Autopsy 2022 Rd 23 Choked again. Season Done.

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but we did get space which is what you said collingwood didnt allow. he had two pies players around him and 'marked' it uncontested.

Agree though, Marchbank stuffed up by not going with his man and expecting someone else to punch it - you cant do that, gotta go when your man goes.
yeah not sure how much the jsos bump impacted the cripps mark...probably not much

weitering normally goes in and impacts those types of contests. there was time to read the drop of the ball as it was a bit of lofty kick for weits or others nearby to not allow elliot a clear run at it.
Your football

The best players in this team are 25 to 29 next year, aside from Walsh. Right now, they could as easily miss the premiership window as win a premiership. This group is not entitled to ultimate success and it is a distinct possibility that the window closes and we need to rebuild

We all know you're a glass three quarters empty type, but really?

This is Geelong's old list - who are challenging right now!

Their best players are 32-34yo. I'll leave you to do the maths.

Your football

The best players in this team are 25 to 29 next year, aside from Walsh. Right now, they could as easily miss the premiership window as win a premiership. This group is not entitled to ultimate success and it is a distinct possibility that the window closes and we need to rebuild

Cerra? Also a bit disingenuous when Weitering, McKay, Curnow are only 25. Hewett 26. Cripps 27. The window of this side as currently constructed is another 5 years. Not to mention any 'rebuild' really on relies on us being able to replace the contribution of Saad, Doc and Cripps to then extend it for another 2-3 with Walsh and Cerra as the focus.

I get people being miserable but trying to suggest we have a narrow window to be competitive is wild. One of the things I take much heart from is our age profile and fact we are set up for some sustained success here.

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Yes as people say we were never going to win the flag this year, but I feel like the game or two of finals experience would have really helped the group moving forward. I think statistically most premiership teams have made finals at least once (usually more) in the 3 years prior to their flag.

This group has no idea about finals and what it takes. It would have been nice to get some experience into a bunch of players there.
100% agreed, but having said that, I reckon the last 2 weeks were about as close to finals type games that you could get. Top teams, high pressure, big crowds. Not entirely the same, but not far off.
That list was in a premiership window and so is carltons right now. That’s how.

The stated goal was to make the top 8 and they played like it.
Geelong made a Prelim the year before. Carlton were bottom 6.
Geelong were making finals nearly every year for the previous 6 or 7 ( with the exception of 2006). Carlton haven't had a playing record that would get you into finals for 11 years
Make the finals and then you can worry about winning a premiership (as long as you aren't * and play a brand of footy that doesn't stack up in September)
We all know you're a glass three quarters empty type, but really?

This is Geelong's old list - who are challenging right now!

Their best players are 32-34yo. I'll leave you to do the maths.

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The old age profile works if it is accompanied by premiership experience-Carlton 1995. Do not think our success is inevitable
Not sure I agree with that. To me, Saad would have had plenty of time and space to mark that had he not been blocked.
At the very least, he gets to the drop of the ball and halves or wins the contest. Did a lot of that this year, where he got to contests he had no right making it to, then proceeded to either get the ball over the line, disrupt a certain opposition possession, or just flat out win the contest.
It could have bought time for more defenders to get back and help out also.
The term, often lost these days is 'shepherd'. Block refers to something illegal. Shepherd is perfectly legal and hardly any teams use it properly.
The term, often lost these days is 'shepherd'. Block refers to something illegal. Shepherd is perfectly legal and hardly any teams use it properly.

annoys the shit out of me seeing a teammate running next to the guy with the ball demanding the footy when he should be laying a block - but it appears im a bit old school. Alternatievly, give the handball and block, but that doesnt happen either.
Your football

The best players in this team are 25 to 29 next year, aside from Walsh. Right now, they could as easily miss the premiership window as win a premiership. This group is not entitled to ultimate success and it is a distinct possibility that the window closes and we need to rebuild
You could argue the status of some of these players (some best 22 should be fringe - some fringe should be best 22), but I've tried to base it off this year as much as possible. The intricacies aren't as important as the whole picture.
Our list profile is probably at an almost perfect balance. The age colour coding is based on how many years they may have left.
Only 3 players who will start next year as 30 year olds and are best 22 or fringe and may need to be replaced in the next year or two. One of those didn't play a single game in the seniors this year.

It's far from doom and gloom.

annoys the s**t out of me seeing a teammate running next to the guy with the ball demanding the footy when he should be laying a block - but it appears im a bit old school. Alternatievly, give the handball and block, but that doesnt happen either.
I think it's got something to do with who gets recruited. You don't shephard if you're the best player in the team, your instincts are wrong for that. You get to the next postion in which you'll get the ball, and then you get to the next position to get the ball. You're not looking for any way to make an impact on the game because you can't find the ball, because your instincts got you this far and if you try to do something else and it doesn't work it's a risk.

All these draftees get picked because they're able to read the game or play at a high level, and coaches frequently pick players - when not for football reasons - for their athletic capabilities. Those players aren't going to know to shephard, and their coaches the entire way through are going to be asking their teammates to give them the ball to compensate for those without natural ballwinning.

It's too professional by now, and the KPI's through midfield are driven by defensive pressure without the ball or metres gained with it. A shephard gains you no ground personally, and applies no defensive pressure. Call me cynical, but there's no incentive for a player to lay a shephard when they could cheat and get ahead to receive the handball when the person is under pressure; you get a stat, they get a stat, and both of your next contracts look a little bigger.
annoys the s**t out of me seeing a teammate running next to the guy with the ball demanding the footy when he should be laying a block - but it appears im a bit old school. Alternatievly, give the handball and block, but that doesnt happen either.
It drives me nuts too, such a simple, simple 1%er that makes a huge difference but is so often ignored.

It might've been illegal, that debates been had, but Ginnivans block on Saad set Elliott up for his goal and it's no surprise that Elliott wanted to get straight over to Ginnivan to celebrate. They probably get the goal even if he doesn't do it, but it turns from a bit of fiddling around to an uncontested open shot running into an open goal simply because of a shepherd.

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The term, often lost these days is 'shepherd'. Block refers to something illegal. Shepherd is perfectly legal and hardly any teams use it properly.
I shouldn't have used the term 'block', as a block is for a marking or ruck contest. Yes, shepherd is for general play, but there are legal shepherds and illegal shepherds. You can't shepherd a player more than 5m off the ball, which is what Ginni did. He started shepherding space for the ball drop while the ball was still 10-15m away and up in the air.
Anyway, it wasn't called and can't be changed, but it was 100% one of a number of factors that led to us losing the game, along with a few other questionable umpiring decisions, some poor goal kicking and some poor choices by players at critical moments.
It drives me nuts too, such a simple, simple 1%er that makes a huge difference but is so often ignored.

It might've been illegal, that debates been had, but Ginnivans block on Saad set Elliott up for his goal and it's no surprise that Elliott wanted to get straight over to Ginnivan to celebrate. They probably get the goal even if he doesn't do it, but it turns from a bit of fiddling around to an uncontested open shot running into an open goal simply because of a shepherd.

it dpesnt even have to be a big block or put someone on the backside, its literally just get between the ball carrier and the opponent and give the guy with the ball that extra split second to dispose of it - the difference in the disposal quality with that extra split second to decide who to kick to and execute is amazing.

How often do you see someone get run down with their teammate beside them screaming for the ball instead of putting a slight block on, does my head in.
Your football

The best players in this team are 25 to 29 next year, aside from Walsh. Right now, they could as easily miss the premiership window as win a premiership. This group is not entitled to ultimate success and it is a distinct possibility that the window closes and we need to rebuild

Here it is again.
As disappointing as this last game was and as much as it's still pissing us off there is still much to be excited about what lies ahead for us.

Firstly though, lets move on from the umpiring. You could highlight so many frees that the umps may have missed for both teams that if paid may have resulted in a different outcome. Bottom line is we lost and weren't good enough on the day.

We are so close to taking the next step and beyond adding pace, our list has all the working parts and is maturing nicely. It just needs to be mentally stronger and we need some better luck with injuries.

Game plan wise there is still work to be done on stoppages, mid to forward connectivity, forward line setup and transition (whether that be into attack or into defence). Hopefully, the layers as referred to by Vossy, will be added over pre season.

Surely the players are feeling like us and they will use the finish to this season as the fire starter for next year and beyond.

Enjoy your time away from the footy. Go Blues.
Your football

The best players in this team are 25 to 29 next year, aside from Walsh. Right now, they could as easily miss the premiership window as win a premiership. This group is not entitled to ultimate success and it is a distinct possibility that the window closes and we need to rebuild
Honestly mate this is one of the most head scratching posts I've read in 12 years on BF and that's saying something.

Of course a premiership is not guaranteed, it never is! Every team in it's "window" probably has well under 50% chance of winning one - I mean they only give out 1 per year after all! Of course every team needs to "rebuild" in some capacity eventually - you're stating the obvious here.

But to talk about "rebuilds" when we're clearly at the very beginning of our window of contending, which based on age profile will last for at least 5 years and could go longer based on our ability to replace key players, is just utter madness.

But to each their own, I guess...
No one is denying the obsession and passion for our team. It’s more about perspective.

In real terms, none of our lives are actually better or worse when our team wins or loses.

I feel your pain, believe me. But in the big scheme of things it is just a game. The sun will come up tomorrow, and in a year from now, we won’t care what happened today.

Speak for yourself! :laughing:
Put myself through the game again and our young forward line absolutely cost us big time. So many mistakes with and without the ball. Not tracking back in time, blazing away when there were better options, not taking the full 30 seconds on set shots so the team can set up in case we miss, didn’t square up at contests in the last quarter and this has been happening throughout the season. It’s panic stations up forward when they get momentum towards goal. I noticed it against gws the second time around and I just don’t understand where the composure has gone. However, they are a young group up forward and I think they have the highest ceiling out of all the lines.

I’ve also noticed harry is coming into his own the last couple of weeks and he’s finally looking like a true leader up there. I also think Charlie is going through that process now and because it’s his comeback season I’ll give him a pass for all the misgivings.

Next year there’s no excuses for our forward line and they must be more composed, more focused and more hungry to get us to where we want to get to.

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