Joint winners JT_the_Man and the Ziebull!

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