Review Angry Letters (for the over 50s) and Emails You'd like to send the Club

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 19, 2014
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Straight to the loft to tie an angry letter to the leg of my best bird. To WO my pretty...without delay.

Post your angry letters and emails here for editing suggestions by our resident grammar Nazi's and pedants.

-.. . .- .-. / -... . ...- --- .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / ... .... .. - -.-.-- / --.- ..- .. - / -. --- .-- -.-.-- / .-- .- .-. -- . ... - / .-. . --. .- .-. -.. ... .-.-.- / -. .--
Straight to the loft to tie an angry letter to the leg of my best bird. To WO my pretty...without delay.

Post your angry letters and emails here for editing suggestions by our resident grammar Nazi's and pedants.
No apostrophe for the third last word!
(I won't quote the actual word, as I detest it in all its forms.)

And yes, I'm a pedant when it comes to grammar. :)

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Straight to the loft to tie an angry letter to the leg of my best bird. To WO my pretty...without delay.

Post your angry letters and emails here for editing suggestions by our resident grammar Nazi's and pedants.
Attn: A Bains

Footscray Football Club t/a Western Bulldogs
417 Barkly Street
Footscray 3011

Dear Sir

re: 2022 Season and other issues

You can all go and get f....d

Best Wishes

Yours faithfully
Attn: A Bains

Footscray Football Club t/a Western Bulldogs
417 Barkly Street
Footscray 3011

Dear Sir

re: 2022 Season and other issues

You can all go and get f....d

Best Wishes

Yours faithfully

F....d = Flamed? Fobbed?
Attn: A Bains

Footscray Football Club t/a Western Bulldogs
417 Barkly Street
Footscray 3011

Dear Sir

re: 2022 Season and other issues

You can all go and get f....d

Best Wishes

Yours faithfully

I would have signed off “yours respectfully” but otherwise it looks good.

Don’t forget to add your membership number and enclose the twisted remnants of your microwaved membership card.
Congratulations. You passed the test and are the No1 Ticket Holder of the Grammarians and Pedants Association (GAPA):thumbsu:
Oh … I thought it was called the Grammar Nazis and Pedants Association (GraNPA).

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Straight to the loft to tie an angry letter to the leg of my best bird. To WO my pretty...without delay.

Post your angry letters and emails here for editing suggestions by our resident grammar Nazi's and pedants.
You rang?

Whoops, looks like I’m too late to this party. Carry on. I’ll return to my medical studies.

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