Premium Platinum
I hope this galvanises the coach and players to do everything they can to prove the rest of the AFL and particularly those slimy shitey agents and media loudmouths wrong.
Battle is gone now. Regardless of who is wrong or right, he's just another face of the enemy, and I honestly couldn't give a tinkers toss what his reasons were. Hawthorn are like that cousin or neighbour that succeeded where we failed and their continued one upping us just boils our bones. They need to be taken into the weeds and I hope we come out breathing fire against them and see how they stand up to being the Hunted rather than the Hunter. I can't wait until we play them.
If potential trades are too scared to join our club or be The Man, we don't want them. We want players with sack like Mattaes and Alixzander, like Darcy and Tobie, like Hugo and Hugh, like Chito and Windy, like Liam Henry and Messiah Wangering Miller and yes, even like Stocker, Byrnes and Jones. Players that will put the club on their backs and scrap for their reputation.
No one likes us, we don't care.
Edit: and I wouldn't be surprised if those gibbering turkeys McFarlane and Ralph, who have both always looked down on St Kilda, added the "they've only won one flag" chestnut themselves, rather than got that from any of the players or agents they spoke to. Tell me how relevant that history is to today's St Kilda? If any player includes that as part of their decision making process they're not for us.
Flipping babies
Ross Lyon used to use the disdain from the rest of the footy world as a motivator last time. I wouldn't be surprised if he has them riled about the disrespect.