USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Yep. Time to pull up stumps. Arguing with these dum-dums is like trying to teach a dog physics. No matter how well you articulate things, they are not capable of understanding.

It's fun to try though :)
stefcep gone on a real tear

60 posts from 7am through to 11pm on Saturday with another 58 posts from Thursday lunchtime - with the exception of about 7 posts on another USA thread

I worked out that you are a CEO of a BOT company - show those kaputniks how work work work makes Royssia vary eppy

Wow you wasted how many minutes of your life because I live rent free in your head.
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) is a civil-rights-focused left-of-center organization based in Washington, D.C. It serves as an umbrella organization for over 200 mostly left-wing organizations which lobby and advocate before Congress and other federal agencies on legislation and Presidential appointments to the executive departments and judiciary.

Its leadership consists of a committee of members of affiliated organizations that make up its board, which are made up of some of the biggest names on the professional left and the Democratic Party.

Wow, what a massive gotcha! Kudos young sir.
Who would have thought that a civil and human rights organization would be left leaning?

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Wow, what a massive gotcha! Kudos young sir.
Who would have thought that a civil and human rights organization would be left leaning?

You have more spin in you than my washing machine.

That organization is a lobbying arm of the Democrat Party. It literally says they campaign against Trump!

So yeah forgive me if I take what they say about a SC nominee with a grain of salt.

Anyway as I said, revenge is sweet. Deal with the stacked conservative Court for the next 30 years. You guys earned it. Haha
Trickle down economics hey?

I think you’re just saying deliberately stupid things as a way to entertain yourself when people engage and then you will go “aha gotcha for thinking I was serious!”
I tried to debate Trumpers from everywhere in the world about that. That can't accept it. My econ class back in the early 80s discussed and debunked the theory that the money will flow downward and jobs will blossom because the rich will know what to do with the money. The results were the same as with Reagan's stab at it then. The ownership class already have their businesses working at peak efficiency for their markets. The extra cash gets used by themselves for stock buybacks and the like. I think I remember after Trump's one IT company spread the tax savings around its employees. Maybe one other in the midwest tried to open a new plant, which might have already been on the schedule. They love to this snake oil stuff to the working class because it sounds so good. Reality is different.
The funny thing is they get all up in arms by simply calling the tax cut reasoning trickle down economics. Shit, Kudlow was exactly describing it at the time they did it.

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She’ll be fine. She’ll have facts on her side.
Yes she will. But if they are not put out in an effective way, they won't mean anything. AP is right in that a debate is a show, and the participants have to put on a good one. Timing and delivery are what is critical.
I hope she has prepared a lot a good factual zingers and retorts to inevitable Trump lies and talk overs. Even with muted mikes, slap him when he makes sounds during her time.
All she's gonns say is 'I will look after the middle class , I will protect abortion rights, I will protect the border'
There will be no or minimal mention of climate change Gaza or the wealth gap. Hardly much there to fire up the base.
I think she's making the mistake of trying to mainly appeal to swing voters and republicans. Swing voters are only about 3% of the population.
She needs the base to come out.
Well that will be the political calculation they have to make. National televised debate vs local rallies, news sound bites etc. Hillary got hers wrong. Let's hope this team is better.
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stefcep gone on a real tear

60 posts from 7am through to 11pm on Saturday with another 58 posts from Thursday lunchtime - with the exception of about 7 posts on another USA thread

I worked out that you are a CEO of a BOT company - show those kaputniks how work work work makes Royssia vary eppy
no bots

glass bbq
I tried to debate Trumpers from everywhere in the world about that. That can't accept it. My econ class back in the early 80s discussed and debunked the theory that the money will flow downward and jobs will blossom because the rich will know what to do with the money. The results were the same as with Reagan's stab at it then. The ownership class already have their businesses working at peak efficiency for their markets. The extra cash gets used by themselves for stock buybacks and the like. I think I remember after Trump's one IT company spread the tax savings around its employees. Maybe one other in the midwest tried to open a new plant, which might have already been on the schedule. They love to this snake oil stuff to the working class because it sounds so good. Reality is different.
The funny thing is they get all up in arms by simply calling the tax cut reasoning trickle down economics. Shit, Kudlow was exactly describing it at the time they did it.

Yeah great. Thanks. I never said anything about trickle down. I said cutting income taxes gives people more money in their pockets to spend. That's good for business and the economy. What part of that do you have a problem with?

You realize the system you have a problem with has elevated more people from poverty to middle class than any other, ever? That the poor of today live better than the middle class of just 100 years ago, a blink in the eye of human history?

If there is no more incentive to start a business than the employee no-one would bother. The key word is incentive. I've debate with the neo-socialists. Not one of them understands the concept of incentive, despite their socialist ideology failing EVERYWERE and WHENEVER its been tried, at BEST providing a fraction of the quality of life that capitalist economies, hell even China is nothing without capitalism.

They are so blinkered by their ideology they lack the self awareness and are oblivious that they too aowe their quality of life to the system they want to bring down. Like many on this thread. Morons.
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Stolen? No? Interfered with by government agencies, Big Tech, the MSM, the rich and powerful, the manipulation of the black race, on a scale never seen in election history, absolutely no ****ing doubt. Anyone who denies is an ignorant fool.
Interfered how? And do you also believe the Republicans and powers on their side, tried anything to interfere with the election?
Stolen? No? Interfered with by government agencies, Big Tech, the MSM, the rich and powerful, the manipulation of the black race, on a scale never seen in election history, absolutely no ****ing doubt. Anyone who denies is an ignorant fool.
Hahah what an absolute pile of comedy gold

Now source me bot
Interfered how? And do you also believe the Republicans and powers on their side, tried anything to interfere with the election

Here's a summary:

Add to the recent admissions by Suckerbergs Farcebook and Dorsey ex CEO of Twitter.

And the Democrats whipping up race divisions with the BLM riots.

If you believe that 2020 was a free and fair election, you're ill-informed, willfully ignorant, or blinded by your own ideology aided by group think.
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Interfered how? And do you also believe the Republicans and powers on their side, tried anything to interfere with the election?
Funny how the interference was only in the elections MAGA lost. Honestly, what kind of fool believes this rubbish?

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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