List Mgmt. Best 22 for 2014 + structures and strategies

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Well, I am on the other side of the fence. I don't know much about Butler but I can answer any Ellis questions if you like. I was a big fan of Ellis and hope he does well with you guys.

Ellis in a nutshell -
The Good -
  • Great football brain
  • He has very good delivery and when he strings games together is a very good user of the ball over 35 to 50 meters or shorter.
  • Great leadership qualities
  • Hard at the ball
The Bad -
  • His body struggles to handle his intent on the ball
  • Will take time to get touch and that will effect his decision making and possibly give off the idea he has poor delivery skills.
  • Is an inside mid with an outside mids body
  • Durability to last a game - It really cost us on a few key occasions.
  • Not overly quick but not a slug either

Thanks for your thoughts. Hopefully his body holds up enough to show what he can do.

Here is my assessment of ex-Eagles Spangher for you:

The Good -
  • beard
  • hair
  • tenacity
  • excellent bloke
The Bad -
  • n/a
sorry for barging in, hoping you can help me on my best 22 for your club:

B Smith Glass Schofield
HB Yeo MacKenzie Hurn
C Wellingham Selwood Masten
HF Hill Darling Ellis
F Lecras Cox Kennedy
R NicNat Priddis Shuey
I/C Rosa Hutchings Gaff
SUB Cripps

normally waters would take smiths spot, but i'm not hopefull for much football from him. wasnt sure about the bench, so really guessed the bench and smith

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sorry for barging in, hoping you can help me on my best 22 for your club:

B Smith Glass Schofield
HB Yeo MacKenzie Hurn
C Wellingham Selwood Masten
HF Hill Darling Ellis
F Lecras Cox Kennedy
R NicNat Priddis Shuey
I/C Rosa Hutchings Gaff
SUB Cripps

normally waters would take smiths spot, but i'm not hopefull for much football from him. wasnt sure about the bench, so really guessed the bench and smith

That's pretty close IMO. Here is my best 22 and a few notes on potentially undecided positions:

Butler Mackenzie Glass
Yeo Schofield Hurn
Rosa Selwood Gaff
Masten Darling Hill
LeCras Kennedy Cox

Naitanui Priddis Shuey

I: Wellingham Ellis Hutchings
S: Sheed

  • I think Ellis has been earmarked for a half-back role
  • I think the following guys are fighting it out for the last two spots in defence: Brown, Schofield, Butler, Carter, Smith, Sheppard, Bennell, McGinnity, Brennan
  • I think the following players are fighting it out for the last bench spot (which will be for a mid or fwd) and the sub spot: Hutchings, Sheed, Cripps, Sheppard, McGinnity, Lycett, Tunbridge
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A couple of factors which work against Butler being a defensive half forward is that, firstly, he lacks toe to chase well and thus put pressure on. Secondly, he isn't one to throw himself around like a human wrecking ball, as McGinnity does. That's not to say Butler can't play that role, but just that he isn't as suited as another may be who more naturally has those traits to his game. Besides, Butler is a classy player. Why waste him in a role that requires self-sacrifice of one's style of game? DHF is foreign to Butler, and there's a better role elsewhere for his skill-set.

Agree Butler isn't super fast and is no Waters / McGinnity in putting on big hits however he isn't slow either and does chase and tackle with determination. One chase and tackle I remember fondly is when he chased down Barry Hall from behind and with a swinging arm dumped Hall hard into the turf just as he was about to kick. Hall wasn't happy at all, Butts quickly handballed and trotted off for a rest on the bench. Was very funny at the time.

Butler doesn't look like he has the body to run through the midfield rotations, that's why he went to the backline. If he's to play another position other than back it will need to be forward and with the defensive skills he's developed over the last 2>3 years. I could see him as being effective as a defensive half forward with good foot skills, e knows how to read the play and doesn't shirk backing into packs to take a mark. I think he'd be good in a forward press set up and with ball in hand hit targets over 15> 25m kicking inside our forward 50.
Exactly where did I rate him as highly as Judd?

Another quality post, and unfortunately that's starting to get predictable from you.

I'm interested in seeing if you actually have an opinion or do you just post meaningless comments that add nothing other than background noise?

lol again. I've posted 6 times in 8 weeks. I must have left an impression.

Judd averages 0.8 goals per game and you think Butler ill average 1 per game?

That is rating him as high if not higher than Judd is it not?

Or do you just dispense opinions based on nothing but opinions?
One thing I find interesting, can be taken with a grain of salt.

But according to Champion Data, West Coast are the only team to not have a Dual Position Player, i.e. A player recognised as being a MID/FWD etc.
Now the reality is we do obviously have players that play multiple roles, but I believe that CD works that out based on time spent in certain areas of the ground and where possessions are taken etc.

I think this could be one of the reason's why Simpson was keep to get the players into different roles and it hadn't been done much in previous years.

Just thought it was interesting.
Agree Butler isn't super fast and is no Waters / McGinnity in putting on big hits however he isn't slow either and does chase and tackle with determination. One chase and tackle I remember fondly is when he chased down Barry Hall from behind and with a swinging arm dumped Hall hard into the turf just as he was about to kick. Hall wasn't happy at all, Butts quickly handballed and trotted off for a rest on the bench. Was very funny at the time.
Great post, Fridgie. I love the way you use your words.
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I'd personally like him to play as our defensive half forward as he would set up a couple of goals each week and most likely average a goal a game.

Judd averages 0.8 goals per game and you think Butler ill average 1 per game?

That is rating him as high if not higher than Judd is it not?

How, in the name of all that is holy, is saying Butler would average a goal a game as a defensive forward rating him higher than Judd?

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Agree Butler isn't super fast and is no Waters / McGinnity in putting on big hits however he isn't slow either and does chase and tackle with determination. One chase and tackle I remember fondly is when he chased down Barry Hall from behind and with a swinging arm dumped Hall hard into the turf just as he was about to kick. Hall wasn't happy at all, Butts quickly handballed and trotted off for a rest on the bench. Was very funny at the time.

Butler doesn't look like he has the body to run through the midfield rotations, that's why he went to the backline. If he's to play another position other than back it will need to be forward and with the defensive skills he's developed over the last 2>3 years. I could see him as being effective as a defensive half forward with good foot skills, e knows how to read the play and doesn't shirk backing into packs to take a mark. I think he'd be good in a forward press set up and with ball in hand hit targets over 15> 25m kicking inside our forward 50.

Butler has perma-calf issues. It's a big reason as to why he's out injured so often. To have someone with this known issue in a role that heightens the probability of this issue's recurrence isn't the smart way to manage him.

Every player on the field barring lumbering ruckmen and KPP's should be able to run down Barry Hall. Barry Hall types aren't going to be the one's hurting the Eagles with their run from defense and the setting up of goal scoring plays. It's the Yarran and Motlop types that Butler is going to struggle to keep up with. That's my concern with his lack of toe. I'd even prefer Smith to Butler as a defensive half forward, for Smith has proven to have speed to go with the quick smalls. A singular purpose may also help Smith's game, too, insofar as limiting his drifting in and out of games.
Some potential lineups for round 1. Some interesting potential match-ups.

FB: Butler(187) Glass(192) Yeo(189)
FF: Dickson(183) Campbell(201) Dhalhaus(178)

HB: Hurn(187) Mackenzie(196) Schofield(196)
HF: Hunter(181) Jones(197) Crameri(190)

C: Rosa(191) Priddis(185) Gaff(181)
C: Cooney(185) Wallis(185) Boyd(184)

HF: Masten(179) Darling(191) Hill(185)
HB: Johanissen(178) Morris(190) Wood(186)

FF: LeCras(183) Kennedy(196) Cox(203)
B: Goodes(183) Roughead(200) Talia(195)

R: Naitanui(201) Selwood(186) Shuey(183)
R: Minson(198) Griffen(188) Liberatore(181)

I: Wellingham(185) Ellis(187) Hutchings(181)
I: Picken(183) Stevens(187) Hrovat(174)

S: Sheed(185)
S: Gia(182)
Some potential lineups for round 1. Some interesting potential match-ups.

FB: Butler(187) Glass(192) Yeo(189)
FF: Dickson(183) Campbell(201) Dhalhaus(178)

HB: Hurn(187) Mackenzie(196) Schofield(196)
HF: Hunter(181) Jones(197) Crameri(190)

C: Rosa(191) Priddis(185) Gaff(181)
C: Cooney(185) Wallis(185) Boyd(184)

HF: Masten(179) Darling(191) Hill(185)
HB: Johanissen(178) Morris(190) Wood(186)

FF: LeCras(183) Kennedy(196) Cox(203)
B: Goodes(183) Roughead(200) Talia(195)

R: Naitanui(201) Selwood(186) Shuey(183)
R: Minson(198) Griffen(188) Liberatore(181)

I: Wellingham(185) Ellis(187) Hutchings(181)
I: Picken(183) Stevens(187) Hrovat(174)

S: Sheed(185)
S: Gia(182)

Saw on the news this morning that Boyd is out for 8 weeks, lucky us :thumbsu:
Good player Murphy.

Just curious who you think will line up in round 1?
It's really difficult to pick who will play in Rd1 for us there is a lot of Competition for Spots especially at Half Back with Fuller/Darley/Johannisen/Goodes/Pearce/Wood/Howard all gunning for the 2 Half Back Spots

This is Pre-NAB Cup and it will change massively and I'm not convinced Tom Williams (Transitioning from Rehab to Full Contact) and Shaun Higgins (Hasn't started Full Training Yet, But will start Sunday) will be ready to go

(FB) Goodes Roughead Morris

(HB) Johannison Talia Cooney

(C) Wallis Griffen Macrae

(HF) Stringer Campbell Dahlhaus

(FF) Crameri Jones Dickson

(F) Minson Boyd Liberatore

(I) Stevens Hrovat Picken (S) Giansiracusa

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List Mgmt. Best 22 for 2014 + structures and strategies

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