List Mgmt. #4 Dustin Martin Contract Talk - 7 MORE YEARS

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It's actually really sad when you think about it.

Seriously are they so insecure about themselves that they have to keep throwing more and more money at a guy that keeps saying 'not interested'.

It's like the beginning of those thriller movies when a lady tells a guy to and she ends up dead.

In this scenario I hope Ralph Carr is the lady
Philly the pooh.


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I should have been in the media.

Rodders tweeted-

Latest is Martin is considering either staying a tiger or perhaps taking a lucrative contract elsewhere. My mail is North are in the mix.
Take it to the bank.
Decision likely in next 1-6 weeks.
Could go either way.
It's a tricky one... is a player worth 1.2mil? Didn't Fyfe get 1.3? Part of me says what is 200k a year in that context. Every club can afford a player over a million in the new cap and it won't be the only cap rise within the next few years. The players pushed all of this to get paid, I think this is going to become pretty commonplace in the next few years and let's be honest, nobody else at North deserves that money.

Just to clarify, 1.5mil is the glass ceiling for me (for who I think is the best in the game).

Any more and I'm not on board. I doubt that will be the case.
I tend to think we have, not cap related as much as squad size related. We're looking at bringing in two players minimum in trade/fa and still have to draft at least three (plus rookies). Of the eight senior listed players there two to three will probably retire, one might have free agency offers, one is homesick. None of the remainder have starting 22 plays so their survival hinges more on whether somebody contracted (Goldstein/Swallow/Thomas/Anderson for example) is moved on, delisted or retained. Most lists I'd imagine are in similar spots but it's always a little more magnified when a side is bottom of the table and in the first year of a rebuild (or as we've charmingly tagged it, the 'aggressive reset').

Correct me if I'm wrong too but nobody from North has said that we have been waiting on incumbents before signing these guys or even intimated what the future is for them. That's media fodder, and media fodder has spurred all of this talk.

If you guys get Dusty, fair play, he's awesome. But one answer I haven't gotten from a North supporter is, other than Dusty being awesome and the fact he will sell you guys some merch - why would you do the deal. There is gaps all over your roster, the quality other than Brown isn't really there, although some of your kids will be decent AFL players. He will be 27 next year and you will waste his prime while you "aggressively rebuild" over the next few years. One top of that for 1.5 mil he will not give you any of the off-field promotional stuff you would expect for that type of investment and what your club needs.
That is why i dont understand the aggressive move to throw everything at Martin. He is 26, say he has 4 years left of peak performance, the reality very well could be he will be out of it by the time your side has "aggressively reset" and start really contending but then you may be hamstrung as these future jets who are on your list performing will be asking for huge coin as you know, the Kanga's already have set a precedent that they are happy to pay the big bucks for stars.

It's a high risk move imo. One thing Wallet did do right was start us on the path of growing our talent instead of buying it

Yes, true and I think we're anticipating more cap rises during the terms. We are seemingly in a position to massively front end that over the next few seasons... if that means he's hugely overpaid now in his prime that is the price of luring a loyal player. We'be both offered seven years though, his wage in the back end will probably be the same whether he stays or goes. What are your thoughts on 32 year old Dusty on 1.2mil at Richmond?

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Mate good post but again just reinforces my opinion. If it is how you lot believe, that you are swimming in cap space you would have made a clear decision on those 8-10 players either to trade, delist or keep...its round 23 for heaven sake lol. Most clubs dont have 10 players told they just have to wait and see this late in the year.

So again if you had this magical gap in your cap, that can easily swallow the 1.6 plus million a year for Dusty, you guys would have already acted on the above players, you have not, and its been openly leaked I would assume from those players managers why you have not and the reason is simple, you cant as you dont have the amount of free cap space you think you do ( I do not disagree you guys do have cash to play with ).

Again just my opinion.
Exactly. Despite it appearing as though North have no A graders, they're still required to pay these players up to a percentage of the salary cap. Meaning a 1.5 million dollar offer would leave them with very little room after you factor in the increase in salaries of those who signed prior to the new salary cap, of which there's a clause that requires a % increase in their salary.
Yes, true and I think we're anticipating more cap rises during the terms. We are seemingly in a position to massively front end that over the next few seasons... if that means he's hugely overpaid now in his prime that is the price of luring a loyal player. We'be both offered seven years though, his wage in the back end will probably be the same whether he stays or goes. What are your thoughts on 32 year old Dusty on 1.2mil at Richmond?

Considering we have had him since first drafted and he would have given us what, 13 plus years of fantastic performance..i would be more then happy with it.
If Martin stays, gives a speech telling the world how much he loves Richmond and then next year we poach Ben Brown because he was disgruntled at the money the club was throwing at other players rather than their own, I would nut so hard Norf would get splashback at that hole of training centre at Arden St.

Carr is trolling North to try and get Ben Brown disgruntled with the club so he comes to Richmond.

Carr is not a dumb ****.

An extra $300k is worth what $12000-15000 a year for him.

An extra $300k+ of media, merchandising and advertising is worth a minimum $45-60k a year to Carr.

If Dusty is a 3 time Premiership
Player at Richmond, Brownlow Medalist etc. how much is his brand worth? And how much does Carr stand to gain?

At North he'll be nothing more than a poster boy to a few hundred die hard supporters.
If you guys get Dusty, fair play, he's awesome. But one answer I haven't gotten from a North supporter is, other than Dusty being awesome and the fact he will sell you guys some merch - why would you do the deal. There is gaps all over your roster, the quality other than Brown isn't really there, although some of your kids will be decent AFL players. He will be 27 next year and you will waste his prime while you "aggressively rebuild" over the next few years. One top of that for 1.5 mil he will not give you any of the off-field promotional stuff you would expect for that type of investment and what your club needs.
This and he will be only playing for NM for money, let's not be mistaken here, for money. Good Luck NM if you get him. If it was RFC doing the NM deal, as a 24 year member where we have been in the past I'd be a a bit pissed off.
You forgot the skullduggery and obvious criminal intervention when Greig was "gifted" the '74 Brownlow over KB.

Comparison would be the Bont beating Dusty this year

Don't forget Teasdale.

Sent from my iPad using righteous man power

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List Mgmt. #4 Dustin Martin Contract Talk - 7 MORE YEARS

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