Anti-Football Media/General Public and Police Thread!

Which sport is more popular?

  • Rugby

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Soccer

    Votes: 13 81.3%

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She is scum and a convicted drink driver who has the nerve to call a few flare throwers criminals when what she was caught doing (twice!) is much more serious and dangerous and more likely to be killing someone.

How she tries to claim the high ground in that article when she knew the consequences after what she did last Sunday is beyond me, desperately clutching at strews and trying to get sympathy from her right wing mates.

If she did what she did to fans in NRL and AFL she'll get triple the death threats and hate mail and not only that if she did do that to those codes can guarantee her career as a journalist will be run to the ground and over. Good thing football or " sokkha" is an easy target for her and her right wing mates in this country due to FFA HQ being spineless wimps and where she can also blame it all due to immigration.

"She drinks and she drives she drinks and she drives!! Rebecca Wilson she's over .05"

Can't wait to sing that tonite, take that you Cow!!
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She is scum and a drink driver who has the nerve to call a few flare throwers criminals when what she was caught doing (twice!) is much more serious and dangerous and more likely to be killing someone.

How she tries to claim the high ground in that article when she knew the consequences after what she did last Sunday is beyond me, desperately clutching at strews and trying to get sympathy from her right wing mates.

If she did what she did to fans in NRL and AFL she'll get triple the death threats and hate mail and not only that if she did do that to those codes can guarantee her career as a journalist will be run to the ground and over. Good thing football or " sokkha" is an easy target for her and her right wing mates in this country where she can also blame it all due to immigration.

"She drinks and she drives she drinks and she drives!! Rebecca Wilson she's over .05"

Can't wait to sing that tonite, take that you Cow!!
Ray Gatt also has a good article in The Australian, but I'm no longer able to access it for free - I had been able to access it from a twitter link, but now it's giving me the subscribe page :(

Found it mate great article. :thumbsu:

In defence of the troubled sport I love

The vast majority of Wanderers fans are not troublemakers.

When you have been at the coalface as a soccer writer for as long as I have, you sometimes become conditioned to the media-fuelled hatred, vitriol and negativity aimed at the sport I love. And that has helped provide me with a living for more than 40 years.

My passion for the game was born perched on the shoulders of my father, who regularly took me to the Sydney Athletic Field to watch the mighty Prague team of the late 1950s and early 1960s and to be part of the “wog” culture of the time when thousands of new Australians would pack the ground.

The sport copped its criticism in those days for being an “ethnic” game and it carried over into the old National Soccer League from the 1970s to the early 2000s when the political and religious divisions worked their way into the stands, and sometimes on to the field.

At a time when soccer struggled for relevance on television, every crowd disturbance, no matter how minor, made the lead item on news bulletins and the front pages of newspapers.

Various sections of the media were happy to take potshots and then brag about the inevitable stream of abuse that would come their way from irate fans.

Sound familiar?

Of course, the sport was not and is never blameless and it was devastating to watch a group of mindless thugs trying to destroy it through their atavism.

After years of trying to defend the code against what was often sensationalised and distorted coverage, it just seemed easier to ignore those who hate the game. Eventually they would get bored and move on to the next target.

When the A-League replaced the NSL in 2005, there was a sense of change. “Old soccer” was replaced by “new soccer” and most of the mainstream media seemed to come on board.

But the agenda drivers have always been just below the surface, waiting for their chance to emerge, hell-bent, for whatever reason — is it fear? — on trying to bring down the game.

Don't get me wrong. As much as the sport is in my blood, I am not an apologist nor a cheerleader for it.

I am a journalist and can’t sit back and pretend Australian soccer does not have its issues and problems. Many a time I have raised them in print ... crowd disturbances, falling attendances in the A-League, the poor standard of football, low television ratings and the disaster of a failed World Cup bid.

It’s called doing my job and holding people accountable, and for that I make no apologies.

But the time has come to take a stand and, as someone said on Twitter, “not be the lone sentinel left to defend the entire football fort with a slingshot”, because the game needs strong voices more than ever in light of the events of recent days and especially given the absence of any defence of the code from Football Federation Australia.

The situation blew up with the naming and shaming of 198 fans — many of them supporters of the Western Sydney Wanderers — on the front page of The Sunday Telegraph last week.

It spiralled out of control the next day when broadcaster Alan Jones, in an interview with journalist Rebecca Wilson, who wrote the story, made a connection to the Paris terror attacks. “Just finally, is this like terrorism in Paris? The leaders have no guts,” Jones asked. Jones argues his remark was aimed at the powers that be, but rest assured he would have known full well the impact it was intended to have. Then Wilson went on national television on Tuesday night and suggested a drop in A-League crowds was down to violence at games and that fans won’t attend out of fear.

This is clearly wrong, though that does not excuse those sickening morons who have made death threats against her. Wilson might be wrong but she should be allowed to do her job without fear.

Crowds are down for the first seven rounds of the season for a number of reasons, none of which has anything to do with fan trouble. The fact is, crowd figures had grown in the previous three seasons.

Go to any A-League game and you will see many families, children, young women, older people enjoying the spectacle that is the A-League. I see it first hand, yes, even at the much maligned Wanderers, where, by the way, attendances are up significantly on last season.

It is undeniable that there are bad fan elements, especially within the Wanderers’ hard core red and black bloc.

They need to be exposed and kicked out.

But to say that FFA hasn’t acted is wrong — the banning of 198 people over a three-year period surely is proof it is trying to get on top of it. However, FFA does not get off scot free.

The fact that it has issued banning notices without any right of appeal is inappropriate in a democratic society.

That the FFA has since tried to clarify the situation — three years later — and that it is now prepared to listen to those unfairly treated still does the ruling body no credit, for it is clear it has relented only under extreme pressure.

And while that is a major issue for many fans, there are also serious concerns that, as custodians of the game, FFA has let every soccer fan down by not coming out in defence of the sport.

At a time when the game has needed leadership, no one from head office has been game enough to pop their head up.

Surely, this was a great chance for new FFA chairman Steven Lowy to quickly stamp his authority. Yet the silence has been deafening.

Now, it is left to the fans to make their voice heard and they are doing just that via social media and at games this weekend.

They have had enough.

This time the FFA and, in particular, the soccer haters, should stop, listen and take note.

*note write the heading in Google if you want to read the article in the link.
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This is why football will never reach No.1 in this country. ****ing nanny state.
I went and had a look at the walk out at half time tonight. The NT were sitting, minding their own business watching the big screen outside of Etihad... with at least 75-80 police standing around them.

Would've been a good night to go on a crime spree in Melbourne, apparently watching people watching football is far more important.
Bec Wilson "Publishing names of those kicked out is fine coz they did stuff wrong."

"I drank and drove but saying so/chanting about it is vile and toxic."

Lol wut?
Overwhelmed by the support when we walked tonight. Even the Adelaide fans applauded us. Was amazing.

lol @ the police. Farcical stuff. We basically had a cop per person outside the stadium.

I took mine home and hung him on my Christmas tree. He looks great with that fluoro green vest. And when I turn his torch on he shines nice and bright.
As a moderate fan my blood boils when this hatred toward the game is driven by the media. The best thing we can do is tell people how great the game is and ask them to see for themselves. No need to preach, just invite them to a game and more people will become fans and see through the b.s.
So let me declare that I'm from an ethnic background and a big A-League fan but seriously (the 198) are a bunch of 12-16 yo DHs

Stop copying Europe and grow up you're all embarrassing yourselves!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So let me declare that I'm from an ethnic background and a big A-League fan but seriously (the 198) are a bunch of 12-16 yo DHs

Stop copying Europe and grow up you're all embarrassing yourselves!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Sad thing is, no-one wins out of this, and while I think A-League still has a bit of work to do (agree a bit of overkill with police) lot of supporters of the clubs participating have unfairly tarred with the same brush.

Wilson is a flog for what she did and 1111000% in the wrong but hearing about some of the banners, I think some of the supporters have missed the point.

By all means protest your right to have your name not published and your club unfairly dragged through the mud, but don't feel the slightest bit sorry for the flogs who got ejected.
Have any of the active groups or those named on the banned list thought about taking defamation action against Wilson and Jones. Jones' comparison of them to terrorists would be a pretty open and shut case surely.

The online version of the article has been taken down.

Some of the 18 banned have already proved themselves innocent. Hear that some of them may be taking on the telegraph for defamation.

Also Wilsin pulled photos from social media sites without getting permission. Not sure where that leaves her standing legally if someone takes issue with it.

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Have any of the active groups or those named on the banned list thought about taking defamation action against Wilson and Jones. Jones' comparison of them to terrorists would be a pretty open and shut case surely.

The guy who lost his job was actually approached by someone offering services - and information doing the rounds is that he wasn't even the cause of the article being taken off the website. That was caused by publishing information of a minor who has parents in a position to do something about it.

Take that information however you will though, I don't suggest for a minute that it's fact.

In any case, I doubt we'll ever see anything in a court room. Gutter papers like the Tele have budgets set aside for the express purpose of making issues like this go away.
The guy who lost his job was actually approached by someone offering services - and information doing the rounds is that he wasn't even the cause of the article being taken off the website. That was caused by publishing information of a minor who has parents in a position to do something about it.

Take that information however you will though, I don't suggest for a minute that it's fact.

In any case, I doubt we'll ever see anything in a court room. Gutter papers like the Tele have budgets set aside for the express purpose of making issues like this go away.

How about 2GB though. Very hard to make a radio show 'go away'
How about 2GB though. Very hard to make a radio show 'go away'

I suspect that the target demographic of the A League aren't the same people who listen to Alan Jones...

And unfortunately you can't sue for stupidity.
So it's still guilty until you can prove you're innocent. Love Bozza going hard for the fans.

Terrible process they currently have.
If someone's guilty, provide the evidence and then there's no grey areas.
Case closed.

How can fans provide evidence they didn't do it? Wear go pro's to matches?
Terrible process they currently have.
If someone's guilty, provide the evidence and then there's no grey areas.
Case closed.

How can fans provide evidence they didn't do it? Wear go pro's to matches?

I thought it was very funny that he kept talking about football fans being united.

They have been united against you and Gallop you hopeless campaigner!

I wish Bozza had included his post-match comments in the interview - he knows how stupid the notion of having to prove evidence his, but he got a bit caught up in yelling at de Bohen to make the point.

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Anti-Football Media/General Public and Police Thread!
