List Mgmt. 2022 Trade, Draft, etc thread

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I don’t understand why we would take a developing defender with injury concerns when Tomlinson and Turner can’t get a game as it is.

We are in our window and should be trying to identify players ready to go up forward and kick a few.

Unless this is a clue that we intend to throw Petty up forward.

Because Tomlinson looks past it already and Turner isn't KPD size. We literally have nobody on the list to replace May or Petty in a long term sense.

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I can't fathom being this pissed over pick 38 lol you're cracking me up
Yeah like 70% of these kids won't even play 50 games. 40% won't play 10.

Outside of the first round draft night is basically a crap shoot.
it's does feel sort of weird to be overly positive for a change.

Don’t understand how you could be happy with a developing key back who is injury prone and from WA when our forwardline struggles year after year with the likes of Spargo, Sparrow, Brown and ANB making up our A team and little to no new pressure on them from this off season to improve.

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Don’t understand how you could be happy with a developing key back who is injury prone and from WA when our forwardline struggles year after year with the likes of Spargo, Sparrow, Brown and ANB making up our A team and little to no new pressure on them from this off season to improve.
well I rate ANB highly. always have. I also don't mind sparrow and spargo. In terms of the forward line, can you name names? I didn't want Keeler because he looks lazy. We also needed a key back for life after May. No issues with that. I would've been happy with Phoenix Foster no doubt but I'll back in Jason Taylor. I think he's been quite good the last few years. Guys like Rivers and Petty are both interstate players that have exceeded expectations given their draft position.
well I rate ANB highly. always have. I also don't mind sparrow and spargo. In terms of the forward line, can you name names? I didn't want Keeler because he looks lazy. We also needed a key back for life after May. No issues with that. I would've been happy with Phoenix Foster no doubt but I'll back in Jason Taylor. I think he's been quite good the last few years. Guys like Rivers and Petty are both interstate players that have exceeded expectations given their draft position.

Foster, Richard’s, Lemmey, Magor, traded up for Hotton.
well I rate ANB highly. always have. I also don't mind sparrow and spargo. In terms of the forward line, can you name names? I didn't want Keeler because he looks lazy. We also needed a key back for life after May. No issues with that. I would've been happy with Phoenix Foster no doubt but I'll back in Jason Taylor. I think he's been quite good the last few years. Guys like Rivers and Petty are both interstate players that have exceeded expectations given their draft position.

Feels weird watching this guy having a conversation with the mirror.
Feels weird watching this guy having a conversation with the mirror.

An elaborate trolling system would be to have 2 accounts who put out two polar opposite opinions so then whichever way something works out you can log into the account that 'predicted' it and tell everyone how good you are.

Not suggesting anyone is doing that....
An elaborate trolling system would be to have 2 accounts who put out two polar opposite opinions so then whichever way something works out you can log into the account that 'predicted' it and tell everyone how good you are.

Not suggesting anyone is doing that....
Would also be extremely tragic.
Not overly enthused by Jefferson but is a pick for needs. Let’s see if he can compete against bigger bodies next year.

Adams highlights have some similarities to Perry’s draft highlights, emphasis on his defensive intercept marking and a neat kick.

Hopefully hear from the club on the full extent of our pick trading attempts, but they may choose to keep that under wraps.

We have Howes, Laurie, JVR and Turner to treat like draftees and see if they can improve the 22 next year.
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