Game Day 2023 Non-Swans Game Day

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As an aside I hope Andrew Dunkley is happier with the club these days
Couldn't give two shits if he isn't. In all my years supporting the club, he is the one player I have come across that was an arrogant campaigner. Will never forget standing in line with about 20 other kids for an autograph while he ignored us all and kept chatting up some bleached blonde hussy who was most definitely not his wife.
1. MISSED CALL - Actually this should be a free as no spoil was made and the player was taken high (not chopping the arms)
2. CORRECT - No slinging action in the tackle
One arm pinned and head -first contact with the ground has been paid as dangerous all year.
3. CORRECT - Tackle not completed, so cannot be holding the ball
Yes it was. It stopped his forward momentum and contact was still there when De Goey hit the ground. Prior opportunity, no disposal when stopped, HTB.
4. CORRECT - Not taken high in the tackle. Ward, threw his head back to milk a free. Tackle landed in the side.
What? You can see contact to the left side of Ward's head as he's rising
5. CORRECT- Ward's positioning in the contest with Sidebottom blocked Mihocek's run at the ball.
It doesn't matter. Ward has eyes on the ball and as the player in front, he gets priority. Mihocek jumped way to early and stopped ward playing at the ball.
6. MISSED CALL - Clear trip and should have been a free but I assume umpire thought connection was made above the knee hense no call.
7. CORRECT - Sigh. Clearly had possession of the ball
I'm paused at 10.02 on the countdown when Daicos begins to take the Giants player down and the ball is clearly between the Giant's legs and not in his possession. This is a tough one though, in a crowd, facing the boundary line, I can forgive the umpire for it.

8. MISSED CALL - Clearly collected high. Assume umpire believed he was ducking into contact which doesn't excuse the non-call
9. CORRECT - Collingwood player nearby
This one's tough. He's clearly aiming to kill the contest rather than pass off to the Collingwood player, which is what insufficient rather than deliberate was supposed to clarify. If you play to the boundary and it doesn't come off, you get penalised.
10. 50/50 - This never gets paid in finals. Refer to 2016 Grand Final.
Agree, this one is a crap-shoot
11. CORRECT - No no no. Briggs contributed to the contact and also got Cameron high at the same time.
Agree on this one too.
The claim of htb was the same non call as in the Power game last week, a grab on the guernsey isn't completing the tackle, the deliberate you had a Collingwood player in the vincinty, high tackle claim, the Ginni rule (ie ducked into it). Those Three for starters can come off the list.
The guernesy was held and the motion of it took De Goey to ground, completely stopping his forward momentum. You can still see the Giants player holding it as they go sliding on the ground. How is the tackle not completed?

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Couldn't give two shits if he isn't. In all my years supporting the club, he is the one player I have come across that was an arrogant campaigner. Will never forget standing in line with about 20 other kids for an autograph while he ignored us all and kept chatting up some bleached blonde hussy who was most definitely not his wife.

The whole Dunkley family is well odd to say the least.
The whole Dunkley family is well odd to say the least.
Wikipedia says we didn't match the Dogs bid for Dunkley because he was a poor kick - like his Dad. But I recall reading somewhere that the Dunkley family asked the Swans not to take Josh as they wanted him to go to a Melbourne* club.

*One read of this post contains 50% of your daily irony.
Talking about Scott brothers. Chris Scott is whining about how much they've invested in Ratugolea, only to have him wanting to move to a club in Adelaide. Tell us about it. I doubt Ratugolea will become captain of his new team or All-Australian.
I'm glad one of the AFL's fairytale Grand Finalists couldn't cheat their way to a PF win. The Lions came back into the game with a roar but, geez, they'll need to start a lot better than that in the Granny.

Pies have shown they're not above hitting players in the head. With nothing to lose they'll take their dirty game lower than a snake's belly. Expect them to take out as many key Brisbane players in the opening quarter as they can, with the connivance of the AFL's ARC ensuring they can pile on a score while half the Lions' team undertake HIA protocols. Going on recent form, the perpetrators will be in no danger of missing games next year.

The AFL is going to throw everything they have behind a Pies win. We're all so used to playing the GF at the MCG instead of a neutral venue that we just accept it, or make excuses for it. None of the umpires will be from Brisbane. The guys in the ARC will be wearing black and white underwear. The Melbourne Media will ensure any talk of cheating is quickly covered up, like they did for the Bravedogs in the AFL fairytale of 2016.
Still waiting for the evidence that Patrick Cripps is supposedly "made for finals footy." Looked pretty average most of September.
As an aside I hope Andrew Dunkley is happier with the club these days
That’s good to hear, that was the issue all along though.

I am not aware of the details but there was a rift, which wasn’t addressed prior to his sons being available as fAther-Sons.

We do a lot right as a club, but this feels like a missed opportunity.

Not a lot of examples other father-sons, starting off at different teams or not accepting the offer from their fathers club.
First to 100 wins this the gf imo

Chek, Eliot , American etc need to stand up and have a good game:

They haven’t been scoring enough imo to get away with it again this week

I can’t see them holding the lions to 8 goals or under. That’s the lions in there worst day with there fire power.

Only problem is the pies scoring ability this week and we’re the 16 goals come from.

If lions hold string in the first 15min and get used to it I think they will go on to win

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Not a lot of examples other father-sons, starting off at different teams or not accepting the offer from their fathers club.

Collingwood have declined to draft two father son selections in the time since our last (2011 - Tom Mitchell)

James Stewart - Giants pick 30 2012
Jake Kelly - Crows in the rookie draft

Meanwhile they have selected two Daicos, Moore, Will Kelly etc and of course Tom Mitchell now plays for the Pies too

Only about -a dozen players actually managed the 100 game threshold for us during the 90s
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Hopefully Brisbane take the one sided media, crowd and umpiring that will more than likely be in effect this week and on game day and use it to fire themselves up, rather than shitting themselves like we do.
Couldn't give two shits if he isn't. In all my years supporting the club, he is the one player I have come across that was an arrogant campaigner. Will never forget standing in line with about 20 other kids for an autograph while he ignored us all and kept chatting up some bleached blonde hussy who was most definitely not his wife.

I remember in his Open Mike episode when he was asked about going back to the club if he was invited, he said he couldn't because then no one would be at home to look after his (adult) children.

He is a weird guy.
That’s good to hear, that was the issue all along though.

I am not aware of the details but there was a rift, which wasn’t addressed prior to his sons being available as fAther-Sons.

We do a lot right as a club, but this feels like a missed opportunity.

Not a lot of examples other father-sons, starting off at different teams or not accepting the offer from their fathers club.

He couldn't really explain it rationally during the Open Mike interview, but essentially he said his issue was that we didn't make him an assistant coach when he retired. Instead we told him that he needed to go to a lower level first.

So I think it was that and also potentially he didn't want to retire, although IIRC his main issue was the assistant coach thing.

The whole thing sounds stupid and petty and, by the sounds of it, the entire issue sits with Dunkley.
As well as Stevic the commentary was so biased by Darcy and Gils flog brother .
Darcy said Cripps is a great of the game !

Darcy says some dumb crap and overdoes it, eg Cripps a great of the game, but would still take him over Hamish. He just talks and asks questions. Just call the ****en game

Give us Huddo, Jason Bennett, that Brenton Speed ? think thats his name, people who just commentate.

Worse still, Jobe sounds like he is yelling over a helicopter and just interrupts constantly to say the obvious, ohh a goal would put them 6 points closer.

Daisy is a token woman, because she is ****en pathetic. She knows her footy , but starts a point then forgets and stutters, and stops every time, its nails on a chalk board.

BT ??? why is a commentator? he was ok on radio to be fair, as was JB, but it sort of fit on MMM, the whole in house wank fest is OTT and BT is just clearly going for one team over another every game, worse if its a pies or tigers call.

Luke Hodge isn't terrible, he probably limits his comments, Richo is ok on a boundary , but not in the box.

The standard is shithouse, every caller and presenter doesn't need to be an ex player, just give me good presenters

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Game Day 2023 Non-Swans Game Day

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