Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 13: Make America Golf Again

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Aug 12, 2012
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Mod Notice

The level of vitriol and frankly toxic culture in this thread is getting out of hand. As such, the thread will be monitored actively for posters who drag down the quality of posting for all others, and they will have their access to the thread removed.

Further, reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed. Much like other tropes of that nature, they serves as a conversational barrier and fall-back point for people to simply sling mud. That's unacceptable.

As always, please submit ideas for the thread title by tagging me! Winner announced when I get around to it.

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After twisting my words to make it seem like I said something I didn't, you now start off this post saying I make good points, but just a few sentences later conclude that what I'm saying is "dangerous, callow and outright ridiculous"?

Not sure there is much to be gained from continuing this interaction.

Your original contention was to (1) ‘defund the police’ and (2) use alternatives public services as first responders to certain scenarios where police currently respond.

I questioned the second part of this and said that on the surface the idea had merit and proved you further.

You provided some good points by copying and pasting some articles off referred me do my own research on a topic you suggested.

Some of these were good points yes, but your original contention was wrong and ridiculous. Or do you still stand by this?

People can have civil discussions on big footy and point out positive and negative points to discussions. It’s not all abuse and mudslinging and taking your bat and ball home.
Love Trading Places. It’s just a film though and to bring it up as some kind of credible evidence to the contrary is a little bizarre.

The left are equally (probably more imo but we’ll leave it as equally) to blame for the toxic nature of US politics. They’ve been having tantrums since the day he was elected and haven’t stopped since. If Donald decides to bring down the whole shitshow with him then fair play, in many ways would be poetic justice. You reap what you sow and all that.


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The left are equally (probably more imo but we’ll leave it as equally) to blame for the toxic nature of US politics. They’ve been having tantrums since the day he was elected and haven’t stopped since. If Donald decides to bring down the whole shitshow with him then fair play, in many ways would be poetic justice. You reap what you sow and all that.

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But you are left, isn't that what you tell everyone?
Your original contention was to (1) ‘defund the police’ and (2) use alternatives public services as first responders to certain scenarios where police currently respond.

I questioned the second part of this and said that on the surface the idea had merit and proved you further.

You provided some good points by copying and pasting some articles off referred me do my own research on a topic you suggested.

Some of these were good points yes, but your original contention was wrong and ridiculous. Or do you still stand by this?

People can have civil discussions on big footy and point out positive and negative points to discussions. It’s not all abuse and mudslinging and taking your bat and ball home.
You’ve rumbled him well played. Clever bloke no doubt, but has so much to learn in other ways
Your original contention was to (1) ‘defund the police’ and (2) use alternatives public services as first responders to certain scenarios where police currently respond.

I questioned the second part of this and said that on the surface the idea had merit and proved you further.

You provided some good points by copying and pasting some articles off referred me do my own research on a topic you suggested.

Some of these were good points yes, but your original contention was wrong and ridiculous. Or do you still stand by this?

People can have civil discussions on big footy and point out positive and negative points to discussions. It’s not all abuse and mudslinging and taking your bat and ball home.
Yes, I stand by it. You have said nothing that would encourage me to reconsider it.

What do you think "defund the police" means?

It means stop trying to solve all of societies problems by throwing more and more money at the police, it means stop the police buying tanks and military hardware, it means stop paying the police to do things that it isn't appropriate for them to do, and put all the money that you save from doing that in to the kinds of services that are better suited to dealing with the social problems (drug use, homelessness, mental illness...) so that instead of putting out spot fires everywhere you have the kind of social safety nets that stop would stop a lot of these incidents from ever arising.

Rather than criminalising these behvaiours and sending poorly trained and heavily armed police offers around to "help" by killing the people who are the victims in these situations, let social workers deal with homeless people, have health professionals handling the mentally ill and drug users. It isn't "wrong and ridiculous". Its the most sensible thing to do.
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This is an utterly disgraceful post.

Ever watched the film, Trading Places?
Two things that are generally accepted.

A baby born 25,000 years ago placed in and brought up in a household today would turn out similarly.

Those that have got up and gone tend to have ‘get up and go’.
The left are equally (probably more imo but we’ll leave it as equally) to blame for the toxic nature of US politics. They’ve been having tantrums since the day he was elected and haven’t stopped since. If Donald decides to bring down the whole shitshow with him then fair play, in many ways would be poetic justice. You reap what you sow and all that.

View attachment 899089
I know you probably took an interest in US politics around the time Trump called Mexicans rapists and dealers but the reaction in some parts of America to a black man in the White House was quite something. Not that they were racists you know.
I know you probably took an interest in US politics around the time Trump called Mexicans rapists and dealers but the reaction in some parts of America to a black man in the White House was quite something. Not that they were racists you know.
I’ve been in and around politics for a loooong time so no is the answer to your question regarding US politics.

I think it’s important to draw a distinction to what Trump said about the Mexican drug cartels and how that relates to your everyday law-abiding Mexican immigrant. Those criminals bring nothing but harm to the US and he had every right to make it an issue.
Yes, I stand by it. You have said nothing that would encourage me to reconsider it.

What do you think "defund the police" means?

It means stop trying to solve all of societies problems by throwing more and more money at the police, it means stop the police buying tanks and military hardware, it means stop paying the police to do things that it isn't appropriate for them to do, and put all the money that you save from doing that in to the kinds of services that are better suited to dealing with the social problems (drug use, homelessness, mental illness...) so that instead of putting out spot fires everywhere you have the kind of social safety nets that stop would stop a lot of these incidents from ever arising.

Rather than criminalising these behvaiours and sending poorly trained and heavily armed police offers around to "help" by killing the people who are the victims in these situations, let social workers deal with homeless people, have mental health professionals handling the mentally ill and drug users. It isn't "wrong and ridiculous". Its the most sensible thing to do.
It’s not good when we still have to argue that ‘investing in human capital’ is beneficial. And the talent pool in America cannot provide the number of people, possessing the intelligence and temperament, to be effective front line law enforcement officers.
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Is it also a slur to call it the Wuhan virus?

I agree calling it "kung flu" is childish and unserious, and unbefitting of the president.

But I can't accept that any reference to the origin of the virus unfairly stigmatises Chinese people. That is CCP messaging: "It's racist to say it came from China."

the issue with the labels like "chinese flu" is people start thinking anyone who is that nationality or racial background is a carrier

its been common in melbourne for chinese people to be abused on the street and told "**** off back to china with your virus", spat on, and so on

thats why the WHO changed their policy on this years ago. Firstly to stop this kind of abuse, and secondly because it creates a false believe in some that only that racial group have the virus
Never had you down as one of these giant wet lefties Brades. Shocking
I'm not. Was more going on your post before calling yourself a lefty while you're now having a go at lefties. Barclay.
Trump will be pissed if Greta gets a statue before him

bloody Scandinavians...

- Sweden wont give him a Nobel peace prize
- Finland wont be part of Russia
- Denmark wont sell him Greenland

what evil have those dodgy Norwegians been up to??

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She's a shill who was hired by Turning Point to regurgitate pre-approved talking points.

My question to people who think she's great: what part of her career before she became a talking head do you consider impressive? What is her actual expertise?

Also, this is her being worked over by Joe Rogan, which is a bad sign. Amateurish.

This is the problem. Dumb shills with 'beliefs' based on an ignorant opinion. She waffles & can't even hold a consistent conversation without just talking around & around the subject. Tries to equate belief in God is like have a belief in Climate Change. One is Metaphysical, the other is science.

Saying it's politicised, well yes, that's the RWNJ approach to science.

She couldn't really be that stupid? Could she?
Spanish Flu
Kawasaki sydrome
West Nile Virus

etc etc.

To say its racist to mention China in conjunction with the virus is absurd and just shows how unhinged many Trump haters are.

1) the WHO only changed their policy on this several years ago, after MERS

2) Kawasaki Syndrome is named after the dude who identified it, a very common practice in medicine
So she does pretty much the exact same thing the majority of people do on either the left or right then. No side has a monopoly on “the truth”. Most of it is based around opinions and your own beliefs and ideals.

And when the scientists can’t even come to a consensus about climate change why do you expect the rest of us will be any different?
The scientists have come to a consensus. The only ones that haven't are on the payroll of fossil fuel companies.

and second wave starts now! We've done the Democratic city strongholds with high population densities, now it has shifted to the Red states...


where mah freedums mean i don't gotta wear a mask if I don't want
And when the scientists can’t even come to a consensus about climate change why do you expect the rest of us will be any different?

Jesus, you're pathetic, even for a troll, and you spread lies and propaqanda for free. I'm only left wondering what kind of troll you are, thebasement Ian Miles Cheong-type, or the PrisonPlanet kind, hoping to move into grifting?

No wonder you've got a badge for welching, WelchstoneRaider.

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Children born out of wedlock, broken families, fatherless families, criminality, drugs.

Why do you think all these "choices" are getting made in black communities?

Did you know that patterns of drug use are basically the same for white and black Americans? But there is a massive discrepancy when it comes to the rate at which white and black Americans are prosecuted for the use of drugs? Black people are 13% of the population, but represent 40% of the prison population. Do you think this is purely a result of a mass of "bad choices"?

Do you think the mass incarceration of black men (1 in 9 black children has a father in prison, compared to 1 in 57 white children) has anything to with that issue in the black community? Hard to have a dad at home when he is in gaol for a crime that probably wouldn't have had him there if he was white.

Do you think any of this might have something to do with systemic racist problems in American society? Do you think that maybe this could be a result of a history in which black people were first slaves, and then second class citizens when freed? Do you think this could have anything to do with the enforced ghettoisation of black communities through a variety of legal and financial structures (red lining), which in turn undermined the opportunities for educational advancement due to public school systems that required students to attend schools in local areas that were largely funded by property taxes, ensuring that schools in white areas with higher property values were better funded and resourced?

Watch this, I think it is at your level:

The reason why rap music talks about drugs and violence is because it is an artistic response to the reality of the situation that a lot of black people find themselves in. It isn't the cause, it is a response to living in a country in which the legal, financial and educational systems have created significant barriers for social advancement.

You want the black community to take responsibility and accountability for what is going on in their communities? That is what Black Lives Matters is.

And that is why Biden is all over this systemic issue
Finally someone famous calls it out as it is. I was never a huge fan of Serena but she has just gone up hugely in my admiration

Yes, I stand by it. You have said nothing that would encourage me to reconsider it.

I’ve asked you what you propose to mitigate against unforeseen lethal violence from mentally unwell people in public? I’ve suggested that they should either be armed themselves or accompanied by someone who is be it security or the police.

What do you suggest for said extremely common scenario?

Luckily coroners have already dealt with these scenarios and implemented what society has today which will not change.

Who do you see as the victim in such a scenario? The mentally unwell person perpetrating the violence or the injured/deceased who was trying to help them?
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