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AFL - News, Fixtures, Scores & Results - AFL.com.au
Australian Football League. All the latest AFL news, video, results and information

I-t's sports night at the dome of many names that settled on a house with a mouse, with nary about, for it won't be grouse, in all likelihood anyway.
Yes, I did just copy paste the title header as why not, I wrote it before and it was a score, so why not more I say anyway. It'll probably end up as more of score than actual as it is, so I'll take the win having noticed the little s and rectified it like a boss!
The people who look up and go "oh, interesting, let me note this down" also known as a bureau indicate that roof or no roof, it'll be partially sunny with early frost and maybe a 20km wind so it'll just feel mote chilly than it is when it potentially reaches 15 degrees, so bring your warmer clothes.
In answer to the preview...
Crystal ball preview indicated it was cloudy still, I stated: no shit it's winter, tell me something I don't know, then pondered why I even used the crystal ball to begin with. I guess to make the original comment, and this one.
As indicated immediately upon creation of that thread, I shall steal that line as always intended for this anyway;
This one, is going to hurt.