USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
None of the doomsday stuff happened except their team lost.

Any number of predicted things happened. Theft. Corruption. Dismantling of rights. Dismantling of the US democratic processes. You know it did. Don't troll.
IT's in the worst state because of Trump?

I'd look at it it's in a bad way for year.s I was in San Francisco in the early 2000's and loved it only to go back 4 more times over the last 10 years. (A number of different presidents) And it is just getting worse and worse. It is honestly disgusting now and I refuse to go there.

Similar issues with Chicago and New York. There are a number of different factors as they are all big cities etc. But all Democrat dominated states as well. I have been going to the South a lot more and these places are thriving

Correlation vs causation.
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The difference is a Trump presidency will solely be a source of good for the world and anyone who laments it or would be miserable because of it is just a brainwashed fool
That is some combination of words, at this stage of the game lol

I'd suggest the brainwashed fool would be anyone who believes another Trump presidency would be about anything other than Trump. Like... you can't still be believing this 'man of the people', drain the swamp shtick can you? :drunk:
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by not taking the sensible option of being a reasonably successful one-term president should he win he’ll be remembered as a doddering old man in cognitive decline who may well not see out his presidency. or worse ensure a divisive, corrupt, revengeful, mendacious, convicted felon gets another term to wreck the joint.
Just mind-boggling calculus from the Dems and Biden himself apparently.

Joe did it - beat Trump, then didn't drop dead 6 months later as all the conservative talking heads assured us he would, served out his term as a poor to middling president.

All he had to do was walk away and give someone else the time and clear air to take it from here. I remain pretty convinced if he'd done it properly, whoever he anointed or won the primary would be double digits up on Trump right now. As you say, there isn't a whole lot of 'win' here even if he somehow beats him again :drunk:

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Any number of predicted things happened. Theft. Corruption. Dismantling of rights. Dismantling of the US democratic processes. You know it did. Don't troll.
Wait so you're saying there was absolutely no corruption before Trump took office?

One could argue all those things happen under every president though.

The other point people make was the handling of Covid. I bet the people here saying Trump did a bad job will for example say Andrews did a good job of it's handling? Interesting the responses to that one. Another government official who has had corruption and human rights questioned against him.
Whoa, all these conservatives coming out of the woodwork! Where have you guys been the past few years?

I assume it's because conservatives have been called cookers and nut jobs for a period that they didn't feel like speaking up. It's got to the point of ridiculous now they are happy to start talking again maybe or more people are starting to come around to being conservative.

The amount of hysteria in AUS about Trump is absolutely laughable considering it has little effect on them.
Theft. Corruption. Dismantling of rights. Dismantling of the US democratic processes.

None of these are doomsday scenarios. Who, in Australia, gives a **** about any of these things happening in the US.

Doomsday predictions were that of Trump starting WWIII possibly causing the end of the world.
by not taking the sensible option of being a reasonably successful one-term president should he win he’ll be remembered as a doddering old man in cognitive decline who may well not see out his presidency. or worse ensure a divisive, corrupt, revengeful, mendacious, convicted felon gets another term to wreck the joint.

Mate he just had a bad day.

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