USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris (pt II)

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It’s sad to see fellow humans turn on others for holding certain political views. I’m not about us vs them. Unfortunately many don’t care and ostracise others for holding certain views, we saw that especially the last few years.

Those who support Trump and want to see Dems tears flooding the streets, god bless you all. They deserve to lose not only because they want to destroy the earth and put us into WW3 but for what they say about us fellow human beings.

It’s sad to see how they attack and attempt to minimise you as a person for being who you are. In fact the left do that here in Aus. You tell them you hold conservative views and it triggers a flight or fight response that urges them to belittle you and call you names.

They can call us racist, despite them not being able to define it. They can call us unintelligent and stupid, despite us having uni degrees, trade certs or working good jobs. They can call us right wing fascists, oh they love that slur but again their so called intelligence renders then unable to define what a fascist is: check the mirror maybe.

No matter what you try and taint us with, it’s all bs. You will not break the resistance. You will not silence the majority. Change is coming and those scared of change because they consume fake news best beware you have waking up to do, and quickly
That is a brilliant comedy piece. Well done, didn't think you had it in you.
It’s sad to see fellow humans turn on others for holding certain political views. I’m not about us vs them. Unfortunately many don’t care and ostracise others for holding certain views, we saw that especially the last few years.

Those who support Trump and want to see Dems tears flooding the streets, god bless you all. They deserve to lose not only because they want to destroy the earth and put us into WW3 but for what they say about us fellow human beings.

It’s sad to see how they attack and attempt to minimise you as a person for being who you are. In fact the left do that here in Aus. You tell them you hold conservative views and it triggers a flight or fight response that urges them to belittle you and call you names.

They can call us racist, despite them not being able to define it. They can call us unintelligent and stupid, despite us having uni degrees, trade certs or working good jobs. They can call us right wing fascists, oh they love that slur but again their so called intelligence renders then unable to define what a fascist is: check the mirror maybe.

No matter what you try and taint us with, it’s all bs. You will not break the resistance. You will not silence the majority. Change is coming and those scared of change because they consume fake news best beware you have waking up to do, and quickly
Got those details on how the Dems steered the hurricane?
It’s sad to see fellow humans turn on others for holding certain political views. I’m not about us vs them. Unfortunately many don’t care and ostracise others for holding certain views, we saw that especially the last few years.

Those who support Trump and want to see Dems tears flooding the streets, god bless you all. They deserve to lose not only because they want to destroy the earth and put us into WW3 but for what they say about us fellow human beings.

It’s sad to see how they attack and attempt to minimise you as a person for being who you are. In fact the left do that here in Aus. You tell them you hold conservative views and it triggers a flight or fight response that urges them to belittle you and call you names.

They can call us racist, despite them not being able to define it. They can call us unintelligent and stupid, despite us having uni degrees, trade certs or working good jobs. They can call us right wing fascists, oh they love that slur but again their so called intelligence renders then unable to define what a fascist is: check the mirror maybe.

No matter what you try and taint us with, it’s all bs. You will not break the resistance. You will not silence the majority. Change is coming and those scared of change because they consume fake news best beware you have waking up to do, and quickly

Good effort, but I'm giving it a B- because you didn't manage to squeeze in Kommola or TimTam.

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A Fox report of a Republican document

Well I guess the lie is out there now
And a more specific pushback on Trump et al lies by a republican from north carolina
Former President Donald Trump did send coronavirus testing devices to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the height of the pandemic, the Kremlin confirmed Wednesday.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told Bloomberg News in a written statement that “we also sent equipment at the beginning of the pandemic.”

That means nothing to a Latin single mother working three minimum wage jobs to keep food on the table? What change will there be for ordinary people, is the clear question.
Please don’t confuse me as some simpleton binary idealist please?
Kamala has more in common with the struggling Latino mamma than the bloviated orange bald dementia ridden narcissistic sociopath and his Heritage Foundation buddies do!
I find it absurdly odd as a gay man that you so easily and readily admire a man and party that would happily treat you and your partner as pavement fodder from a building over a party that actually supports you and your lifestyle!
You're a f’ing weird unit mate!
It’s sad to see fellow humans turn on others for holding certain political views. I’m not about us vs them. Unfortunately many don’t care and ostracise others for holding certain views, we saw that especially the last few years.

Those who support Trump and want to see Dems tears flooding the streets, god bless you all. They deserve to lose not only because they want to destroy the earth and put us into WW3 but for what they say about us fellow human beings.

It’s sad to see how they attack and attempt to minimise you as a person for being who you are. In fact the left do that here in Aus. You tell them you hold conservative views and it triggers a flight or fight response that urges them to belittle you and call you names.

They can call us racist, despite them not being able to define it. They can call us unintelligent and stupid, despite us having uni degrees, trade certs or working good jobs. They can call us right wing fascists, oh they love that slur but again their so called intelligence renders then unable to define what a fascist is: check the mirror maybe.

No matter what you try and taint us with, it’s all bs. You will not break the resistance. You will not silence the majority. Change is coming and those scared of change because they consume fake news best beware you have waking up to do, and quickly
I don’t like being threatened mate, I do wonder about folks like you, like how far are you really willing to go in order to satiate your pathetic wanton desire to force your inebriated malignant desires onto everyone else!
I know you’re a shit dancer, **** I have disdain and contempt for shit dancers!
No matter what you try and taint us with, it’s all bs. You will not break the resistance. You will not silence the majority. Change is coming and those scared of change because they consume fake news best beware you have waking up to do, and quickly
You and spinynorman aren't Trumpers per se, but both of you absolutely revel in repeatedly posting "tut, tut Democrats" posts, gleefully pointing at anything that is even a slightly negative reflection on the Democrats and "warning" that they are in danger of losing the election.

I have no doubt that both of you are secretly hoping for a Trump win to vindicate your oft-stated views.
Nope both are Trumpers , they can try and deny it , but any time someone talks up Democrats chances of winning PJCrows is straight in to point out all their faults on why they can't win, whilst defending Trumps strategy, and saying why he will win, has been the posting style for a long while, just tries to add a caveat that he/she does not follow Trump, which is a load of horse shit.

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PJ and Spiny being highly critical of the Dems is entirely logical if they are lefties. The Democrats are to the right of John Howard's Libs but somehow have an army of fans here.

The Democrats are a more extreme version of what Labor do in Australia, being the dominant force in preventing progressive policy ever seeing the light of day.
Nope both are Trumpers , they can try and deny it , but any time someone talks up Democrats chances of winning PJCrows is straight in to point out all their faults on why they can't win, whilst defending Trumps strategy, and saying why he will win, has been the posting style for a long while, just tries to add a caveat that he/she does not follow Trump, which is a load of horse shit.
Disagree I think both are just talking effect of campaign strategy, given that trump has advantages of dumb cult like base and spinning the anti Kamala narratives work better against the democrat base who are disappointed in policy - immigration, social welfare, Israel - while anti trump narrative only causes the cult to double down.
:rolleyes:Are your serious, of course voters are comparing.
You werent talking about the voters though now were you. You were referencing why posters were complaining about her performance.

Being simply slightly better then trump isnt the acceptable standard. This is because its so easy to be better, especially when you have the stronger policy position, therefore presenting the opportunity to win by a large margin and gain both sides of congress and make real changes. Simply beating him only stops trumps bad policies from occuring. It doesnt allow the democrats to implement any substantial change themselves. They need to destroy him. She verbally cant make the case to destroy him and frankly may not even win at this point. But atleast she is better then Biden (probably the same as hilary clinton).
We've been over this a dozen or more times before. Yes, no doubt you're a lefter than left leftie. And it is clear that you are extremely disappointed with the Democrats for not being even close to left. It has resulted in you having a far greater disdain for Biden and Harris than you have for Trump (who, for consistency reasons, should be your number 1 dislike, but isn't).

Perhaps it is conscious, perhaps not, but a large proportion of your posts are pretty snipy of the Democrats. You don't miss many chances to stick the boots in.

For clarity, my own personal position is that if the current group of Democrats were up against almost anyone else, I would be very glad for them to be beaten at the upcoming election.

I don’t have greater disdain for the Democrats than the Republicans. I’ve given them their due at points, and have noted that keeping a glimmer of hope on climate change not killing us all vs slamming that shut is probably enough to have hope that they’ll win.

But I can’t vote, and I can’t really influence the decision (not on here anyway, I have a job that I’d like to think has more of a role in that regard, and to some extent fills my quota for how much I write about Trump per day). So I’m just voicing my thoughts here, and I have more thoughts about the Democrats than the Republicans, as I essentially want the latter crushed and don’t have much more to add in that regard.
I'd say a promise to not be part of the largest mass deportation in history would be a good one.

Except the Democrats are chasing Trump on immigration and have at this point basically embraced Trump’s 2016 program. In turn, he’s gone further right and yes, what he’s proposing is horrific. Pretty sure I was the first person on this forum to make a post about that too.
Please don’t confuse me as some simpleton binary idealist please?
Kamala has more in common with the struggling Latino mamma than the bloviated orange bald dementia ridden narcissistic sociopath and his Heritage Foundation buddies do!
I find it absurdly odd as a gay man that you so easily and readily admire a man and party that would happily treat you and your partner as pavement fodder from a building over a party that actually supports you and your lifestyle!
You're a f’ing weird unit mate!

If you’ve read enough to know my sexuality you should’ve read enough to know my political ideology.
I suggest researching it then, because it’s been the key political struggle for two centuries now.
Labelling things left, right and centre is a pretty normy thing in political discussions as it doesn't mean much.

In an American political sense, the Dems are "left wing". In an Australian political sense, the Dems are "centre right" between Labor and the Libs. In a world wide, true political compass they are "right wing".

Left, centre and right are labels that don't actually tell you anything.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris (pt II)

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