Bendigo FL discussion 2023

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I understand that league admin have a role to play but clubs need to take responsibility also

Of course but no one can deny the impact of Bendigo centric bias in the league.

There have literally been premierships won as a result of the administration advantaging clubs, not turning a blind eye but actually giving them gifts over the rest of the competition.
Of course but no one can deny the impact of Bendigo centric bias in the league.

There have literally been premierships won as a result of the administration advantaging clubs, not turning a blind eye but actually giving them gifts over the rest of the competition.
This conversation is getting old, Castlemaine has a population of 11,000 and growing quickly. Hardly a small town in comparison to other community towns in major leagues. Yes I know there are a lot of clubs in very close proximity but blaming Bendigo for all your problems will not fix anything.
This conversation is getting old, Castlemaine has a population of 11,000 and growing quickly. Hardly a small town in comparison to other community towns in major leagues. Yes I know there are a lot of clubs in very close proximity but blaming Bendigo for all your problems will not fix anything.

Not sure we are on the same page.

No one is blaming Bendigo for all their problems, there are multiple issues at play here.

One of them that is undeniable is the inherent bias towards Bendigo based clubs by a Bendigo based administration.

It manifests in lots of ways, we’ve discussed the lack of protection to junior programs at length already, then there’s a multitude of minor aspects to it like fixturing, umpiring appointments, geographic bias and so on.

Then there’s the things that are almost outright corruption like double standards being applied to the enforcement of payment of affiliation fees which saw at least one Bendigo club win a flag (and I suspect two) while effectively being subsidised by the league, in direct contrast to the treatment of another club in the same boat.

Lots of issues at play but one that is undeniable is a Bendigo bias in the region.
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Not sure we are on the same page.

No one is blaming Bendigo for all their problems, there are multiple issues at play here.

One of them that is undeniable is the inherent bias towards Bendigo based clubs by a Bendigo based administration.

It manifests in lots of ways, we’ve discussed the lack of protection to junior programs at length already, then there’s a multitude of minor aspects to it like fixturing, umpiring appointments, geographic bias and so on.

Then there’s the things that are almost outright corruption like double standards being applied to the enforcement of payment of affiliation fees which saw at least one Bendigo club win a flag (and I suspect two) while effectively being subsidised by the league, in direct contrast to the treatment of another club in the same boat.

Lots of issues at play but one that is undeniable is a Bendigo bias in the region.
Some clubs have made some inferior coaching decisions. The Kangaroo Flat debacle comes to mind. Historically some clubs such as Maryborough and Flat could get a coach with a better profile. The appointment of Hartley at Castlemaine is helping with their rejuvenation. IMO Flat needed to go big on a coach with a name. To not do due diligence in regards to coaching appointments is farcical.
Exactly kangaroo flat have largely being irrelevant for 20+ years, only when dekka was there in the early 2000s and when darryl was there mid 2000s. Other than that they have had either poor coaching appointments, poor recruiting and a poor board that have too much influence, that's not bendigo footy leagues problem, it's a self governing issue.

Even when they get a good coach like Flaz, there was no help to lure players and he got burnt out
Of course but no one can deny the impact of Bendigo centric bias in the league.

There have literally been premierships won as a result of the administration advantaging clubs, not turning a blind eye but actually giving them gifts over the rest of the competition.
Denials generally only come from those that get the benefits.
Some clubs have made some inferior coaching decisions. The Kangaroo Flat debacle comes to mind. Historically some clubs such as Maryborough and Flat could get a coach with a better profile. The appointment of Hartley at Castlemaine is helping with their rejuvenation. IMO Flat needed to go big on a coach with a name. To not do due diligence in regards to coaching appointments is farcical.

That’s true but it is also very difficult. I know Castlemaine have had years where they have made contact with over 100 potential candidates and not landed any.

The reality when you are down is people want higher pay to come and push you for a higher player budget as well. If you are not prepared to enter financial strife then they don’t take the job.

Castlemaine look to have made a good appointment now but I suspect the money they would be paying is likely not sustainable for more than a couple of years.

The only hope is a vast on field improvement makes the job more attractive for someone else but again the financial pressure will come because the local population cannot compete with a Bendigo team.
Of course but no one can deny the impact of Bendigo centric bias in the league.

There have literally been premierships won as a result of the administration advantaging clubs, not turning a blind eye but actually giving them gifts over the rest of the competition.
Which flags?
Which flags?

There’s at least two that I know for certain and I suspect at least one more in the 2000s, involving different clubs, where the premiers had not paid their full affiliation fees by the due date. The competition effectively gave them a subsidy which they likely used to fund players which helped them win the flag.

I’m not going to say specifics, it’s not the players issue and I’m not going to take away from their legacies. I’d be devastated if the flag I played in was smeared because of a committee action out of our control.
There’s at least two that I know for certain and I suspect at least one more in the 2000s, involving different clubs, where the premiers had not paid their full affiliation fees by the due date. The competition effectively gave them a subsidy which they likely used to fund players which helped them win the flag.

I’m not going to say specifics, it’s not the players issue and I’m not going to take away from their legacies. I’d be devastated if the flag I played in was smeared because of a committee action out of our control.
These rumours that are based on never produced text messages and full of constant suggestions we are about to hear more about it are a bit tiresome to be honest.

Surely it can’t be too hard to offer some evidence if it is true.

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Not even remotely similar.

I’m talking about something that has already occurred, it’s not some rumour about to break or something that may or may not happen.

It caused a split in the board at the time, has been the subject of letters from clubs and I have personally discussed it with at least two board members, the CEO at the time and a couple of other club Presidents.

If it is news to anyone I suspect it would be because they probably aren’t that connected to the clubs in the league or weren’t then.
Not even remotely similar.

I’m talking about something that has already occurred, it’s not some rumour about to break or something that may or may not happen.

It caused a split in the board at the time, has been the subject of letters from clubs and I have personally discussed it with at least two board members, the CEO at the time and a couple of other club Presidents.

If it is news to anyone I suspect it would be because they probably aren’t that connected to the clubs in the league or weren’t then.
So widely known you can't say?

As you said. If it's true it can't be to hard to offer up evidence.
Add Luke Webb to the list of departures from Strath. Gone back to Geelong. Big outlay in 2023 just to get 1 season out of him.
Not even remotely similar.

I’m talking about something that has already occurred, it’s not some rumour about to break or something that may or may not happen.

It caused a split in the board at the time, has been the subject of letters from clubs and I have personally discussed it with at least two board members, the CEO at the time and a couple of other club Presidents.

If it is news to anyone I suspect it would be because they probably aren’t that connected to the clubs in the league or weren’t then.
OK Forest, for once lets get to the bottom of this stuff.

1. Did the clubs end up paying their affiliation fees in full, albeit late, or were the outstanding amounts totally waived? (MASSIVE DIFFERENCE)
2. The 2000's cover a fair period. Was this done recently and approved by current board members.
3. If it has been the subject of letters involving club Presidents, the Board CEO and Board members as you state you can tell us the years and the clubs involved. After all, they discussed it with you and I take it you were not a club official at the time.
I'm still waiting for the so-called ticking timebomb that slurred both the Pioneers and Strath coaches from Crazy.....
Careful Ringo. All I said is the league was not what is was and found myself working for the Advertiser and being a BFNL Board Member. God knows what will be said about you for the above comments. As for Roota, he is probably a dead man walking.
OK Forest, for once lets get to the bottom of this stuff.

1. Did the clubs end up paying their affiliation fees in full, albeit late, or were the outstanding amounts totally waived? (MASSIVE DIFFERENCE)
2. The 2000's cover a fair period. Was this done recently and approved by current board members.
3. If it has been the subject of letters involving club Presidents, the Board CEO and Board members as you state you can tell us the years and the clubs involved. After all, they discussed it with you and I take it you were not a club official at the time.

Yes fees were ultimately paid in full after the Grand Final was won.

When and who isn’t particularly relevant other than it was pre salary cap days so the situation was effectively the league giving a loan to one club, which meant they had more money to pay players.

The real point of what I’m saying is the decision was made by a handful of people and wasn’t disclosed to the board in full until after the fact. The relevant bylaws were not followed. It was a mates helping out mates decision.

Then there was the contrast when Kyneton was in the same boat and were told to pay up or not be welcome in the league.

Getting back to the original point, it’s just a good example of Bendigo biased administration helping Bendigo teams and hindering those outside.

People can believe it or not, I’m happy to let other things I’ve previously posted about the inner sanctum of the administration determine my credibility.

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