Actually, having had peek though your posting on this topic, you're the direct opposite to type of poster that I was referring to. Obviously, I wasn't actually suggesting that there would be any likelihood of 40 man lists swapping jumpers en-masse in October. I posed the question because many of your posting brethren would not make the same choice that you would.
The question isn't pointless. It provides a position at which we can assess the poster. As an example, do think that Gibbs would be our second best mid or that Lever wouldn't get a gig in your backline? Do you think that Brisbane will let Rocky go at band 2 compo for $700k per year when they have the first pick in the PSD? Many Carlton posters wouldn't think Lever depth, Gibbs our second best and Rocky a certainty for zippo via RFA.
Are you actually Reid or Roo? Why do you care so much about forum posters opinions? It doesn't reflect on the negotiations themselves.