Best Under 18 Players In Wrfl And Bfl

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mate were you watchin the same game........... it was the sc*m from the sh** farm who were throwing punchs from behind......... cowards and gouging eyes thats just takin it to a whole new level and the coach was'nt tellin them to fight he was tellin them to protect there mates from the sc** called werribee.......your mates were gouging eyes when colts players were goin the footy........... yeah the colts throw more punchs and finished the fights cause werribee r cowards and ran to the bench and hid like girls wake up you g o o s e
Footy dill, u lying idiot. Do u seem to forget that before all the fights started it was port that had kicked the last 3 goals of the game and there scoreline was actully 6.2.38. And talking about king hits from behind, did you forget about the first quarter when some hero from werribee grabbed a colts player form behind and kinged him. Oh thats right u got there at half time. Or in the 3rd when ur player eye gauged a member from the port team then 3 outed him, thats what started the fight.

But to true werribee fashion they claimed that they were the victims and have already started winging to the wrfl trying to claim the points that they truely do not deserve.

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at least someone knows what happened.......... wa it bellingham they eye gouged ? who ever it was got the cowards back anyway and like all mates should tha colts boys stuck fat and backed each other to the end and didint run away
i was at the game and it was some scum bag werribee player who attacked the port player when he was down. All the colts boys did was back there mates up and werribee were set backed by that and this forced a couple of there players to run to there bench and hide behind there coach. At least 4 werribee blokes come out of the fight with blood streaming from there face were as alot of the port kids just had scratches from the rats. The coach wasnt telling them to fight he was just telling his kids to back up there mates and thats was the colts boys did and werribee stood down and s.hi.t themselves.
Bring back the biff!

Anyway I remember in B Division it was Port Colts that started a lot of fights. Numerous times did they forget about the footy, and aimed for the man. They tried it against Wyndhamvale to no avail, as the Vales were harder at it and dont mind a bit of biff, putting up a good game aswell.

I didn't see the game yesterday, but i did see one of my best mates, a Werribee A player after the game after he got king hit and ganged up on by 4 Colts players. And he has a cut lip, 2 black eyes, a gash in his cheek and all from the Colts. Theres one thing to be pysically dominant, but Port took it too far.
Falcon said:
Bring back the biff!

Anyway I remember in B Division it was Port Colts that started a lot of fights. Numerous times did they forget about the footy, and aimed for the man. They tried it against Wyndhamvale to no avail, as the Vales were harder at it and dont mind a bit of biff, putting up a good game aswell.

I didn't see the game yesterday, but i did see one of my best mates, a Werribee A player after the game after he got king hit and ganged up on by 4 Colts players. And he has a cut lip, 2 black eyes, a gash in his cheek and all from the Colts. Theres one thing to be pysically dominant, but Port took it too far.
There are two sides to every story.Yes im from the colts but was not at the game i heard that werribee were dominating the game and then tried the physical stuff also im sure there were players from both sides starting little skirmishes and eventually it escalted and no one backed down,
So for the werribee boys to get on hear and starting pointing the finger is weak as they should be man enough to take some responsability for what has happened, to blame others is like lagging little dogs.
How far ahead are we looking? I see my nephew's team play a fair bit of WRFL under 10s and I know it's a BIG call but a few of those kids looks a class above. Not a body size or age type of gap.... just an awareness & skill thing, dong one percenters, bringing team mates into it, and a bit of polish... and I think any kid who is BOG every friggen week has to have something... regardless of the age group.
ROCK07 said:
There are two sides to every story.Yes im from the colts but was not at the game i heard that werribee were dominating the game and then tried the physical stuff also im sure there were players from both sides starting little skirmishes and eventually it escalted and no one backed down,
So for the werribee boys to get on hear and starting pointing the finger is weak as they should be man enough to take some responsability for what has happened, to blame others is like lagging little dogs.

I think u have summed this up very well ROCK07. Lets not forget it takes two to tango. Sounds like it got a bit willing a few punches thrown by BOTH SIDES so lets get over it.
what about the 4 werribee players that ganged up on a port player when he was down and all got flogged or did they forget to tell you that..... i agree both sides started so called spotfires but it was werribee that started the bushfire they couldnt control......
ahahaha u port fans and players r a joke!
firstly.. port did kick the last 3 goals, ALL FREE KICKS IN THE GOALSQUARE after the fights were occuring.

to say werribee started the fights is a fukn joke. we were up by 14 goals and wanted to kick their arse's! they were no good, and couldnt hack lossing by an outrageous margain so they just startd throwing dirty's!

we had the game in control the whole way through. Our coach didn't encourage us to fight, infact he was saying to us at quarter time and half time to keep away from there **** and play footy, but if our players get king hit stick up for them.. Nathan Schroder a 15 year old on the werribee side, was struck apon by 3 or 4 players.
I witnessed a teammate johhny hervern get smacked right from behind.. and for u leno 2 say the werribee boys **** themselves and magna ran 2 the bench ur a fukn goose!

ahhh fu|< YA'S!

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the_footy_god said:
Werribee Vs Port Melbourne was an absoloute outrage yesterday, I got to the game at half time seeing the scoreboard at 11.5.71 - 2.0.12, thought that Werribee was going to murder them. Until The Colts came out like absoloute dogs, trying to start fights with anything and doing cheap short king hits. The score was 17.9.115 - 3.2.20 half way through the third term when Port desided that the game wasn't there's!

The colts only through punches from behind and could have only be seen to have been WEAK! the team short be fined, their coach who was encouraging the fighting and telling his players to fight should never be aloud to coach again, because, 1. Port colts will always be the scum of the competition and always be known as fighters if idiots keep bringing the next generations of players up 2.Because that's all he wanted to see after he knew Werribee were too good FIGHT!.

A few players who will not be named from Port will be reported and seen at the tribuneral this week to disguse their behaviour and to be told how weak they were to punch from behind!
In the words of Sam Newman "You Idiot!". Just wondering if the Tribuneral is the same thing as the Tribunal? And what are cheap short king hits? I wouldn't be calling anyone an "idiot" if I were you mate! Stop being a was an all in by the sounds of it, you were probably the bloke that called the coppers!
WRFLfan said:
Footytwinkle if you seen one of your mates hit did you just watch???????????

we had our coach and runners getting players outta there cos port kept king hitting. we got like 4 players that got fukt up
footystar_ said:
we had our coach and runners getting players outta there cos port kept king hitting. we got like 4 players that got fukt up
Stop your friggin sooking..get over it, it's happened, you're only making it worse by mouthing off about it on here.
this nathaen whatever shouldnt have tried to be a hero and sneak blokes then he copt his right wack........
it has always been the same werribee r cowards they start trouble then cant back it up
Constipated Duck said:
How far ahead are we looking? I see my nephew's team play a fair bit of WRFL under 10s and I know it's a BIG call but a few of those kids looks a class above. Not a body size or age type of gap.... just an awareness & skill thing, dong one percenters, bringing team mates into it, and a bit of polish... and I think any kid who is BOG every friggen week has to have something... regardless of the age group.

Name, age, club, address. We'll get Western Scout Officer onto the case. !!!!!!!!!
9 Years old, doing 1 percenters, BOG every week in the Under 10 WRFL comp, f%*k must be a superstar and only 9 years old.!!!!!!

You should probably talk to your club administrator and get him a paid contract for next season as he will play for premiership points in the Under 11's. Maybe an incentive based contract with free membership, shorts (home and away), socks and no match day subs. Maybe $5 bucks a goal.????????????. Are other clubs poaching him yet????
I'm tipping your a tosser.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the kid enjoy his football as the member of a football TEAM and stop blowing WIND up his a r s e (about how good he is as an individual) cos you are probably a case of ugly parent (uncle) syndrome waiting to happen.

Mate get a life!!!!!!!
R U sure said:
this nathaen whatever shouldnt have tried to be a hero and sneak blokes then he copt his right wack........
it has always been the same werribee r cowards they start trouble then cant back it up

He said, she said, it could go on all day boys, so let's finish it here!!!!!

I'm sure a few Colts boys copped a few and gave a few and l would also say that Werribee gave a few and copped a few. Would everyone agree??

At the end of the day, a game of footy is won on the scoreboard and it looks like Werribee had it under control very comfortably so let's leave it at that. That is why Werribee will win the flag in the Under 18's by 5 goals plus.

Big difference between Under 18A comp and Under 18B comp. It is great to see the colts boys in A grade comp but must remember Werribee are a proven A grade side in 12, 14, 16 and 18 comps. they are successful year in and year out and most other junior clubs in the WRFL strive to be as successful as them. Fists away boys and lets just play footy

ps. I am a supporter of neither club
Name, age, club, address. We'll get Western Scout Officer onto the case. !!!!!!!!!
9 Years old, doing 1 percenters, BOG every week in the Under 10 WRFL comp, f%*k must be a superstar and only 9 years old.!!!!!!

You should probably talk to your club administrator and get him a paid contract for next season as he will play for premiership points in the Under 11's. Maybe an incentive based contract with free membership, shorts (home and away), socks and no match day subs. Maybe $5 bucks a goal.????????????. Are other clubs poaching him yet????
I'm tipping your a tosser.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the kid enjoy his football as the member of a football TEAM and stop blowing WIND up his a r s e (about how good he is as an individual) cos you are probably a case of ugly parent (uncle) syndrome waiting to happen.

Mate get a life!!!!!!!

Thank you for psycho-analysing me from behind your keyboard. Your assessment is crucial to how I approach life.

I posted it as a legitimate question. It was the bit where I asked "how far ahead are we looking?" - perhaps your comprehension skills aren't too flash. It would have served more purpose to answer the question by telling me at what age scouts DO start looking. Unless you don't know, in which case your post is irrelevant and pointless.

If you find it so unbelievable that even some younger kids can be a cut above, then maybe making comparisons is not your strong point.

And it was not my nephew I had in mind, nor do I have any contact with any of the kids other than my nephew. I don't yell out over the fence, and don't give my nephew advice unless he asks. Blows your theory about "ugly relative" out of the water I guess.

It sounds like the wind that's being blown up someone's backside is you blowing it up your own. Your exaggerated sense of self-importance does not befit someone who lacks comprehension skills and loses the plot so easily at the sight of of a four-line post on an internet forum.
footystar_ said:
we had our coach and runners getting players outta there cos port kept king hitting. we got like 4 players that got fukt up
spoke to people from both sides and from what i was told it was the werribee players that started the all in when one of the colts players was eye gouged after disposing of the ball which sounds like a real tough act and then they got a bit of a touch up from the colts boys so dont get on here and start having a sook about things it just sounds like the werribee boys started something that they couldnt finish.
buddha said:
spoke to people from both sides and from what i was told it was the werribee players that started the all in when one of the colts players was eye gouged after disposing of the ball which sounds like a real tough act and then they got a bit of a touch up from the colts boys so dont get on here and start having a sook about things it just sounds like the werribee boys started something that they couldnt finish.

u talk sh it mate! I know for a fact u didn't talk to both clubs, because if they both told u the same story ur just talking sh it buddy! I know not 1 werribee player would have said that we started it, we were up by 15 goals for fcuuk sake, we didnt need these port fuks ruining the game for us.

neways ahh which club has the rep for fighting...

ahh *** ya!
cmat26 said:
Having watched Colts Vs Altona a few weeks ago, I'd have to say that Altona were just as "dirty" as Port, if not a little more. My point being, this whole stereotype about Colts being thugs, dirty etc... etc... is rubbish.

This is typical Werribee.

I remember a few years back when they beat us in a U16A Prelim. It wasn't enough that they beat us, but they had to rub it in, knowing full-well what the repercussions of their actions would be. But they did it anyways and again whinged about the end result.

So thats two fights they have started now and got whooped in. Anyway, when it comes to the games that matter, Werribee will be nowhere. Mark my words, they won't even play off in the Grand Final.
Why is arent any of your mates on here helping you blonk seem like a loyal bunch, are you one of the blokkes that got flogged or are one that was eye gougeing blikes from behind l know if my team was going to play your team in the finals what the best way to beat you would be.
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