Acceptable Behaviour for an elected politician ?

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What if the party brings out a policy that clearly doesnt represent your electorate?

Isnt it your job to represent your electorate?
Aren't senators elected based on party? How many Australians do you reckon vote below the line for individual candidates?
Aren't senators elected based on party? How many Australians do you reckon vote below the line for individual candidates?
Not a lot - but voting above the line is voting for a template for votes, designed by a party, not just a 'party'.

It's a basic electoral tenet that we vote for people, not anythng else.

FWIW, nothing technically wrong with her behaviour, she is allowed to represent her constituents in any manner she chooses (within the law). Dont see this as a vote winner come next election.

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Not a lot - but voting above the line is voting for a template for votes, designed by a party, not just a 'party'.

It's a basic electoral tenet that we vote for people, not anythng else.

FWIW, nothing technically wrong with her behaviour, she is allowed to represent her constituents in any manner she chooses (within the law). Dont see this as a vote winner come next election.
Theoretically sure. But practically many vote for a party regardless of who's name is attached to it.
Aren't senators elected based on party? How many Australians do you reckon vote below the line for individual candidates?
I do, my brother mum dad and wife do.

But that’s not the point. If say for instance as an example as happened in wa, the labor party that opposed fracking had someone elected in my electorate that’s utterly opposed to fracking had the labor party flip after the election to allowing it - is that person (she didnt btw) obliged to follow the party line or go with the people who elected her and oppose fracking.

Its the party that’s changed and a big part if why many of us voted for them is because our only water is groundwater - theres no other water aside from what you can collect in your roof. They want to frack where we get our groundwater from and they want to use millions if litres of our groundwater to do so, what could possibly go wrong right?
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No doubt she was possibly provoked with some back and forth beforehand so not all one way but why put yourself in that situation and then act like that. I mean she's nearly 50 years old not 20!

Even now sobered up her response is embarrassing.

In a statement to 7 News Senator Thorpe said she did not start the exchange, but had responded to taunts and harassment leveraged against her.

She said she had not done anything wrong.

“It’s sad people are utilising whatever they can to drag me down when we’re trying to discuss important issues in this country,” she said.
If the general abhorrent behaviour and blatant racism isn't enough, surely threatening a hit job on someone is a substantive reason for her dismissal.
It's bad behaviour, yes, but describing it as "threatening a hit job" is a pretty laughable exaggeration.

It isn't racism either. The way power relations in our society works, it is easier to be white than black, and calling someone a white c*** does not have the same impact as calling someone a black c***. Whiteness is not something that has been degraded and belittled by society for centuries.
Why, specifically?
That's actually a fair point, I don't know the rules/justifications around dismissal from parliament. I'd imagine that there'd be some grounds based on bringing the office into disrepute? But admittedly that's just my personal guess.

To rephrase....surely after this incident she'd resign, or her constituency must be calling for her to get axed.
I’ve never had much time for her because she’s a bit of a nutter, and a loose cannon, and I don’t agree with most of her stances. But she cops a lot of rubbish from the media. They jump on anything she’s involved in. And yes, she’s not doing herself any favours but she’s pretty well getting bullied by the mainstream media now. Of course it’s pretty unacceptable behaviour, but she’s kind of gutsy too. She just needs to calm down and take more care of herself and get a wider and more sympathetic audience. Her views, even if I don’t agree with most of them, are still worth hearing.
It's bad behaviour, yes, but describing it as "threatening a hit job" is a pretty laughable exaggeration.

It isn't racism either. The way power relations in our society works, it is easier to be white than black, and calling someone a white c*** does not have the same impact as calling someone a black c***. Whiteness is not something that has been degraded and belittled by society for centuries.
Out of curiosity, what do you think "you're marked" means?

And the mental hoops you must jump through to come to that view of racism must be incredible. Out of curiosity what's the racial hierarchy in your mind? Do indigenous Australians get to make racial slurs to every group? Who's higher in the hierarchy, east Asians or Indians? Does this hierarchy change over time? Who decides it and is it influenced by by an individuals socio-economic status? I'm honestly fascinated.

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Acceptable Behaviour for an elected politician ?

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