Anti-Football Media/General Public and Police Thread!

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Good article from Michael Lynch in the Age

I scanned the media this week vainly searching for images of the notorious hooligan Harry The Dog, leader of the fabled F-Troop, London club Millwall's hardcore fan group from the 1970s.

Couldn't see any, so I tried to find pictures of the Chelsea Headhunters from the Kings Road, another bunch of soccer-inspired nutters from a similar era. But they too were conspicuous by their absence.

Ditto my quest for illustrations of West Ham's Inter City Firm, a more frightening set of East End geezers you could not meet in the 1970s and 1980s.

No, I haven't got into a time machine but, judging by some of the screaming headlines and hysterical coverage around "soccer violence", it felt as if I may as well have. I feared some slippage in the space/time continuum had occurred, and these violent crews were on the rampage here in Australia, roaming the streets like ruck-seeking zombies, 30 years after their hooly heyday.


The F Troop and their infamous butcher aprons may have disbanded but the hate between Leeds and Millwall still exists. They have played against each other in League 1 and the Championship over the past 5 years and let me tell you the police cordon is massive both at Leeds and at the Den.

Back to the issue at hand. Rebecca Wilson has possibly slandered a number of fans by naming them. The last time I checked the FFA was not a judiciary. No one seems to care how she got her hands on the list. The FFA may have a few questions to answer on this front. Time to find a sympathetic lawyer who may take on this matter.
Damien De Bohun is just absolutely hopeless, what does the campaigner even do?

November 4: "There is no right of appeal"
November 26: "There has always been a right of appeal"
November 29: "Starting today, fans will be able to appeal bans through the club provided they show evidence"
Lucy Zelic goes BANG - I promise you all, this is well worth a read!

This one also made me smile:

You know, Wilson's article might even end up being a positive in the long run. It's giving football fans a really good opportunity, with growing support from the media, to show what Australian football is.

Great article by Lucy Zelic deBohun is a deer in the headlights about time someone has called for his head! guy is clueless always has been MUST GO!!! Gallop can follow.
Agreed, its garbage what the telegraph have done.

But at the same time I really don't want supporters like there are in Poland and Russia...

lol mate if we had supports like that here you will definitely know about it! All we have is a few teenie flare lighters and supporters who march and sing together who are mistaken for hooligans.

Don't be fooled.
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A hypothetical.
I run a shop. You're bought things from me before. One time after you've been in the shop, I notice some stock is missing.
To press charges with the police, the onus of proof is on me. I need to have witnessed you taking the items and be able to show the items are in your possession. Without that, I can't get a criminal conviction.
But even without that, I can ban you from my store. It's my shop, and if I believe you've stolen merchandise from me, I'm not going to let you back in. The fact that I can't legally prove it doesn't matter, as I'm not pressing legal charges.
I don't need to prove anything, I don't need to give you evidence and you have no right of appeal. My shop, my choice of customers; and not even morally wrong.
A hypothetical.
I run a shop. You're bought things from me before. One time after you've been in the shop, I notice some stock is missing.
To press charges with the police, the onus of proof is on me. I need to have witnessed you taking the items and be able to show the items are in your possession. Without that, I can't get a criminal conviction.
But even without that, I can ban you from my store. It's my shop, and if I believe you've stolen merchandise from me, I'm not going to let you back in. The fact that I can't legally prove it doesn't matter, as I'm not pressing legal charges.
I don't need to prove anything, I don't need to give you evidence and you have no right of appeal. My shop, my choice of customers; and not even morally wrong.
I think when it's on this scale, it's a little different. You don't have 198 people banned, and there's no formal process of saying you're banned from my shop.

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lol mate if we had supports like that here you will definitely know about. All we have is a few teenie flare lighters and supports who march and sing together who are mistaken for hooligans.

Don't be fooled.
They're not allowed though are they? If so, then people can't really kick up an argument about getting thrown out/banned if they set one off. Fairly slam dunk decision.

You can argue the merits of if they should be banned or not, but them's the rules.
They think they are from Poland and Russia and would shit themselves all the way back to watching another sport if they actually come up against people like that. They're bored middle class kids trying to stand for something other than being boring middle class white kids.

So this Gallop press conference from today then...he's pretty much saying the FFA will stand behind the police, newscorp and other hating press rather than the fans that pay to go to games? Lolokthen.
They think they are from Poland and Russia and would shit themselves all the way back to watching another sport if they actually come up against people like that. They're bored middle class kids trying to stand for something other than being boring middle class white kids.

So this Gallop press conference from today then...he's pretty much saying the FFA will stand behind the police, newscorp and other hating press rather than the fans that pay to go to games? Lolokthen.
Not just white. All kids of all colours.
I thought it was very funny that he kept talking about football fans being united.

They have been united against you and Gallop you hopeless campaigner!

I wish Bozza had included his post-match comments in the interview - he knows how stupid the notion of having to prove evidence his, but he got a bit caught up in yelling at de Bohen to make the point.
Gallop is the man if you want to build a solid base for a sport. When it comes to player or fan behaviour though, he will crucify everyone to get the result he wants. Just ask Brett Stewart!
This has been handled so poorly by the FFA, Gallop, DeBohun are muppets!, Lowy Jr is a wimp! I'm convinced today they are a joke and don't have the best interests of the league and the fans at the forefront.

If there is ever a need to set up an independent commission now is the time! A break away from the farce that is FFA is a must, It's the only way to grow the league imo. Hope its being discussed by the clubs.
A hypothetical.
I run a shop. You're bought things from me before. One time after you've been in the shop, I notice some stock is missing.
To press charges with the police, the onus of proof is on me. I need to have witnessed you taking the items and be able to show the items are in your possession. Without that, I can't get a criminal conviction.
But even without that, I can ban you from my store. It's my shop, and if I believe you've stolen merchandise from me, I'm not going to let you back in. The fact that I can't legally prove it doesn't matter, as I'm not pressing legal charges.
I don't need to prove anything, I don't need to give you evidence and you have no right of appeal. My shop, my choice of customers; and not even morally wrong.
How will the business go when all the customers realize how you operate and treat other customers?
Nail on the head by Kevin Airs from 442.

Opinion: Looking for a leader in troubled times

In times of crisis, leaders emerge who inspire, unite and bring change. FFA Chief Executive David Gallop is… not that man.

After possibly the worst 10 days in the FFA’s 11 year history, Gallop faced the press today, and said – nothing.

Following the fans’ walkout last weekend over their treatment by police, the media and the FFA - and with the looming threat of a total boycott this weekend – Gallop had the chance to throw his weight behind the legions of loyal supporters that pack stadiums, bring the A-League to life, and provide footage for the TV ads.

Instead, he put them back in the crosshairs.

The message was all wrong. He opened by reiterating the FFA’s Zero Tolerance Policy and maintained the false narrative of matches being a danger zone by saying the FFA was “protecting” fans from offenders.

He insisted the FFA’s secret banning process - where the accused get no chance to defend themselves or see the evidence against them - wouldn’t change… and appeals would still rely on the accused having to prove their own innocence.

He stumbled and stuttered under repeated questioning about what that evidence would be, like a man who had amazingly never even considered that question before.

For a former lawyer, the concepts of due process and transparent justice seemed strangely alien to him.

And instead of opening fire at those attacking the sport, he meekly implored: “Don't worry about the critics.”

In a room full of largely football-friendly journos, it could have been an easy ride for him - hit out at the unfair coverage, highlight how safe it is to go to football and the vast numbers of great fans there each week, and even a vague promise to look into overhauling the banning process might have been enough.

Look, I’ve even written you a sample script, David. It doesn't say much more than you actually said - but it says it in a way fans wanted to hear.

“We’ve got the best fans in the world and every code would be grateful for the passion, colour and excitement they create in the stands - yet they have been widely smeared in some parts of the media for the actions of a few, in a deplorable stunt and breach of privacy that we outright condemn.

“This week the fans have made clear that there is an issue with the transparency of the banning process, and confusion over the appeal options open to those who come under scrutiny. We recognise that and will try to come up with a system that is more fair and just, while still punishing the guilty in a fit and proper manner.

“We have a zero tolerance for offenders who breach the code of conduct but it’s important for us to be seen to be acting fairly and responsibly. It’s vital that offenders are punished, but equally vital that the innocent have effective avenues to clear their name if a rare miscarriage of justice occurs.

“We will work with supporters’ groups to develop a new strategy as we are football and the future belongs to us, working together and building the beautiful game towards being number one in this country blah blah Hyundai Fox Sports blah”

But Gallop wasn't talking to the fans. He was kowtowing to the attack dogs in the media that used to buddy up to him at the NRL.

He was trying to take a strong line that may resonate with corporate sponsors and maybe the many non-football people on the FFA board which he kept promising to run things past.

Instead he fuelled the idea of a sport polluted with dangerous elements and simply further alienated the people who pay to walk past countless paramilitary-style cops and be treated like criminals and thugs on the terraces, week after week.

Despite the media hype which encourages the police over-reaction, the reality is very very different, as every regular fan knows and the number of parents who take their young kids to games without any fear.

Fans and the football community had sent the FFA a very clear message over the last few days, but Gallop and the FFA were not listening.

Before he had even finished talking, #StayAtHomeRound and #GallopOut were trending on Twitter.

The prospect of games being played in empty stadiums this week is now a genuine possibility.

Gallop begged fans to use “the energy” of last weekend’s protests “in a positive way”. They will. Rivalries have been set aside like never before and a unified boycott of all five games is now being discussed among fan groups.

If this is the worst week in the A-League, it is merely the culmination of a mounting series of crises to hit the competition this year.

Despite the Socceroos’ success in Asia and on the World Cup qualifying trail, it looks increasingly like the A-League has come off the rails and careering out of control.

In the space of a year, we’ve endured:

  • The car crash that was Newcastle Jets - still unresolved after the sale to Dundee United owner Stephen Thomson apparently fell through
  • The financial crisis at Brisbane Roar
  • The salary cap rort at Perth Glory
  • The bungled stadium booking for the Grand Final
  • Price gouging fans for the FFA Cup Final
  • Matildas going on strike over the CBA
  • Forcing Ange Postecoglou to retract a non-partisan comment on pay talks
  • Lack of marquee star quality
  • Falling TV ratings
  • Wellington Phoenix’s future deliberately thrown in doubt
  • The prospect of a new club in probably the one area no-one wanted one.
  • And the bizarre situation of the FFA chairman publicly slapping down an A-League coach for speaking out in defence of his club
All this against a backdrop of disquiet over the nepotistic handover of FFA control from Frank Lowy to his son Steven without challenge.

The A-League has had some rollercoaster moments in its decade-long existence, but rarely has it felt so broken as it does right now.

This is the year the competition needs to be shining bright. Talks are set to begin any day now on the new TV deal… and right now, it’s hard to see why anyone would even pay as much as they did last time round, never mind double, as is the target.

These are troubled times. The sport needs a leader. David Gallop had the chance today to stand up and be that man.

Sadly, the only time he stood up was to leave the room…

"Suburban terrorists". I'm done. I'm ****ing done. This is getting beyond a joke now.