List Mgmt. 2024 Trade Thread - No.1

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Just on the bad influence angle in regards to Tarryn Thomas.

Ben Cousins was an AFL legend, but one who had fallen into the world of drugs. Coming to a new club there’s a risk that young players look up to him. Maybe as they socialise the drugs are present and maybe in a moment of weakness, or through a lack of awareness, a player or player partakes. Maybe they party on for the next 24 hours straight. Maybe they start moving in circles with some shadowy figures involved in the world of drugs. They are genuine concerns with a high profile, charismatic player such as Cousins.

With Thomas he is not a legend. He has not achieved anything. He has been, rightfully, publicly shamed. He has no status. If our group of young players have been brought up well, and if our club culture is strong, there’s more chance that Thomas will be influenced by the group rather than the other way around. What’s he going do? Convince some young kids to go out to a club and abuse women? Can’t see that being an attractive proposition to our young, extremely focused group of players.

So there’s many reasons to avoid recruiting Thomas (and a few to pursue him). However the “bad influence on the playing group” Is not one of them IMO. The only way any player will look up to this no-one is if he produces onfield.
Windsor looks really good so far could win the RS award this year. I'd probably have him a bit ahead of Wilson too. Wilson has shown enough to think he'll be an exceptional talent regardless. They were hard to split at the draft, Wilson probably had more X factor and flash, Windsor the more renowned wing game.

I reckon both are going to have really good careers. We saw a bit of what Darcy can do so far but he's got gears to go up. He's got a candy selling game and good around goals.
I'll cut Darcy some slack as he is still young and fragile, but he must not avoid body contact to advance more as a player has let himself down a few times this year & there was 1 last week were he had 2nd thoughts.

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Father Son rule is great, but clubs should pay market rate.
Do that by forcing clubs to hold a pick of that value.
Market rate fluctuates so the only way is to make them trade for that pick (if they don't hold it) is to go to the market.
Once they hold that pick they can get their FS with it.
So the fair method is to use the existing market trade mechanisms, and eliminate the FS rule.

Market rate is whatever the club with the pick says is market rate. Not something arbitrarily imposed by AFL House.

North Melbourne had pick 2 in 2022. Brisbane want Ashcroft. North say 5 first rounders. That's the market rate.
re TT

im not going to draw a line on everything the saints do,that shiel business last season was mighty scary & dont want him this year either,certainly with no loss of saints picks,but the mere suggestion of handing them the gresh compo pick for shiel is enough to shut the gate

but one thing im already cringeing abour re thomas,is that first goal where the boys come from everywhere to get around him,

that aint gonna be a good look

You have to take one

Terry Thomas
Jake Stringer
Who you taking?
im slowly warming to the idea of TT
austinnn and Dr Spaceman sensible posts have helped with that

i understand the backlash on the subject and it is something that has cropped up in my life with family and friends falling victim as well as many poster have had, im sure.

education, support, astrong network and a ****ing good talking to with an iron clad contract would be a good starting place

but if the person shows lack lustre attitude and is just an ok man and no actions are shown then i am confident the club will be strong on this

im also betting that there would have been quite a few comments from concern players, staff and members to club admin

this wont be taken lightly

interesting times ahead
On the under 22, Windy was stiff. That's all. Remember Dal Santo didn't get a Rising Star nomination. Not the end of the world.

He played 15 games and his form went backwards after a really strong start. If he'd been in the side playing how he did early in the season he might have got a spot.
im slowly warming to the idea of TT
austinnn and Dr Spaceman sensible posts have helped with that

i understand the backlash on the subject and it is something that has cropped up in my life with family and friends falling victim as well as many poster have had, im sure.

education, support, astrong network and a ****ing good talking to with an iron clad contract would be a good starting place

but if the person shows lack lustre attitude and is just an ok man and no actions are shown then i am confident the club will be strong on this

im also betting that there would have been quite a few comments from concern players, staff and members to club admin

this wont be taken lightly

interesting times ahead
It would need to be sold well to sponsors, and to our women's team.

Not just his arrival, but what their response would be if he f###ed up again.

We can't afford to lose sponsors or fracture the club in the event it goes pear shaped.

I don't know the influence Aunty Katrina has at the club, re: Austinn's thought. Pretty sure she's not Gandalf though. TT is going to need to be reborn so to speak, or hypnotised.

I agree in sentiment that people deserve rehab that includes being able to work. But his behaviour is so at odds with the inclusive push of the AFL, it's unlikely imo. It's like trying to fight a concussion causing incident at the tribunal in the current climate.
I hope he has an awakening for his sake and everyone else's.
It would need to be sold well to sponsors, and to our women's team.

Not just his arrival, but what their response would be if he f###ed up again.

We can't afford to lose sponsors or fracture the club in the event it goes pear shaped.

I don't know the influence Aunty Katrina has at the club, re: Austinn's thought. Pretty sure she's not Gandalf though. TT is going to need to be reborn so to speak, or hypnotised.

I agree in sentiment that people deserve rehab that includes being able to work. But his behaviour is so at odds with the inclusive push of the AFL, it's unlikely imo. It's like trying to fight a concussion causing incident at the tribunal in the current climate.
I hope he has an awakening for his sake and everyone else's.

The club has tried to distance themselves already. We've thrown Gubby under the bus and said that he went rogue. Reading the tealeaves I think we know that it isn't happening.
It would need to be sold well to sponsors, and to our women's team.

Not just his arrival, but what their response would be if he f###ed up again.

We can't afford to lose sponsors or fracture the club in the event it goes pear shaped.

I don't know the influence Aunty Katrina has at the club, re: Austinn's thought. Pretty sure she's not Gandalf though. TT is going to need to be reborn so to speak, or hypnotised.

I agree in sentiment that people deserve rehab that includes being able to work. But his behaviour is so at odds with the inclusive push of the AFL, it's unlikely imo. It's like trying to fight a concussion causing incident at the tribunal in the current climate.
I hope he has an awakening for his sake and everyone else's.

The club has tried to distance themselves already. We've thrown Gubby under the bus and said that he went rogue. Reading the tealeaves I think we know that it isn't happening.
If, and it’s a huge IF, we went down the Thomas path he would have to be fixed before he stepped into RSEA Park.

It would not be a case of getting him down there and hoping Aunty Katrina, RTB, Mase, Hilly or the bootstudder can turn him around.

He would have to show he has turned around and the roles of Aunty Katrina, RTB, Mase, Hilly or the bootstudder would be to help ensure it stays that way.

Do not let him near the place until he can prove he has genuinely learned and is remorseful (you would have to trust the club as we would have no way of knowing)

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The club has tried to distance themselves already. We've thrown Gubby under the bus and said that he went rogue. Reading the tealeaves I think we know that it isn't happening.
Not sure they have that's only according to Morris, until it officially comes out from the club, we are all still speculating about the outcome.
The work and care of Auntie Katrina and the salvation of a second chance could very well prove the making of Tarryn Thomas the man.

I personally think this recent approach to misdemeanor - idealistic absolutism, abandonment, ethical fascism - serves society pretty ill but I'll admit it's a very sensitive issue where our deepest emotions inhibit reflection.

We've been down this path before: most recently with our new cult hero Arie Schoenmaker but before that with hypothetical trades for a rogue's gallery of flawed gun players including JDG, Cousins, Dusty, and so on. The same comments keep cropping up: "If we sign this ratbag, I'll toss my membership in the bin" etc. Usually the same people looking for any excuse to leave. I sort of hope it happens for this reason.

Maybe he is a reprehensible human, incapable of any degree of self improvement. That's what due diligence and a clause-heavy contrast will protect us from.

We are looking at recruiting a very good football player, that's all he has to be. Our club stands for certain values we want all our players to hold true, but I don't like the idea that any person is "beyond hope".

Domestic violence is a difficult issue, there's so much that is behind it all and the end result is so horrible, but it is not as simple as we'd like it to be.

Bit of a ramble, sorry. My 2 cents fwiw.
Forgive me if I've missed it but has Thomas been accused of any physically violent acts?

If so, the line should be put through him straight away.

The charges that I recall he is facing relate to revenge pr0n and harrassing phone calls.

I'm not excusing this type of behaviour for one second (someone very close to me has been subjected to this sort of stuff and it's extremely traumatic) but I do believe than non-violent acts can be addressed far more effectively than physical violence.
The club has tried to distance themselves already. We've thrown Gubby under the bus and said that he went rogue. Reading the tealeaves I think we know that it isn't happening.
Long shot I’d say, TT had several chances broke the law, got sacked by north, suspended by the afl and has a day in court coming up. There’s a lot to play out before he gets back onto an afl team. He does however need a clearly articulated path back though no matter who he winds up with.

Doubt there’d be much more to this story than people touching base with Thomas to see where his head is and to encourage him to stay on the path. I’m not sure why the club should be making excuses and throwing people under the bus.
The club has tried to distance themselves already. We've thrown Gubby under the bus and said that he went rogue. Reading the tealeaves I think we know that it isn't happening.
This isn’t 100% accurate.

I suspect whatever statement the club puts out will put some distance between us and Thomas. But I don’t believe it will shut the door on him.

I reckon it’s going to be a wait and see for his November court case and if he is cleared or no substantial charges. There might be a magical list spot still available…

Club has always been aware of who Gubby or SOS meets. He hasn’t done anything wrong.

If Andrew Krakouer can get a few years for grievous bodily harm & assault and still make it back…. Etc etc.
Not sure I said he needs to go. Just that we have see. His peak and need to accept his current output is what we can expect moving forward. AA Steele won’t be returning due to the game not suiting a player like him completely.

Essendon game is a small sample size. On that logic the swans should be building their list around Amarty after he kicked 9 two months ago. It’s the exception, not the rule.
The Essendon game is a small sample size because the midfield rarely wins overall.
Jack Steele often plays well and will feature in the top five of the TB Award.

Here's the AFLCA coaches votes at R20:

36 - Rowan Marshall
33 - Nasiah Wanganeen-Milera
32 - Jack Sinclair
31 - Jack Steele
15 - Bradley Hill

Steele plays one of the toughest positions in the team, virtually unassisted this season.

To compare his seasons performance with Amarty is just incredible.
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